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I woke up and saw Andy sleeping beside me making mumbling sounds I smile and get out of the bed getting dressed and thinking about last night. I felt arms wrap around me as pulling pants on and turning around to see my fiancé. Fuck I love him. He's still naked from last night as was I before I got dressed. "Baby you better go get changed" "but I don't wannnnnaa" "you have to Andy. I want to show you my favorite place as a kid" "ughhh fine." Goof. When we're both dressed we leave the hotel and drive to the place. Its not amazing but when I was younger it was. We get to a dog park. "Here" "I never knew you were a dog fan as a kid" "I was and I had 5000000 dogs" "alright then" we get out of the car and walk around the place with a bunch of dogs running around big and small. We walked into the forest area and walked along the path with dog prints and puddles where snow used to lie. The cold but warm air and the leaves swaying around made me miss Canada and never want to leave. But unfortunately I have to at one point. "This is amazing Max" "yeah. It is." "So tell me. Why is this place so special? Cause I know that wasn't it" I sighed knowing that the truth would've came out sooner or later. "My mom would take me here. Every Sunday to get away from my dad." "Hey Max." We stopped "yes"? "Forgive me for asking" "I will I'm Canadian" he giggles "what... Happened to your mom"? "My dad. He killed her. We left Canada so nobody would know. Then we left to Britain there I met Dan and Phil my dad was fine when he met a nice lady. Then he got bored of her and beat us and killed her. Then we moved to Los Angeles. My dad stayed the same. I met you was bullied by you and the rest of the school. Met Tyler and Josh met the misfit was black mailed by you and dated Tyler then was cheated on him dated Alexx was raped by you lost my relationship with her and dated you." His eyes were wide "I'm sorry for doing all of that". "Its fine" we walked a little longer and got out of the forest area and started talking to this person. Pretty attractive. He started flirting with me and I could tell Andy wasn't liking it. "Max. A second please." I walked away and saw Andy talking to the guy.


"WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE"? "Kevin" "why were you flirting with MY fiancé"? "Wait. She's your fiancé"? "Yes she is" "hold up. Are you in a band"? "Yes"? "Tell me your name" "Andy Biersack." His eyes grew and he pulled his phone to call someone "MY DAUGHTER LOVES YOU TWO" he dials probably his daughter and I call Max over. His daughter picks up of phone "ugh what Kevin"? He gives the phone to us after saying "I'm here with your 'OTP'" shes screaming then Max says "are you okay"? She manages to say "yes I am HOLY FUCK IM TALKING TO ANDY BIERSACK AND MAX RAVEN"!! then her dad says "can you come with me"? We follow him in his car. We get to a house with vines all over it and Kevin opens the door to a super excited girl "OH MY GODDD" "hey" I said smiling. She hugged tight suffocating me in her arms then Max, Max hugged back tigher though. She was crying a lot. "So tell us what's your name"? "Morgan"! "Aw cute name" we stayed there and talked and took pictures with her then left back to the hotel "I love you" "I love you to" "hey Andy." "Yeah"? "When are we going back"? "In two days". "Okay thanks" we get to the hotel and run to the room. She looks sick.


We just got back from meeting someone and when we got back to the hotel we get into the room and I feel sick. I run to the bathroom and vomit. Andy rubs my back and holds my hair while I pour my insides out into the toilet bowl. "Are you okay"? "Yeah. I am." We go to the bed and go into a deep slumber.

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