Chapter 13- Let him go...

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A/n: so exams started today and I will be super stressed so I will try to update as much as I can. But if the updates get slower, don't stop reading! I'll never forget this story!
Your pov (two days later)
I woke up from the sunlight penetrating through my window.
"Fuck you too" I murmured to the sun and got up.
The next thing I noticed was the irresistible smell of waffles coming from downstairs.
I washed my teeth, showed and got down. I slowly walked to the kitchen and saw Levi cooking.
And wearing an apon.
I cleared my throat and tapped him in the shoulder.
Ever since he told me to consider the little walk we had as a date, I can't stop thinking about it.
And those two days where the most awkward of my entire life.
No kidding.
He turned around and tched.
"Good morning brat. Wanna eat something?" He said and gave me a plate of his delicious waffles.
God, thus guy can really cook. And the fact that he is wearing an apon(and he looks sexy as fuck with it) doesn't help me at all.
He snaps his fingers in frond of my eyes.
"Earth to (f/n). Can you hear me?"
I blushed crimson red because of my thoughts.
"Hm? Oh y-yes I can hear you,sorry about that."
I had my eyes still glued to his apon. He saw that and smirked.
"I see, I see. Do you want me to take it off?"
I blushed deeper. "W-what? No!"
"Hm...I think that I will. It's so hot in here." He said and his devilish smile grew wider.
I just covered my eyes with my hands, too embarrassed to see him.
After for what seemed like hours, Levi pulled my hands off my eyes and my jaw fell to the floor.
Oh my freckled Jesus. His chest is beautiful.
"Like what you see (f/n)?"
I wanted to look at his 8-pack forever.
"Well, I mean yea and- Wait what? Are you stupid? Put a T-shirt on it something!"
I closed my eyes shut and waited for him to leave. Instead, he took one of my hands and lifted it up to his chest, letting me touch his abs.
What the fuck is wrong with him today? I mean he usually acts all cold, but today he acts...Really weird.
I opened my eyes and pulled my hand away.
"Who are you and have you some to Levi Ackerman!"
He looked at me, his smirk returning back to his normal expression.
"I'm right here brat. Now, take your plate and eat. We have a lesson later today don't we?"
I looked at him shocked. Okay, one moment he's all cold and emotionless and the other he lets me touch his abs?! What the fuck?
I opened my mouth to respond but I was cut off by my phone.
"Excuse me for a minute Levi"
I looked at the caller's ID and it was none other than Amber.
"Hey Amber. What's up?"
I heard things smashing and people shouting in the back. She must be at the café.
"Not really good at this very moment. But, I need to talk to you about something later. My shift ends at 6. Could you come to the café? It's really important."
"Yea,sure thing. Can Levi come too?"
More shouting.
"Fuck you jackass!"
Smooth Amber. Really smooth. "Oh (f/n),sorry! I wasn't talking to you! Just now,a pervert touched my butt. Anyway, meet me at 6pm, I have to go! And don't bring Levi! Bye!"
And with that, she hung up.
"Oi, (f/n) are we going to eat it what?"
I really don't know what she wants to talk to me about, but I have a feeling that it's about this theory of hers. For now, I just have to wait to find out.
I got into the kitchen and looked at Levi. Thankfully he had a T-shirt on.
"Hey, jackass, wanna have a competition?"
He cracked his fingers Kaneki style.
He should stop watching Tokyo ghoul.
He smirked." Bring it on"
I pointed at the waffles.
"Whoever eats more than the other wins."
"Brat,you should know by now that the word lose is not in my vocabulary."
I smiled devilishly.
"We'll see about that captain clean freak."
It was already sunset when I finished teaching Levi for today.
I looked at the clock, and I saw that I had thirty more minutes before I had to go to the café. So I decided that I will go earlier and drink something while waiting for Amber to end her shift.
I thrower my coat on me and I went to Levi's room.
I knocked at the door and, a few moments later, Levi opened it.
He looked at me from head to toe.
"Where are you going?"
"Amber asked me to go see her in the café."
I saw him getting in his coat.
"I'm coming with you."
I looked at him. "You don't have to. I'm fine by myself."
He looked back at me, his steel gray eyes piercing right through my (e/c) ones.
"Why you don't want me to come?"
I sighed and crossed my hands.
"Amber wants me to go alone. We need some girl time alone"
He sighed and rubbed his temples.
"You go. I'm tired and I'm going to sleep. If something happens,call me."
"Okay Levi, I will. Bye."
He closed the door, and I walked to the exit of the apartment, grabbed my phone and keys and headed out.
~~Timeskip till you are to the café~~
I entered the café Amber worked, and surprisingly, it was really quiet.
I saw her serving some customers, and I sat at a table waiting for her.
"(F/n)!" She walked to me.
I smiled. "What's up?"
She came closer to me and whispered in my ear. "I'll tell you after my shift ends. Can you wait for ten more minutes?" She asked
"Sure thing. And can you get me a hot chocolate?"
"Coming right away!" She said and hurried to give the order. I pulled out my book and started to read.
I liked books a lot. Since I was little, they where my escape just as my mother's calendars. When everyone turned their backs at me, books where everything I had. It was a weird connection that was like a drug. I couldn't stop reading. Even if it was normal books or manga's.
I felt someone talking the book away from me.
"Hey Amber! Give it back! I was reading you know!"
Her happy expression changed to a serious one.
And when she gets serious, then something is definitely wrong.
She went to the door and locked it, putting up the sign "closed".
She turned to me. "We need to talk."
