Chapter 27-Goodbye for now

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Prepare the tissues.

~Farlan pov~

I still can't believe it.

I'm going to die today. It seems so unreal. Like I will wake up,only to find out that it was all a dream.

I neatly folded the letter. Since I know Levi better than anyone, I know how he will react when me and Isabel die. He will blame himself for everything.

So, I have to explain.

I sneak out of my room and walk to Levi's. I try not to make any noise, because Levi is really sensitive when it comes down to sleep,and sometimes, he dosen't even sleep. At all.

I open the door,to find Levi sound asleep on his bed,hugging (F/n).

Well, this is new. Levi sleeping, and in his bed. Usually,he sleeps at his chair.

I place my letter inside one of his office's drawers, and get out without making a sound.

I just hope he will find it after the expedition.


Levi pov

I opened my eyes.

Today is the day of the expedition.

I look beside me to see (F/n) sleeping peacefully.

I move my hand to her face and remove her messy hair from her face.

She looks stunning even when she's sleeping.

I leaned in and kissed her pink lips, then trailing kisses down her neck.

She groaned. "Good morning to you too, Levi." She said, obviously still sleepy.

I continued kissing her,and she giggled.

Her laugh is beautiful.

She got up and grabbed her normal clothes. "You need to get ready mister, so get your ass off bed." She demanded.

I yawned and stretched my sore limps. "Fine. Give me a kiss first." I said, plain as day.

She rolled her eyes,but eventually, she leaned in and kisses my cheek.

"There. Now, get off bed." She said,placing her hands on her hips.

I really hate the fact that I have to go and leave her here all by herself. Only the thought of being away from her makes me feel uneasy.

And what if I won't be able to see her again?


~Titan territory,not too far away from Wall Maria~

~Farlan pov~

"Rest here for a while! We will continue again in fifteen minutes!" Commander Erwin shouted to the tired and wounded soldiers.

Immediately, everyone grunted and got off their horses.

I saw Levi speaking with Isabel far away from where I was, so I decided that this was my chance. With all the things going on lately, I never really had the time to read (F/n)'s letter.

I unfolded the letter inside of my pocket,and started reading.

Dear Farlan,

Okay,first things first.

I hope you will forgive me.

You should know, that I don't want you to die. You have your whole life ahead of you. So does Isabel.

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