I'm sorry.

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I woke up. Unfortunately. I woke up to an annoying ass alarm clock that I hate. I look over to my side to see the half awake of Andrew Dennis Biersack. I turn away not wanting to look at him "I'm sorry for saying that Max". I get out of bed and walk to outside to smoke. I'm only in a long shirt and the neighbors are creepy as fuck so I try to hide at the same time. Then I hear the door behind be open. "Max I'm sorry. I didn't know it was you and that's what I say when a girl does that to me". I finish my smoke and walk inside ignoring him. "Please Max." "Why do you say Juliet and not Max"? "I don't know. I told one girl that my girlfriend is Max and she didn't believe me. Then I told a girl Juliet and she believed me". I walk into the room to get dressed into a Nirvana shirt and whatever pants I could find and laid down in my bed on tumblr. Cause what else? Andy laid beside me his hand on my stomach as if I was pregnant. (A/N just saying keep that word in mind the rest of the fanfic.) I look over to Andy and he looks sorry. But I just can't. "I'm sorry" his voice barely a whisper sounding like he was crying". "*sigh* why are you sorry"? "Cause I did that to you. I didn't know it was you. For now on I'll say Max not Juliet cause I love you and hate when you ignore me and I'm scared if I don't say sorry I'll lose you again". "I love you Andy". "I love you to Max" he kisses my neck "hey. Do you wanna go out tonight. Just us. No Ashley no CC no Jinxx no Jake no Dan or Phil no anyone just us". "Okay Andy" I kiss his forehead then he kisses my lips. I get up not wanting to and go fix my sleepy hair while Andy gets dressed. I do my eyeliner and look at my phone to see the hate I'm getting. Andy comes into the bathroom and lays his head on mine. "I love you so fucking much Ms. Raven." "I love you so fucking much to Mr. Biersack" I sit on the bathroom counter and he kisses me. Not just a peck not rough a long soft kiss. I jump down from the counter and go to the entrance and get my shoes on so does he. We walk outside and get into his car and drive to actually I don't know where. But it looked familiar. Old buildings and then we get to the cities most famous building. And see written on the wall 'The Misfit'. I don't remember much of her but my tattoos on my stomach and wrist. "Remember this place Max"? "Of coarse I do" I kiss him and we get back into the car and go somewhere else.

Okay no one reads this but still I need you ask you two things. Mandy or malexx? Andy and Max and Alexx and Max's ship names. Second where should he take her?

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