Chapter 18-Sweet kisses in the snow

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(This is your outfit for the day.)
It's been a week since the party, and me and Levi are now officially a couple.
This whole week, he didn't let me get out of the house. It was like I was kept as a hostage. He told me that "he was doing this for my sake and my well being" to be exact.
I knew that he was just trying to be sweet, because he wanted me to forget about what happened at the party, but it was almost impossible to do so, when Tyler was sending me messages all the time, apologizing about his behavior. He came over once, and Levi kicked him out.
I told Amber what happened the day after the party, and she seemed shocked. Tyler didn't seem like the person to do something like this.

Anyway, back to me and Levi.

I don't understand. I wanna tell him that I love him, but I cannot bring myself to say these three simple words. Even though I want to. He always tells me that he loves me, and it kills me that when I try to tell him I love him I always hesitate in the end. And it kills me even more when he says that he will wait for me to say it as long as it takes.
This one week he always sleeps in the same bed as me. At first, he was a little hesitant about it, but he did it to keep an eye on me. To be honest, it was creepy to have someone watching me while I'm asleep, but he said that he's afraid of Tyler barging into my room late at night.
I'm telling you, he has become paranoid. It's kinda terrifying, but at the same sweet. He always brings my breakfast in bed, and we just sit there all day watching anime and movies.

But today I have to go back to school again. Oh, the joy. And guess what?
Levi wants to come with me.
Why? Because he wants to make sure that Tyler won't get close to me.
And now, I just sit in my bed looking at my alarm clock, waiting for it to ring.
Yes I woke up earlier. Unusual right?
Levi's hand is wrapped around me, and I can feel his breath tickling my neck.
How the fuck did he fell in love with me?
Don't get me wrong. I love him and I'm glad that he confessed his feelings for me. Just, how it came down to this? I never did something to impress him, and he always seemed bored when I was around.
Beep. Beep.
I heard Levi groaning in annoyance. "(F/n), wake up. We have school today." He mumbled under his pillow.
"No Levi. I have school. You could stay here and relax. Besides, it's freezing cold outside."
He opened his left eye and looked at me. "I know. And I hate cold but I'm coming with you. Nothing will stop me from doing so."
I rolled my eyes. "If you insist so much..."
He lazily got up from the bed, but not before giving me a kiss on the forehead. He went into the bathroom and locked the door.
I just stayed there, looking at the ceiling. I'm so bored. I don't wanna go to school but if I don't, I'm going to lose more classes. And if I want to go to a good college I have to have good grades.
I sighed and threw the covers off my body. My bare feet touched the cold floor and I winched. December is almost here and it's already cold.
I wore my jeans and black converses with a gray T-shirt, the most comfortable outfit I could find at the moment.
I lazily got down to the kitchen and prepared two cups of black tea, one for me and the other for Levi. I took mine and sat down, looking out of the window.
And then, I saw it.
"Levi! Come down! It's snowing! Come! Quick!"
I heard his footsteps coming closer, as he got in wearing a black v-neck shirt with his black jeans.
"Huh? Where?" He said.
I pointed out of the window. "Look! Snow! There!"
He turned his head around and looked at the white trees. "Wow. It's as nice as they say. I hope that it's not filthy."
I was jumping up and down. "It's so pretty! Let's go outside and play!"
He tched. "Brat, later. We have to hurry up for school."
I pouted. "Pleaseeeeee" I said doing the puppy eyes thing.
"No, we will play with the snow after school. And that's
I stuck my tongue out at him. "Party pooper!"
He sat down holding his black tea with his signature way.
"Jeez (f/n), love you too." He said smirking.
I had a goofy grin plastered on my face. "Whatever"
"FUCK YOU TOO!" Levi shouted and gave the finger at a little kid.
I looked at him, holding in my laughter. "Levi, you know that he's just seven, right? It was just an accident."
He looked at me, his eyes wide open. He looked kinda funny with his two blue scarfs wrapped around him and the hood of his jacket covering almost all of his face.
No, scratch that. He looked really, really funny.
"It wasn't an accident! I'm telling you this little monster did it on purpose. They all hate me! Today they threw me at least ten snow balls and we're not even close to your school yet!"
I couldn't hold my laughter in any more. It was hilarious to see the usually stoic Levi, humanity's strongest soldier, yelling and giving the finger to little kids playing with the snow.
He looked at me like I was crazy. "What's so funny?" He said, clearly annoyed.
"Haha, nothing... It's just that...Haha, sorry Levi it's so funny... You usually act all serious and you have this stoic expression plastered on your face, and you get annoyed only by children throwing snow at you. I could've never imagined that."I said, and resumed walking.
He punched my arm friendly. "Shut up brat. It's not funny. I hate cold days. But I have to come with you today, so I'm making an exception. Besides, I hate kids, and especially kids holding dangerous stuff."
I laughed. "Snow isn't dangerous."
He shrugged. "It is. Do you have and idea how cold it is?"
I tried not to laugh. "Whatever you say captain!"
I looked at our surroundings. We where close to school. If we turned around that corner we would be there.
We walked in silence, as the laughs of my classmates where echoing through the air.
"Just one question. Is your school full of idiots who throw snow at each other when it's snowing?"
I looked at him. "Um, that's what everyone is doing when there's snow. So yeah, I guess. For the snow part. For the idiots part, my whole school is full of idiots. Remember that one time when you came again, and you met that bitch, Jess?"
He nodded. "Yea. Is she one of those idiots?"
I grabbed his shoulders and looked him straight in the eye. "Levi... We're not even questioning these things. Jess's IQ is equal to a lipsticks. So, yes. I think you could tell just by looking at her."
He rolled his eyes. "This is going to be torture (f/n). But I'm doing it just for you." He said just as the school came into view.
We both stopped in front of the gate. The entire school was having a snow fight, and some of them where building a giant snowman. Levi grabbed my arm and clutched on it for dear life. "Where am I dragging myself into?" I heard him murmuring .
I smiled devilishly. "This, Levi, is high school at it's finest. Welcome."
"Dear wall Maria, please protect me." He said looking terrified. It was chaos in there, and with all those students fighting, it looked like a jungle.

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