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I looked into Alexx's dark brown eyes and kissed her. I played with her long baby blue hair and looked up at her. She looked down at me and kissed me "your adorable Max". I smile at her and nuzzle her chest. "I love your blue hair your brown eyes." She kisses my neck and I lift my hands around her neck and hers around my waist. I turn on black veil brides. Yeah it's Andy but it's still a good band. I change it to rebel love song. She noticed and sang along to the song. "You know black veil brides?" "Um yes!" "I dated Andy in high school" "if I were straight I would date him. well love I would like him but I'm lesbian." "My lesbian though" she kisses me and I got a text from Andy. 'Hey beautiful' "who is that?" "Andy" "okay goals."hehe". "So Maxy. Wanna go out?" "YES QUEENNNNN" "ALRIGHT LETS GOOOOO"!!!

We finally get here

Alexx and I run straight to the bar (they went to a bar to go out) "hey is smoking aloud in here"? Alexx with her cute voice asked the bartender. "No it's not you smoke outside not in here." She whispered to me "fucking bitch". I giggled at that and kissed her "ewwww faggots" I was about to go beat the shit out of the person then realized it was Josh fooling around "shut up fucker"! I slightly push him off. "Max who's this"? "Oh my best friend Josh Dun we met in high school." "Hey" "hi I'm Alexx" "nice!" "So Joshua how's Tyler and Jenna?" "Uhm fine." "Alright?" "Who did you come here with or are you alone?" "Came here with Andy" he points to him hitting on a girl then getting rejected "haha" Andy walks over "Hey Max. I wanted to ask when I kissed your forehead the other day why did you run off?" "I don't know" "Max you kissed him?" "NO he kissed my forehead before I saw you" "oh. Okay then". God is she gonna be like this? She's been weird. "So Max wanna dance?" "Sure Josh" we head to the music and started to dance together and Andy looked jealous of Josh? Not sure why... "Max." "Josh?" He looked over to Andy and Andy looked at him as if he knew what he was gonna say. "Max. I really like you." I stopped dancing and looked at him "Josh I'm with someone..." "Well shit. Okay let's make a deal. If we're both single by the time we're 40 then can we" "yes Joshua Dun" his smile grew across his face. I didn't know he liked me..

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