Chapter 1- First meeting

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"I'm sure my homework will get an A" I told my friend Amber over the phone.

"Oh, please (F/n)! We had to describe the person we admire the most,pretty easy if you ask me since we're in college, and you describe,out of all people, Levi Ackerman!!! He's a fictional character for fucks sake!" She shouted to me,so that I could hear her over the fuss the costumers of the café she was working in made.

I managed to balance my phone between my head and my shoulder, as I read my homework assignment again.

" I know Amber...But the professor does not have to find out! I mean I don't have anyone else to describe..."

She sighed " You could describe me! Your beautiful, intelligent,popular and beautiful friend!"

"Amber, you said beautiful twice and no I'm not describing you."  I said and crossed my hands.

"Awwww (f/n)-channnn! Whyyyyy~".

I laughed at her childish manner. "Amberrrr~ I don't want tooooo~"

I could actually see her pouting,even though we where talking through the phone.

"Okay, okay. Leave me here, in my own misery and go!" She said in the most dramatical way possible "Go live your life my precious (f/n) while I'm stuck as a part time employee to this café for the rest of my life!"

"OH AMBER! I SWEAR TO MY CAT'S LIFE THAT I WILL REMEMBER YOU WHILE I'M LIVING THIS GLORIOUS LIFE!" I shouted back,also with a dramatic tone in my voice.

"Ummm (f/n)...You kinda don't have a cat..." "I know" .That's why I swore to the cat that I'll remember you."
"Ha.ha.ha. you're so funny (f/n)."

Suddenly I heard things smashing. "Oh, shit" Amber shouted "(F/n) I have to go,bye!" She said as she hung up the phone.

I just sighed and dropped the manga I was reading to Amber, before we started to talk about the assigment, to the table. It was one named" a choice with no regrets" from the anime attack on Titan, one of my favourites. I just loved the characters, the drawings, the plot, everything was perfect! These where my last thoughts before I fell into a deep slumber....


"WHAT THE HELL?" Someone shouted.

"Hmmm?" I said as I started to wake up.

I heard things falling to the floor,and then,silence. I carefully stood up,as I got into my fighting stance,and started to walk cautiously around the house.

"Tch. Filthy"

I snapped my head torwards the source of the voice. It was coming from my bedroom.
I slowly reached for the doorknob,and as I unlocked the door, I saw someone digging into my clothes,and throwing them everywhere.
But they where not just any regular clothes.

They where my panties.

And a guy was looking at them.

"Pervert!" I shouted as I started to throw pillows at him. "What the hell are you doing at my house?"

"Well, I should ask the same, I guess. Why the fuck am I here?" The stranger said in a monotone voice.

This voice... It's familiar. Way too familiar...

He turned around, and he gave me a better view of his face. He was short, with raven black hair and an undercut.

For one brief moment, my (e/c) eyes met his steel gray ones, and from this moment on, I knew that my life was about to turn upside down.
The guy looking at me...

Was Levi Ackerman.


A/n: Yayyyy! First chapter is out! Hope y'all liked it! If you did, then please vote and give me feedback! Also, if you want to correct any mistakes,feel free to tell me, I don't bite!
Until next time.
Love and kisses...
Amazing author-chan

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