I'm not

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"I'm not sure Andy" I quietly whispered. He removes his hands from my shirt and stands up. "I'm sorry Andy." "It's fine". I stand up with him and hear a knock on the door. "I'll get it Max".


I open the door to see the man who hurt Max. Abused her. "Where the fuck is that whore?! Who are you?" "I'm Max's boyfriend". I hear Max walk out of the room not knowing who is at the door. "Andy who is it?" "Some douche" she walks over beside me I look at her eyes get big in fear and anger. "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT"?! I've never seen the angry part of her like this. He grabs her hand and starts leaving the house. "GET BACK HERE" I run after him and punch him and Max hugs me with her face in my chest. I look at Max as I try to console her crying. Her dad got up and drove off. "I never want to see that man again" "you won't Max, you won't." (sweaterpawstylinson the only thing I can think about rn is your fucking skeleton path and baby stuff on Sims or shrine thing.) "Promise me you will never let him touch me." "I promise".

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