Who is this?

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Where is she? She left along time ago. Did her dad take here? Did she run off with Alexx, Tyler? I ran to my car and drove to the closest store and ran in to find Max. I finally found her talking to these britsh boys. "Fuck off Dan" she laughed. I tapped her shoulder and she turned to me. "What the fuck Andy?" "WHO ARE THEY" "I'm Dan Howell" "I'm Phil Lester" "I've known them since I was young" "BUT YOUR CANADIAN AND THEY ARE CLEARLY BRITISH"! "Why are you freaking out Andy"? "Cause you didn't call to tell me you bumped into friends and I thought that they were going to attack you. Now come on let's home." I grabbed her hand and walked out. Then I heard her phone ring in the car I tried to look at it but she kind of blocked it. She smiled and texted back. She looked at me but I looked away. She looked mad and sad. I felt bad for her. We finally get to the house and she ran out and went into the room. Talking to someone. "Dan". I listened to the phone call through the door. The whole call was a blur but one thing she said "Hey can you and Phil pick me up at like 10? Andy isn't letting me leave." Its about 5:30 so. She finally unlocks the door and goes out. "Hey Max" "Hi" she didn't even look at me saying that. Did I do something wrong? I just wanted her home.. Soon enough 9:40 arrived. I walked outside to smoke and see if a car would show up in the driveway. Nothing. Then I felt small arms wrap around me "Hey sexy" I heard Max's voice say. I turn around and see my girlfriend behind me. She looked really nice I mean like it's her every day eyeliner but it looked different. Her clothes? I don't know. Almost as if she was going out. "Hey baby" I kiss her with my breath filled with smoke. "Wanna go to a club"? "S-sure" "aight lets go". We get there and she runs in going to the bar. She drank and drank then Dan showed up I glarred at him and he looked at me. Max offered me to dance a bit I didn't wanna but then she asked Dan. He accepted her request and they both went to the dance floor. I saw them getting really close I wasn't sure if this was Dan's doing or hers. I mean shes drunk and Dan looks like he wants her. He's clearly bi but so is she. But he's dating Phil. Soon she pulled herself closer to Dan and it made my blood boil. They looked eachother in the eye and he leaned for a kiss. FUCK NO! I ran over there and pushed Dan off her. "What the fuck Andrew"! Her voice slurred. "You are drunk Max I'm going to go to the bathroom then we are leaving okay?" "Ugh fine" I looked at Dan and told him "don't try anything" I left to the bathroom after that. While I was in the bathroom I think Dan tried to kiss her again and came real fucking close to then I got out of the bathroom. Then what do I see?

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