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"Maybe a miscarriage"? "No? But it was coming from your wrist." "Was it though? It could've been scars that were from the past and just. Are like that." He thought then called a doctor down to see if we still have the baby. I've been crying at the idea of a miscarriage. "Well Max. Its gone. And if we take it out now you have the possibility of dying. So you might have to just give birth to it." "I can't have a dead fetus in me for 9 months". "We'll try to do our best of not killing you." "Please do." I cried and cried over the baby that I barely wanted. But it was my life no matter how long I knew I had it for. It was my baby. I lost it forever. It's never coming back. My child. "I want it out now". "Mrs Biersack this isn--" "now". "Andrew. If you can please wait in the waiting room this is going to be messy and it's going to take a long time." He left.

Andy's pov

Its been about 6 hours in the waiting room and I'm scared she won't make it. I'm crying and crying and crying just wanting her to be okay. I love her and I couldn't stand losing her. Soon a doctor came out "Mr Biersack. Come in and see her" I get up and see my fiancé sleeping there as I lightly touch her stomach still crying. After 39 minutes I see her eyes open and I smile "Max!" She doesn't say anything the only thing she shows is sadness. After a few days at the hospital we go home. She hasn't talked to me at all. We get home and she goes into the spare bedroom and sleeps. I try to get in but it's locked. I gave up after awhile and start watching Batman to see if she would come out. She didn't. I heard the shower turn on and faint sobs over the showers running water.

A few months later

Nothing has happened she hasn't spoke she has barely eaten and I'm worried.

Max's pov


I woke up in my normal house then walking out of the room "ANDY"? I see everything we own together if gone. The pictures of us everything he owns is gone. I look on my hands and the ring is gone to. My knees feel weakened. I start crying a lot. "ANDY DON'T LEAVE ME"

*end of dream*

I wake up from that nightmare and run to Andy "please Andy. Never leave me I love you so much." "I would never leave you. I love you way to much to even think about it".


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