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I saw Max and that new kid flirting with each other and I couldn't take it. Out of nowhere the bell rings and I can't look at them longer. When I do look back I see Tyler and Max kissing then Tyler running off. Her face is red. Then seeing me made all the color drain from her face. I bite my lip and walk to class behind her. "Max, Andrew your late" "sorry Mr. Dylan" I hear her soft voice say. We both sit down at our desks and I just stare at her the whole time with pure rage.


I think of all of that putting my shirt back on and getting into the car with her. I never knew I would ever be with her again. Hell even kiss her or hear her soft voice. Now I'm engaged to the girl I hurt. Raped. Broke into thousands of pieces. I don't deserve her. After what I did. Not a chance. I'm surprised she said yes when I asked her to marry me. If anyone deserves her it's Josh. But I can't leave her. She's still healing from her miscarriage and depression. I can't leave when she's healed either cause I don't know how long that will take. She would either not care and move on or fall into that hole again. I can't risk it. She's to valuable. "Okay Biersack we're here." I look around and see a waterfall. (Cliché I know shut up) It was night and the only thing I heard was the splashing water of the waterfall. She grabbed my hand and ran behind the waterfall and pinned me to the large rock and kissed me deeply "I love you more then anything in the world Andrew." "I love you more then anything in the world to" I leaned down to kiss her small frame again. Then I flipped us so I was pinning her to the stone wall. I've been thinking a lot of what I would be doing with out her (NOT HER LMAO) not even words could discribe my feelings for her. Out of all the languages and words in this word none of them could explain. I love her. I love kissing her, holding her, waking up beside her every morning. Every speed bump (k can I just quote himym) we have and the speed bumps show us that we can't go to fast or it'll all crash down. She breaks the kiss and we look into each others eyes for a few minutes. "Andy. I-I'm so sorry I ignored you. I'm sorry for everything I've done. I love you and I don't want to lose you to another girl. Ever." "You'll never lose me. I love you to much. I'm just scared I'll lose you to Josh or some other guy." "Never in a million years" she lightly kissed my lips. I'm in love with her.

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