Chapter 8-Something more than that

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(Play the song when I tell you)
"Levi-senpai, you're so hot!"
I did my best imitation of Jess.
"Tch. Just how long are you going to complain about this? I wanted to punch her in the face as much as you did."
"You came to school because you wanted to help me" I air-quoted "buy instead you where flirting all the time with that slut!" I said and changed the TV channel.
"Are you jealous?" He said raising one eyebrow. "Haha, Levi you're really funny" I said.
Why should I be jealous of Jess? Because she was all over Levi? Haha, no.
Admit it (f/n), you want to be her, only because of today.
Wait, no! What am I thinking?!
"I see. So you are jealous."
I blushed. "No, I am not"
"You're lying"
"Am not"
"Am not"
"Am no-"
I was cut off when my phone buzzed with a text message.
Great. Tyler.
I never got the chance to apologize for Levi's attitude back then, something I should do tomorrow.
Tyler: Me and Amber are going to the amusement park. Wanna join us? :D
"Oi" Levi said. "Who is it?"
"Tyler. Want to go to the amusement park?" I asked him. It was a chance for the two of them to get along, so I hoped that he said yes.
He gritted his teeth. "He only asked for you to come, or he invited me too?"
"I think that since he invited me, you should come too."
He sighed. "Fine, but if he gets on my nerves, I'll hit him where the sun doesn't shine. Just a warning."
I laughed, even though I knew that he was serious. "No, you won't. Now, come on let's get dressed and leave!"
He just sighed. "Really brat, I don't really get why are you so excited about this."
Levi's pov(hehe you've been waiting for this right?)

We arrived at the park.
"It's so nice here!" (F/n) said.
"Whatever brat. Where is this Tyler guy and your annoying friend?"
She looked at me with those adorable (e/c) eyes of hers.
What? Levi get a hold of yourself. Adorable??
"I know what we should do first! Let's go to this!" She said pointing at some small carriages I think they call cars here.
"Are you serious brat?"
She opened her mouth to respond, but she was cut off by another voice.
Oh great. That noisy brat.
I turned around to see her, dragging someone else with her. Probably Tyler, the other brat. I swear to wall Maria, I want to beat the shit out of him so badly.
They both came closer, and I could see a bruise at Tyler's jaw. Heh. Great. Bonus points for me.
Tyler looked at (f/n) grinning. When he saw me, his expression changed,something she seemed to notice too.
"What is he doing here?"
(F/n) looked like she knew that I was about to punch her precious little friend, so she got in between me and this royal pain in the ass.
"Tyler, please get along with Levi for today. The same goes for you, Levi."
He looked at me with an angry look, and I gave him my famous stoic expression.
"Fine. But only because you said it (f/n)"
What a douche. (F/n) deserves better than him.
"So, what are we going to do now?" Amber asked.
"Well, we could go to to this huge haunted house!" (F/n) said excited.
"Brat,are you sure you can handle it? Today, when you found a spider you-"
"Oh shut up Levi! I know what happened!" She said covering her face with her hands.
I lowered them from her face, only to see her blushing face. "I'm with you, brat. Relax. Nothing will happen."
Someone faked a cough, and I turned around to see Tyler looking at me. "Shall we go?"
I looked at (f/n) "Let's go."

After a long wait in the line,
we paid the entrance ticket, and got in.
"Hey." We all turned out heads to Amber. "Wanna bet? We'll split into two teams. I'll go with Tyler and (f/n) with Levi. Whoever makes it out first, will buy the other team whatever they want."
"Sounds good. Come on (f/n) let's go." I said. "Aye sir! See ya later losers!" She shouted to Amber and Tyler.
When we got into the entrance tunnel, it was pitch black. The only thing we could both hear where our footsteps.
Suddenly, something grabbed my left arm. (F/n).
"Levi, I'm afraid."
"Don't be. This is nothing compared to my world. Get used to it."
"It's scary. Please just hold my arm."
And I did. Honestly, I enjoyed every second of it. But that didn't last for long. We heard screaming and someone getting closer to us. She tugged my sleeve. "RUN! The zombies are coming!" I just clicked my tounge,and waited for them to get closer. For fucks sake, they weren't even real.
As they got closer, (f/n) started screaming. I simply gave every "zombie" a kick in the groin, and they all fell down...
Not my fault if they all can't reproduce after this.
Me and (f/n) kept running. Honestly, this haunted house wasn't scary at all. I don't know why she found it so scary. Everything was either fake or badly made.
(Play the song now)
When we finally got out, (f/n) was out of breath and the sun was almost gone.
We waited for a long time,but her friend never appeared.
"Well, I guess, we should head home now (f/n)."
"No~ Come on Levi! There's still so much left to see. Please?"
I had another choice? I couldn't resist her beautiful (e/c) eyes.
Levi, you're turning into a softie. Get a hold of yourself.
I sighed." Okay. But only for a little."
"Yay! Thank you so much!"
We walked aimlessly around the amusement park,and talked about various things. She told me more about her world, and I talked about the walls and the underground. It was nice,and I secretly enjoyed it.
"Levi,look! A Teddy bear! It's so cute!" She exclaimed.
The old man who owned the stand saw her. "Hey kiddo, if she wants the teddy bead just win it for her. Just take one of these fake guns and try to shoot as much bottles as you can."
"Tch, give one to me, old man"
She sat there watching me in awe, as I aimed for the bottles and fired, hitting them every time.
"Congrats boy! Now take the teddy bear and give it to your girlfriend!"
I saw (f/n) blushing,while I didn't even bothered to explain.
"N-no we're not together,you see mister, he's just my friend"
He winked at both of us. "Yeah, right. I was embarrassed too at your age." He gave me the bear,as (f/n) said her goodbyes with him.
She looked at the bear. "How should I name it?" "Brat, you even give bears names?"
"Well, I normally don't, but this is the first thing you ever gave me, so it's special."
This brat. She always has a way of shocking me.
"I found it! I will name him Mr. Panda!!!"
"Tch. Why?"
"Because,he is one! It suits him,right?"
"Yes, brat. It suits him."

She looked at me." Aw, come on Levi! Smile a little!"




"Plea- Oh look! It looks awesome!"

I turned around and saw what she was talking about.

It was a huge wheel illuminated with thousands of lights.

"What is this?" I asked.

"It's a Ferris wheel. You sit in there and when it goes up,you can see the entire town! Let's go there!"

"Okay (f/n) but we have to look for your annoying friends later. This is the last one."

"Okay!" She said as she grabbed my hand and dragged me to the line.

When we got in, we where still holding hands. She placed the bear in the opposite seat. She sat down and I did the same as the ride started. Silence was enveloping us, but it was a comfortable one.

At some point, the ride stopped at the highest spot.

She jolted up from her seat, and glued her face to the glass.

"Levi, look! It's so pretty!"

And indeed it was. Thousand of lights could be seen, and the skyscrapers where almost as high as we where.

Ever though it was great, I couldn't focus on the view ahead of me. Instead, I found interest in something closer to me.

Her face had a beautiful glow from the lights and her eyes shined from excitement. This brat. Although at first she was a royal pain in the ass, as I got to know more about her and her world, I discovered things I would never imagine discovering in my entire life. Little by little, something changed inside my heart. All these years, I thought that only Isabel and Farlan could make me happy. That I couldn't trust nobody in this cruel world. She changed that.

(F/n), I'm glad to be your friend...

And maybe,someday....

I would like to be something more than that.

A/N: My stomach hurts so damn much I can't even breathe. My sweet bed is waiting for me, so
Until next time
Love and kisses
Author Chan

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