Chapter 34-Call your name(57th expedition)

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play song when I tell you.

This will deviate from the anime a bit, cause I 'm too lazy to watch three episodes right now. Also, I'll be changing the plot. A lot. Prepare the tissues.

The clattering of the horse's steps calmed me down a little and I closed my eyes in a sad attempt to relax.

Ever since the expedition started I was alerted and standing in the tip of my toes, just in case I spotted a titan. As much as I didn't want to admit it, I was afraid. Afraid that this reassuring silence would vanish every second now, and a giant female titan would pop out of nowhere to kill everyone.

Every time I saw a smoke signal, my heart raced faster than the speed of light. I could hear someone's voice giving orders, but it was only a backround noise in my head.

I knew Levi was somewhere nearby, but I couldn't just go and find him. Instead of being killed by a titan, I would get killed by him.

Another smoke signal was fired, and when I saw the indication, my heart literally jumped off my chest.


An abnormal.

My mind went blank, and the only thing I could think of was how I was going to get out of here. I could always steal some poor soldier's horse, but I couldn't bring myself to do so. I can't let someone innocent die because of my own selfish motives.

The tall muscular body of the female titan came into view, and I froze.

My mouth was slightly parted from surprise, and my orbs where dialed more than normal. If I'm scared by just a 14- meter class titan, I bet I would shit my pants if I ever got to see the colossus one.

"We need to retreat!"

Voices could be heard, and I decided to check with which squad I was with.

I peeked my head out of the cart and saw Armin, Jean and Reiner. At least, those where the only three I recognised. Two other soldiers where with them.

One of them wore some kind of bandage in his head, and he spoke first.

"Don't worry rookies! We will take care of this thing!" He shouted and shot the anchors onto the female titan together with his partner.

Armin put on his hood, followed by Jean and Reiner.

My brain cells where working non-stop. How can I escape? The titan will reach Levi's squad in approximately 10 minutes from now, and the veterans fighting the titan right now wouldn't last for a long time.

Wait. The veterans. They have horses!

I mentally facepalmed. How could I not think this earlier?

Just as I was about to check for the whereabouts of the horses, I heard a loud scream. I forced myself not to look forward, because I knew the horrific sight that awaited me.

Reiner, Jean and Armin where fighting with the female titan right now, so I should be okay.

The trotting of a horse beside me snapped me out of my thoughts and I wasted no time getting onto it.

Adrenaline rushed through my veins as I grabbed the reins of the horse and set off to find Levi. I looked behind me one more time to see the three boys fighting bravely with the titan.

They will be okay.


~Levi pov~

I couldn't help but smirk when a black flare was shot.

Erwin, you fucker...You knew that this would happen. That's why you prepared this entire plan.

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