Forced and Broken

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After Josh and I stopped dancing the four of us went to my house. When we got there we all hung out in the living room "I'm going to go shower be right back" I walk into the bathroom and turn on the water while taking off my clothing I look at my scars that Alexx didn't know about I sigh and get into the shower. I got myself wet a bit then started washing my pink hair. Then I washed it out and feel hands wrap around me. It wasn't Alexx's smol hands they were bigger hands then hers I slowly turn around and see Andy "ANDREW. WHAT THE FUCK" "I took my chance" "I AM DATING ALEXX AND I LOVE HER" I scream trying to block out my parts. "Cmon Max it's nothing I haven't seen before. Plus I know you still have feeling for me". But I didn't know he knew. He pinned me against the wall and kissed my neck "A-A-Andy stop I don't love". "Yes you do." He reached down to my lower area. "See" "we're in the damn shower of coarse that's what happens bodies get wet." I looked him in the eyes with anger. But he must have mistaking it for lust cause he moved himself into me "ANDY THIS IS FUCKING RAPE" " no it's not" it was true it wasn't rape but still. Then I heard the bathroom door opening. "Alexx?" I whine as he slowly goes into me again "Max what are you doing?" She opened then shower curtain and gasped "M-Max"? "ALEXX NO HE'S DOING THIS I DID NO--" she started to cry and I tried to get away from Andy but he wouldn't let me. "ALEXX NO"! she raced through the front door and I yelled at Andy "WHY DID YOU DO THIS. WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?" "Cause I love you" "YOU HAVE A TWISTED WAY TO SAY THAT HUH ANDREW" I finally got away from him and wrapped myself in a towel and ran after Alexx. "Alexx. He forced himself on me." "Max I know why everyone has left you. CAUSE YOU AND ANDY ARE TO CLOSE AND YOU FALL TO FAST AND LOVE TO EASY. YOU COULD'VE DATED A MURDERER! CAUSE YOU ARE DESPERATE. THATS WHY TYLER CHEATED ON YOU AND THATS WHY YOU WERE HURT AS A TEENAGER! FACE IT YOU ARE A LOVE SICK PUPPY.  YOU LET ANDY 'RAPE' YOU CAUSE YOU JUST NEED HIM. YOU LET DOWN JOSH TYLER AND ME GOODBYE MAX RAVEN"! Those words stabbed through me like a dagger. But it was all true. I love to easy I fall to fast I was cheated on cause I'm an awful person and my teenage years were shit cause all the things she named. I walked home Andy was still there... "She right." "Who's right?" "Alexx" I told him everything she told me and hugged me tight and kissed me. "Cmon this isn't moving fast. And I learned from my mistakes he kissed me again and I kissed him back. "Max I've missed you in my life so damn much." "I've missed you to Andy".

Sorry if you don't like smut and for Any of my fics with smut. Alexx is now a bitch.

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