Oh. My. God (inspired by maia)

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It read. "Max. I don't know how to say this but. I'm in love with you. Ever since I came to that school with Tyler. When you dated him enraged me. Same with Alexx and Andy. I love you Max.. Biersack. I want to call you Max Dun not Biersack. I love you." I felt sick I didn't know what to say. I texted back after thinking what I could say. "Josh. I'm engaged to Andy. I love him and I'm sorry for not liking you back and I feel awful. I wish I could just have feelings for you but I don't. Your an amazing guy but there's an amazing people out there for you it's just. Not me." I feel like I broke his heart. But it's he truth one day. He'll find the one. He didn't answer. I looked over to a shirtless Andy he made me smile. "Is everything okay"? "Come here." I show him the texts "wow." "Yeah". "I don't know what to say." "I don't either" "I love you Andrew." "I love you Max" our faces were super close then kissing lightly slowly him getting on top of me not breaking the kiss. After a few minutes of that. We turned on the tv and watched a movie. I didn't want to sleep but no matter what time goes by. Its about 3am and I keep replaying the movie cause I'm lazy and Andy's sleeping. Once the movies over again I go onto YouTube and watch my best friends Dan and Phil. When I look at the time it's 6am fuck. Andy's sleeping still and I'm watching Dan and Phil. I want to sleep a lot on the plane so I'm just going to not sleep. I'm not tired even though I've been up for how long I start packing the rest of my things and Andy's looking around 5 times to see if we forget something. I look at Andy then the ring that symbolized our life long partnership. I put the bags in a corner and snuggled up to Andy kissing his perfect jawline and looking into his closed eyes that I knew behind them were beautiful blue eyes. It was 10am and Andy finally woke up. "Hey there sleepy head" "morning sexy" he smirked. He gets out of bed and puts on a shirt then notices eveythings gone. "Already packed the rest of our stuff an--" "looked around the room? Yes. Five times." "Haha". We leave the room and check out then get into the car driving to the airport. He grabs my leg tightly then my hand playing with the ring he gave me. I am madly in love with him. We finally get to the airport and do what we have to do and get onto the plane. I fell asleep as soon as we were up in the air... I woke up to Andy shaking me "Max we have to get off the plane landed." "Hm? Oh okay". We get off and do whatever then drive to our house. We get there finally and unpack. Once we finish that I get into the shower where so many memories have taken place. After my shower I felt sick again. I quickly got to the toilet and vomited "ANDYYYY" "WHAT"? He came running to the bathroom "can we go to the doctors"? "Sure baby". We drive to the doctors and it's empty other then workers. "Hey can we see a doctor"? (I'm not sure how American doctors work) . After a while we saw one. I sat on the chair and Andy told him what's wrong "yeah Max she has been vomiting for awhile now and I don't know why". He looked at me and at the end I found out what's wrong. "Well Max."

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