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I woke up from that dre-- nightmare. I looked around the room for Andy. Not in the room? I go out into the living room and see my boyfriend sleeping there. I smile at his quiet snoring I walk into the basement not knowing why but I did. Then feeling sick. I ran up stairs to the bathroom and vomited. A lot. I stopped for a bit seeing Andy at the bathroom door concerned. "Max are you okay"? "Uhmm yeah". I walk to the sink and wash my face and brush my teeth to get rid of my vomit breath. "Hey Max." "Yeah"? "Is it okay if I go out with CC and Ash tonight"? "Yeah. It's fine". I answered somewhat sternly. "Okay". Andy walked into the room to get dressed and I walked into the kitchen and got vodka. I took shots while waiting for Andy. He finally comes out looking sexy as fuck. "Holy shit your hot Andy." I smirk so does he "thanks" he kisses my lips softly. "I love you Andy Biersack". "I love you to" then we hear the doorbell ring. "You better go get that Biersack" he walked to the door and didn't see Ashley and CC instead he saw Tyler and Josh. "Uhm" I blush a light pink cause I'm not wearing much. "What are you two doing here"? I walk to the door beside Andy. His face was red probably from Tyler. "Max can you come out here for a second". "Uh. Sure"? I go out side with the guys and Josh leaves. Tyler closes the door and kisses me. "WHAT THE FUCK" "what"? "YOU JUST KISSED ME" "so?" "Leave Tyler Joseph. Now". He leaves with Josh and I walk back inside and tell Andy what happened. "Andy you know I would never cheat on you. Right." "Yeah I know" then the door rang again. Luckily this time it was Ashley and CC I walk to the room and pass by the entrance feeling Ashley and CC's eyes on my ass and I felt uncomfortable. Did Andy notice? I don't know. Soon they left then I went to a bar hopefully not the one they're going to. I get to one and I see them. Ffuuuucckkkkkk. I go to the other side of the bar and just sit there in a booth. I move my pink hair in my face so they don't see me. A guy walks up to me and flirts with me. So I use my trick. "Hey yeah sorry buddy. I'm lesbian". Then he walked away I walked to the bar hiding myself and getting a drink. I take it back to my booth and drink it. Thennn repeat. I start talking to a random girl and she keeps coming closer and closer to me. She moved the hair out of my face but my hair was my disguise. Luckily if Andy does see me I'm not flirting. But I move my eye to him and at least 1 girl is talking to him. I almost break my drink in rage but he denies them. But then I have an idea. I go home and try to make my self look sort of not like me. Perky stuff from stuff I got from family a while back. I put my hair up and make myself look like a perky girl. The opposite of me. I get my perky voice going then go to the bar to Andy's table. "Hey there sexy" "uhm what do you want"? "You silly" "yeah um about that." "Cmonn I won't tell" I grab his dick to much like I do so I change the position I have my hand. "Yeah you seem nice in all but I have a girlfriend." "Hmph. Whats her name?" "Juliet" what? I feel like puking. I run to the bathroom and cry not my perky cry WHICH I DO HAVE. My cry. I take my normal make up out of my purse and put on my every day makeup and put it on I take out my clothes which was also in my purse a mcr shirt and skinny jeans I take my hair down and leave the bathroom and sit down in the chair not noticing Andys booth was beside me. I was still crying and CC came over to me. Not my boyfriend my boyfriends band mate. "Hey Max" "h-hey CC" I say through sobs. "You know he was joking right?" "No I don't." "Well it was" "you know jokes are supposed to be funny not make people cry" I get up and leave the bar walking home in the pouring rain. I stopped in an alley and I sat there for 3 hours. At this point it was about 2 am. I get up dust myself off and walk home. I go into the room not bothering to look at Andy. I go into the bathroom have a hot as fuck shower having razor fun while. I get out and lay down and sleep never wanting to wake up.

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