What happened here?

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We drive up too our second destination and I think I know where. The familiar streets I dreaded to go across the ugly alleyways the torn roads. Yeah, I know exactly where were going. We pull up to what I thought would be a fully running school. But no it was a torn burnt school. "How?" "Well the creep that I am" I giggled at the fact he called himself a creep. "Before Tyler moved with Jenna he came back here after the tour he told you he cheated on you. WHICH I TOLD YOU AHEAD A TIME ABOUT" I rolled my eyes "anyway he came here and burnt it down." We go inside and look around. I look in my locker just to see the words written 'misfit' 'slut' 'whore' 'die' 'fag' I didn't read them all then before I close my old locker I see a picture. Was Tyler ever spying on us? I look at the picture and it was a picture Andy forced me to take years ago. (he forced her to send nudes -fuckboy-) I almost puked "ANDY" he came running to me and took the picture from my hand. "What. The. Fuck"!? "How" "I'm not sure what the FUCK Tyler did but it's not right." I pull out my phone to call Tyler. After a few rings he picks up "Hello Max" "TYLER WHAT THE FUCK" "I don't know why you are always yelling at me." "Where did you get the goddamn picture Joseph"? "Andy's phone". Andy took the phone from my hand "HOW"? "Well Mr. Biersack. Just never give me your phone." "What the fuck are you talking about"? "Haha remember that time? You gave me your phone to text someone." "Yeah"? "Well I took the picture Max sent you and sent it to me. Printed it out and gave it to half the school. Then burnt the whole thing down." "DAMNIT TYLER" he hung up. "Its all my fault" Andy whispered his hand on a locker looking down. "it's not love" "it is. I forced you to send me that damn picture. I forced you to date me I forced you to have sex with me which led to your amazing relationship to end. I forced you. Its my fault". "Its not Andy. If you didn't force me to do that we might've never been together. I love you Andrew Biersack. So damn much". He looked at me. Then swiftly picked me up and kissed me. "Lets get into the car." We walk to the car and drive outside the area and this drive was 40 minutes. Then we get to the airport "why are we here"? "We're going somewhere." "Where"? "To your hometown" (TØP) "Uhm where?" We walk into the airport "Andy we don't have bags." "Yes we do". "Uhm"? Andy and I walk Andy got tickets to my home country. Canada. (SORRY IF YOU DON'T LIKE CANADA OR CANADIANS) "Canada"? "Canada." A bit more walking and hours of bags we're on the plane. "Wait where in Canada"? "Edmonton Alberta" (Can we just talk about the mall) my smile grew across my face in joy. "Thank you so many babe. I love you so fucking much"! "Your welcome and I love you to" he said kissing me. Andy and I spoke for a bit then we both passed out. When we woke up it was from a girl who worked on the plane. "You two better get up we're landing soon" "Thank you" she winked at Andy and I looked at his confused face looking in the direction she went in.


A worker just woke Max up then winked at me. People confuse me. I notice Max's looking then look at her. "I love you" "I love you to" I'm in love with her. I'm obsessed. I want her. But I have to wait until we get into our hotel room but she insisted she would show me around Edmonton first. But then I have a surprise for her. While we get off the plane I feel some douche looking at her I pull her close and kiss her head so people will back off. After all of that like landing getting our stuff she shows me this place a body shop thing. We didn't want to take a cab so we got her car from the body shop and drove around the city. Getting out for a few things. Then we get to the mall. The biggest mall I've seen. It had a hotel a ship. (If you haven't seen the mall there then you don't know) everything a roller coaster park a water park a skating rink. Wow. We walked around for a bit our hand together swinging between us. Taking pictures with fans. Then we left. Going too many stores and places then we ran up so many stairs to get to the top of this HUGE building and sat on the rails. I stood us pulling her hand to stand to. "Max Raven I love you more then anything in the world and today has been the greatest day of my life. All the stuff in the past our fights don't mean shit so. I'm asking you." I got down on one knee "will you marry me"?

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