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"Well Max. Your pregnant" "what"? Andy said his eyes wide."she is pregnant". After a talk with the doctor we left the building and drove home Andy looking angry. "Andy. I'm sorry." I whispered he didn't answer. I went on my phone and texted Phil and Dan in the group chat "guys were back in the states" "YAY" "but one thing. I'm pregnant and Andy's ignoring me" "shit girl." "Yeah." "Hey we'll pick you up at 10" "what?" "You heard Dan Max " "not really." "Shut up" "anyway I have to go bye" "bye" "cya" we got out of the car and he slammed the door before I could get in. I slowly opened the door and walked into the room walking past Andy which was in the kitchen. I cried in bed not wanting to be pregnant and didn't want it. Maybe I'm not. Maybe it was something else. I walked out of the room and sat next to Andy "Andy. Why are you so mad?" "CAUSE I DON'T WANT A FUCKING KID DAMNIT" "neither do I but it's our kid and I'm going to love it even if you don't". I stood up and went to the bathroom and hopped in the shower

Andy's pov

I can't believe she's pregnant. I can't handle kids. I don't know what to do. Do I break up with her? Do I-- I don't know. Suddenly I hear a loud thud from the bathroom. I run there and go into the shower clothed feeling the boiling hot water on my back and coming out of her wrists was blood. Nothing but blood. I took her limp body into the car and drove to the hospital. I got there and held her bridalstyle and told the person at the front desk "HELP MY FIANCÉ IS PREGNANT AND BLEEDING A LOT" "okay" people come over and put her on a bed thing and I see her being rolled away.

Max's pov

I woke up to see Dan Phil and.. Andy. I look over to Dan "what happened" "you bled out" I didn't ask Andy cause he caused this all. Then Dan and Phil left the room "why Max?" "I know. I'm not good enough you can break up with me now. I started taking off the ring "no no no no. I love you so much." "Andy. I don't think it was from me cutting. I think I've been pregnant for awhile and didn't treat it right and. Had a miscarriage."

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