Valentines party

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I was smoking talking to Andy and suddenly my phone buzzed. I look at my phone to see why it buzzed and look at the conversation with Dan and Phil reading. 'Dan: MAXXXXXXXXXX' Phil: Dan chill' 'Dan: MAXXXXX' Fucking idiot. I smile and text 'DANNNNNNNNNNN' Andy looks at me confused as he puffs smoke in my face and smiles. I smile back (I almost spelled smal;-;) "Your smiles the cutest thing" "I beg to differ Biersack" "your just cute in general Max" I roll my eyes and see Dan texted back 'COME TO OUR VALENTINES DAY PARTY WITH ANDY' I look up at Andy for a second then back at my phone 'where is the party at?' Phil: our house. Me: I'll ask Andy. "Andy baby" "yes"? "Can we go to Phil and Dan's valentines party tonight"? "What time is it at"? Me: what time is it at? Phil: 7 "seven". "Okay then yeah we can" me: WE'RE GOING Dan: YAY! I'm smiling unintentionally and Andy looks at me and smiles back.


I looked at her beautiful smile that she hated and smiled back.


I banged my fist against the wall as a single tear came down my face then after another and another. Soon enough I was full on crying. I missed her so much I couldn't bare it. But I knew her heart didn't belong to me but someone else. Tyler. I wiped away the tears and went to the kitchen to get vodka and just chugged it. The burning taste of pure vodka running down my throat and on my tounge. But tonight she's going to have to face it. Tyler has to tell her he's cheating. He has to.

*end of flashback*

We arrived at Dan and Phil's apartment and it was actually pretty big. For an apartment that is. We walk into their apartment and already some people are here. I see Dan walk up to us and hug Max. "Hey Dan"! "Hey Max! Thanks for coming". We were talking with Dan and Phil for about half an hour before someone I dreaded to see walked into the room. Well okay so awhile back I was really desperate.. actually let me explain with a flashback


The intoxicating taste of my drink swormed around my body as this was my 5th tonight. Then a girl walked up to me. A well. Pretty female. But could never beat Max. "Hello"! I heard her I guess raspy voice but not to raspy talk to me "h-hi" "hehe hi. I'm Juliet." "I'm Andy" after our long talk I drunk kissed her. I was desperate for the kiss of another person. So I did it. I kissed her.

*end of flashback*

I panicked. I didn't know what to do! So I just kissed Max mid sentence. She kissed back thankfully. Juliet looked at her and then me. Later I found out she didn't come alone but with a boyfriend. Her boyfriend was checking out Max the whole time it felt like ever so often I was either move her closer to me or close to her. Eventually me getting close to her made her spill her drink all over her chest. "Damnit Andy! I'm going to go wash this off". I followed her into the bathroom and watched her dry off her amazing chest that belonged to me. Her chest was wet from the drink that I spilled on her and damn. I bit my lip and stared at her beautiful body she hated so much and smirked. All of a sudden I feel my pants getting tight. Damnit! What does this girl do to me? I groaned and she looked at me not noticing my hard. She looked back into the mirror that showed off her face and I snuck behind her rubbing my length against her back seeing her bite her lip made it worse. I whispered in her ear "I would want to bite that lip too".

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