Chapter 33-As if...

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Read the a/n at the end of the chapter, its important

"Oh. My. God." Amber screamed through the phone.

I sighed. Turns out that telling her about Eren was a huge mistake, because her fangirl side is taking over her at work. And this is not good.

"Is he cool? Is he handsome? I should totally meet him sometime!"

I took a sip of my coffee and rolled my eyes.

"He is cool and handsome as fuck. But enough about me, what did you do for the days I was gone?" I questioned her, trying to change the subject.

"Nothing much. I just attended school and messed around with Maya, just  like always."

"I envy you. Man, life was so simple before shit hit the fan…"

"Yea." She said, and we both fell silent.

Not that I don’t like my life now. It’s perfect. I have someone like Levi to lean on, Amber and Maya are alive and kicking, and everything is cool between me and Tyler. Even though I sometimes miss my old life, not knowing what tomorrow will bring is exciting.

Finally, Amber broke the silence.

"So~ (F/n)… While you where there…Did you do something ’naughty’ with Levi?" She said in a teasing voice.

Heat immediately rushed up my cheeks, and I blushed remembering some specific events.

"S-Shut up you pervert!"

Ah, it sure feels good to be back…


~Levi pov~ ((missed this?? No? ok…))

"That’s all. Remember, this plan is classified, so don’t tell anyone. Not even your squad members." Erwin said and stood up from his chair.

It was late at night and commander Eyebrows had the awesome idea to get us off our beds and bring all the squad leaders into his office to share his magnificent plan for the expedition including Eren with us. Not that I was sleeping, but anyway.

Hanji yawned and Mike sniffed the air. Tch, stupid dog.

"Both of you reek of disinterest." He told us.

"We know." Me and Shitty glasses said at the same time with a frown plastered on our faces.

Eyebrows sighed and runned his hand through his blonde hair.

"I think really highly of you all, and I expect this expedition to go by without any casualties. Do your best." He said and looked at me.

The other two got up and saluted him, while I turned on my heel and headed out.

Before I closed the door behind me,I turned around and looked at the blonde commander one more time.

"I always do my best, Erwin."


~your pov, one week later~

I want to see him.

The thought circled around my head for a long time. It’s been a week, and I feel like a part of me is missing. All I’ve been doing is handing out applications for college and singing part time at some stores to get my mind off him since we’re in spring break, but I don’t think I can take this anymore.

Oh fuck it.

I grabbed a paper and a pen, writing down all the details there is to know,and after I repeated the well-known process.

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