Chapter 9-Haunted past

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A/n: I went to the hot springs today! It was so relaxing and fun! Anyway, enjoy!
P.A: play the song whenever you want.
He slapped me.
"Monster! You're a monster! Because of you she died! It's all your fault you useless child!"
My dad kept hitting me for what seemed like centuries.
And I was crying. It was the only thing I could do. For the past three years, I just cried.
I prayed every night for my mom to come back. But it didn't happend. And the fact that dad was beating me on a daily basis didn't helped at all.
I felt his breath on my face. He reeked of alcohol. Again. He was in the verge of tears. It was like this every time he talked about mom. "She only wanted to see if you have her gift in you. And when she tried to teach you, you killed her!"
Another slap.
More sobs and cries where heard from me.
I saw him pulling out his knife. He was really drunk.
He took my tiny wrist in his hand. "If... I could just kill you. But damn it, I can't. You're the only thing I have from her."
I saw the knife getting closer to my pale skin.
As he cutted my skin, a non human scream was heard from me.
This was pure torture for me.
He then proceeded to my other wrist, giving it the same treatment.
"Go up to your room. I don't want to see you. No more food for two days for you."
I obediently stood up. "Yes dad"
"What?" He growled. "I'm not your father. I'm not the father of a monster!"
He came closer and turned me around.
Pain. That's all I felt. He was stabbing me at my back non stop.
And I screamed my lungs out.
Levi brusted into my room, terrified. "What is going on?"
I looked at my surroundings,ans I realised that it was just a dream. But one thought haunted me.
Monster! She died because of you!
I was sobbing. "Help...I'm not a monster...I-"
I felt two arms wrapping around me. Levi.
"Shh, brat. You're not a monster. Who told you that? You're one of the most beautiful people I know."
I was unable to answer. I was just crying.
I hugged him back, as I sobbed into his chest. He wasn't wearing a t-shirt, but I really didn't care at the moment. I needed a hug.
He patted my head and whispered things to reassure me, until I stopped crying.
We pulled apart, and he raised my chin so I was looking at him in the eye.
"Tell me. What's wrong with you?"
I sighed and shook my head as a no. "You'll hate me. I'm a monster. I shouldn't even be born."
He grabs my shoulders. "Don't say such things (f/n). I will never hate you,even if you did the most terrible thing in the world. Tell me."
I look at him one more time. "Are you sure?"
"Okay, I'll tell you. But first, bring me some water. I'll need it."
Flashback 13 years ago. (Your pov)

The rain was pouring hard.
I was standing there, with all my realtives, wearing a black dress. I silently watched as my mom's coffin was placed into the ground. I looked at her, for one last time. Her pale face was so beautiful.
I saw my dad. He was crying,as he hugged his wife's dead body for the last time.
The rain was covering my tears. Since I was so small, I never understood completely what death was. But one thing was for sure.
I was never going to see my mom again.
My entire family was gathered in our house.
"She did it?" I heard my grandmother whispering. "She has the gift of her mother?"
I had no idea what the "gift" is and I still don't know. I just wanted my mom here. I wanted her to hold me in her arms and tell me that everything is okay.
I turned my head, and I saw my grandmother looking at me, disgust written all over her face. She whispered something to my cousins,and they all looked at me like a was some kind of an alien. At the moment, I didn't knew why.
But I would learn soon enough.
Two years passed.
Today, we all gathered at our house to honor my mom. And everyone was avoiding me again.
A few months ago, I started school. I was pretty excited at first. But,turns out that my older cousins started a rumor about me.
About killing my mother.
So everyone where afraid of me. The teachers seemed to never notice me and the kids where whispering things. I was invisible.
Even now. I was sitting by the window watching the snow falling, and I could think only one thing.
Mom loved snow.
I curled up into a ball, hugging my knees.
I couldn't take this anymore. This is hell.
Today, my dad hit me for the first time.
He was drunk. Really drunk. He pulled out his knife and started slicing my skin and, after he was done, he forced me to pour alcohol into my wounds.
And let me tell you, it hurt like hell. Sometimes, I wish I was dead. With my mom, up there in the sky. In her diaries,she described the sky as a beautiful place. I wanted to see it too.
I opened one of her diaries and started reading. This was my escape from this cruel reality.
He stabbed me again. But this time, he stabbed my back.
I was sitting in my bed, crying. "I want him to be gone." I whispered. "I want him to hung himself"
Realisation hit me, and, as soon as I said that I covered my mouth in terror. I was not a killer! I was just a desperate seven-year old girl.
I never wanted to forget what I just said, so I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote down this one sentence.
"I want him to be dead. I want him to hung himself."
I whispered this sentence many times looking at the paper in front of me.
When I wasn't angry anymore, I cried myself to sleep.
Like every other normal day.
"Then?" Levi asked.
"The next morning,when I woke up, h-he had hung himself. Just like I wished last night. After that, one of my aunts became my guaridian,and up until now, I'm living with the money she sends me every month."
I couldn't fight back my tears anymore. They where running,wetting my cheeks. I looked down, ashamed to look him in the eye. " Levi. I killed my own dad. I don't deserve to live.I shouldn't be born in the first place. If I wasn't born, my mom would be living right now, same goes for my dad. He was right I-"
"You're wrong. You're not a monster. Your father was. You know what? Don't even call him that! Beating his own daughter?! I've seen more in the underground, but, here, in this world, it's madness! (F/n), I never met my dad, but I'm sure he was a terrible man. That's why he fucked my mom and then left her in that hellhole with a kid. Your dad (f/n), he tortured you every fucking day, for something that it wasn't even your fault. He thinks that you wanted your mom dead? Well, he was fucking wrong. You where his child, and he should be taking care of you,because you where the only thing he had from his wife. And instead, he tortured you! And then ended his own life. Probably regreting the things he did to you. (F/n) please, don't let him change your point of view. You're not a monster. In fact, you're one of the most intelligent and beautiful people I've ever met."
I looked at Levi shell-shocked. But, I had to admit that he was right. The past belongs to the past. I can't worry over these things. Mom said it in her diaries too.
One comes and the other goes. It's always like that. Don't worry over what's right or wrong. Always follow your heart. She knows better.
I wiped away my tears. "Thanks,Levi. Today, you made me realize many things. Maybe,you should be a councelor."
He smirked. "Maybe. I'll try it".
I got into the bed and Levi kissed my forehead. "Goodnight brat. And no more nightmares,got it?"
I rolled my eyes." Okay captain clean freak"
He turned around to leave, and before I know what I'm doing, I grab his hand.
He looks at me with a puzzled expression. "Stay, please?"
I'm not sure because of the darkness, but I'm pretty sure I saw him smiling.
"Okay, brat" he says and lays beside me. He wraps his one arm around my waist and he presses our bodies to each other's.
"Goodnight Levi"
"Goodnight (f/n)"
A/n: So, what do you think? Vote, give me feedback and stay awesome. Your past was revealed! What do you think? These chapters are so fun to write! The next one will be about shopping for your party dress. I already found one, but Idk.
Anyway, it's 4am(again) and I need to sleep.
Until next time
Love and kisses
Amazing author Chan

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