All day in bed

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My eyes open a little bit and I see Andy cuddled against me looking like he probably just woke up to. "Good morning Max." "Morning Andy" I kissed his nose and layed down again. "Let's just spend all day in bed." "Haha alright." We sat in bed on our phones for the first bit looking at our social media and Andy took a picture of me without me noticing until he posted it. "Dick". "You love me" I smiled and kissed him "yeah I do". I go under the blankets cause I felt like it and went on my phone under there. Andy removed the blanket and pulled me up "goof". I'm laying on the bed under him (nothings happening if it did I would've written (SMUT) or (WARNING SMUT)) He kisses me and I put my arms around his neck after our lil make out sesson somebody texts me I look who it is and it's Alexx. 'Hey whore, I just wanted to say congratulations on your engagement. With the person who 'raped you' ' I rolled my eyes and put my phone to the side and started talking to Andy. We talked for about 5-6 hours. We woke up at 12pm and it's 5:30 so we've been talking for 5 and a half hours. I secretly took a picture of Andy while he's looking at his phone and post it. "You bitch" "mmmmmhm" "I'm kidding Max" "I'm not" "alright then" I got up out of bed to go to the washroom. I got out feeling better and I sat with Andy for the next hour and it was now 6 30 pm "I don't wanna go back to the states. But I do" "same but we have to".


I saw my father come home not as his usual self. My step mom and I were on the couch watching tv while I was talking to Daniel and Philip on the phone. "Hey guys I have to go" I hung up and stood with my step mom. She was shooken. "Dad? Whats going"? "Max. Go to your room"! He screamed landing a punch on my jaw and another on my mouth. I put my finger to where he punched my lip and saw the red liquid that my dad hasn't made come out since Canada. I run to my room and cry hearing the screams of my step mom shock all around the house. I go out after an hour and see a trail of blood leading to the dead lifeless body of my step mom with my dad beside her with a knife. I was shocked at the sight of the blood she spewed out of her neck and stomach. "Max Raven. Pack your DAMN stuff. We're leaving." "But Dan and Phil"! "I DON'T CA--".

*end of flashback*

I was taken out of that awful memory by Andy "Max are you okay? You just zoned out" "yeah I'm fine". I look at my phone and see a text from Josh reading.

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