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Andy's promise rang through my head over and over I trust Andy now. But soon he'll be on tour and I'll just stay here alone. Well I have Josh I guess. I looked over to my side to see a sleeping Biersack. I smiled at his cute sleeping face. I'm suprised I could smile. I looked at my phone to see the time "3:21, fuck". I left to the kitchen without noise so I wouldn't wake up Andy. I looked everywhere to find the metal object that helps me with things. I took the sharp light object and pressed it against the scars that are already on my pale arms. Then stopped myself. "I can't" I threw the razor back into the box and walked back into the room to grab a box of cigarettes from my coat and my phone. I looked at the time again '3:46' damnit it took that long? I walk outside into the cold end of December air and lit a cigarette. After about half way into the smoke and looking on tumblr I get a call. It read 'Alexx' "what does she want"? I answer the phone and hear her soft voice "Max" "A-Alexx"? "I just wanted to call to say I'm sorry and that well I wan-- I need you back". I was shocked by her words but I'm happy with Andy. "Well. Alexx I'm with Andy, and I'm happy." "Fine whore. Bye" she hung up and Andy came through the door he looked tired. "I woke up and we weren't there" "yeah" "come inside its fucking cold". "Meh I'm used to it". (I'm from Canada so if your from anywhere else sorry fam.) He brought me inside cause he just wanted me warm. "I couldn't sleep." "If that happened to me I wouldn't be able to either" he kissed my head as he walked us to my room. "Ill try to sleep I guess" "okay Max" I tried my best to sleep and I finally did. I woke up around 4:pm "fuck" Andy was already out of bed most likely watching tv or something. I walk out of the room to an empty living room then hearing the shower on. I walk into the kitchen to see the fridge is empty. Shittttttt. "ANDY I'M GOING TO THE STORE TO GET FOOD" "ALRIGHT" I go into my room to get money my coat and my phone. I got my keys from my pocket and got into my car to go to the closest store. I finally get to one and walk in. I get some stuff and bump into an old childhood friend. Dan Howell. "Max"? "Dan"!! I hugged him "damn I missed your british voice"! "I missed your Canadian voice" "Hey Howell my voice isn't like 'aye' and stuff" "I know" "so Daniel. Are you and Phil together? Is Phan real? DID YOU FINALLY COME OUT OF THE CLOSET?!" "Well.." Then I saw Phil peek around the corner.

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