I love you Biersack. (SMUT)

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"Will you marry me"? Her eyes got wide and she gasped. "YES ANDY I WILL"! My smile grew across my face then she kneeled down and kissed me. "I love you Mr. Biersack" "I love you to Mrs. Biersack" after a bit more walking we drove to the hotel in the mall. We got into our room and I tossed her onto the bed. I got on top of her and kissed her. I pulled away panting "wanna go out"? She smirked in annoyance "okay Andy". We got up and went out to a restaurant (wow weird it's not a club or a bar) When we got there we got our table all of that shit. We sat at our booth talking then a guy walked up. "Um can I help you"? "Yes you can" he took her hand and ran. "FUCK" I ran after him then getting him outside the place "WHAT THE FUCK" she nuzzled her head into my chest. He didn't answer. He just walked off. My face was red with anger. I can't believe it. We walk back inside and walk to our seat. Guys and girls eyeing us from time to time. (Haha I'm bi) When we finish our food we pay and leave. "Thanks Andy" "I don't know why your thanking me like you barely know me. And it was the only thing I could do" I saw her smile that always warmed my heart when I saw. We drive back to the hotel and get into the room. She pushes me onto the bed "I'm going to thank you for every single thing you've done. And also get revenge. She smirked and closed the curtain and put the 'do not disturb sign on the door. "Ill be right back Andy" she came back with nothing on but a smol bra and a thong (I'm like. Really uncomfortable writing this.) She goes into one of the bags from the mall which I don't remember her getting. I don't know.. (I DON'T KNOW IF THIS STUFF IS ACTUALLY SOLD AT THE MALL BUT JUST ROLL WITH IT) She pulls out handcuffs and handcuffs me too the bed after taking off my clothes. "Now Andy. You can't make ANY noise. You can't come unless I say so. And you have to be a good boy. Okay"? I nodded "ehm what do you say to me"? "Yes (whatever you want)" she smirked and when on top of me. She slowly and painfully took off her shirt. She takes off the rest of her clothes about the same speed if not slower. I'm rock hard by now looking at her body. She puts her chest on mine and lightly kissing me then going to my neck leaving love bites and hickeys up and down my neck feeling her smirk up against my skin. She goes down to my waistline passing my stomach. I was eager for her to have her smol mouth on my dick.(im like really uncomfortable) she didn't do that though instead she kissed all around it then go to my face again "what do you want Biersack" her eyes blazing into mine "I want your small mouth on my hard dick" "not yet" she teased me with her pussy on my dick but not inside. She played with my dick with her hands making me groan. She left smol wet kisses on my stomach and my sex. Then she started sucking me. I let out a low groan and she stops "no sound Biersack" I nod and bite my lip as she starts sucking my dick again. Then again she stops and puts her wet sex on my dick again going down as she moaned loudly. "Fuck Biersack" she slowly started to go up and down on my hard dick letting out moans every time. After a while of her doing that she undid the handcuffs and let me free as soon as she did I flipped us over and swiftly pounded into her hearing her moan and me go faster. I feel her tightening around me "don't come yet baby" I kept my pase and a bit faster then stopped. "Suck me" she did as she was told and I pushed her head so she was deep throating me. "Get up" she gets up and looks confused. Then I whisper in her ear "masterbate for me". She looked at me and started to touch her sex and I pumped mine watching her us touching ourselves at the same pace. "Move" I swat her hand away and go inside of her going faster then last time "M-M-Max i-im gonna come" "me to" I went into her faster then feeling her come. I pull out and she sucks me until I do. I groan when I do. We both go shower and lay next to each other "I love you Max Raven".

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