I nodded. "I know. That's why you called me here."
She came to the table and sat down.
"Remember when I told you about my theory?"
I looked at her. "How could I forget?"
She sighed, running her fingers through her blonde hair.
"Well, I think I found something really important. And now that you're here with me, I want to see if I am really right."
She gave me a blank paper and a pen while I looked at her, confused.
"(F/n), write anything that comes to your mind right now. But not your thoughts. More like a story."
"And what exactly am I supposed to do with it?"
She looked at me, and for the first time in my life, I could see Amber looking upset.
"God dammit (f/n), I haven't slept for a whole week trying to figure this out! Do it!"
I had another choice? I think that now she's so upset, she won't take no as an answer.
I took the pen, and, started writing .
A young couple, both around their twenties, walked to the sidewalk, holding each other's hands. The man was whispering to the woman's ear, and she laughed out loud. Just after that, they both saw a café on the other side of the road. They tried to cross the road to get there, but a car was coming. The man saw it, and pulled the woman away, as he managed to pull back in time.
I just didn't felt like writing today. It was meaningless anyway. I looked at Amber.
"Read it. Out loud."
"But why should I-"
"(F/n), please hear me for a second! Remember when you where reading the no regrets manga, before we started talking about our assignments?"
I frowned. "I do, but that was about a month ago! Does it even matter?"
"That's what I'm trying to fucking tell you! It matters! Do you remember what your father told you when you where younger? About a gift or some shit? I think I discovered what this gift of yours is! Trust me, (f/n). Do it. You won't regret it."
I sighed and grabbed the paper. What's the harm in trying?
I took a deep breath and started reading.
" A young couple, both around their twenties, walked to the sidewalk, holding each other's hands. The man was whispering to the woman's ear, and she laughed out loud. Just after that, they both saw a café on the other side of the road. They tried to cross the road to get there, but a car was coming. The man saw it, and pulled the woman away, and he managed to pull back in time."
I finished my little crappy story, and looked at Amber.
"See, nothing happened."
She shook her head. She was watching something outside the café,and she looked like she just saw a ghost. She pointed her index finger at something. "Look"
I turned my head and I saw something that left my mouth wide open.
A young man and a woman where walking and the man was whispering to her ear. The woman started laughing.
It can't be.
They both turned their heads, looking at the café we where sitting at. They  talked for about one minute and then, the woman tried to cross the road.
Calm (f/n). It's just a coincidence. Nothing will happen now.
The man's eyes widened in terror, as he pushed the woman away from the road, and he managed to pull back in time.
Me and Amber where paralyzed in our positions,and I was still trying to understand what the fuck just happened.
No, it can't be.
I recovered first from my shock and grabbed the pen again, trying to write anything and then read it again, without it coming true. But Amber stopped me by grabbing my arm. She had a crazy look in her eyes.
"It's pointless. Don't you see (f/n)? This is your gift. This is the thing your dad and grandmother where talking about. And, this by some weird way, killed your mom. And dad."
I was unable to speak. For a split second my heart stopped.
He was right.
I'm really a monster.
I killed my mom.
I killed my dad.
I don't deserve to live.
Suddenly, I pulled my hand away from hers and I started putting my stuff into my bag.
Amber looked at me surprised.
"Hey, where are you going (f/n)? We're not done talking!"
I started to lose it. "Yes we are Amber. I need to go home and think."
I unlocked the door and pushed it open. She wasn't safe when I was around her.
I turned my head one more time, to look at her.
"Tell the professor that I'm not coming tomorrow. Or the day after. Actually, you know what? Tell him that I'll come to take my things from my locker."
Her pupils widened in surprise. "You don't mean-"
I took a deep breath to calm down.
"I'm quitting school. I can't be there anymore. With every step I take in there, something might go wrong, ans I don't want you or Tyler to get killed. And I don't want to lose anyone again."
"(F/n), you're overreacting. Nobody will get killed by you. What are you saying? Me and Tyler-"
I've had enough. I slammed the door to her face and started running. Good thing I wore my converses today.
When I thought that I was far away from Amber, I stopped to take a breath. I looked around to see where I was.
And then I realized that I was really close to home.
For the rest of the walk, I dragged my feet to the house. I don't know with who I was angry with right now.
My mom?
My dad?
No, even though I should be.
I killed them. I'm a killer. Amber's words where haunting me.
So this means that you killed your mom... And your dad
I started crying in the middle of the road.
This is hell. I just said to my best friend to forget me, and discovered something that can change my entire life.
I forced myself to continue walking till I reached my apartment. I opened the door and found Levi looking at the door blankly.
When he saw me,he jolted up from the couch and came next to me,grabbing my shoulders.
"Oi, what happened? Amber told me to wait for you and if you where late, she suggested that I should go out and look for you. What the fuck happened?"
I shook his hand off me and dropped my bag to the floor while looking blankly at him.
"I'm going to my room. Don't you dare to come in. Don't even get close to the door."
"You have to study?"
I sobbed silently, my back turned to him. I stopped the sobs and answered as simply as I could.
"No. I'm quitting school Levi. I'll go tomorrow to grab my things from my locker."
"What happened brat? I need to know."
I walked to my bedroom door and opened it.
"It's nothing to worry about,Levi. I'll tell you later."
I slammed the door shut and locked it.
With my back pressed to the wall, I slowly slid down to the floor.
By now, I was sobbing.
"DAMMIT ALL!" I screamed and punched the floor.
I got up, still sobbing and angry at myself.
I grabbed the only lighter in my room, and my books.
And burned them
I tossed the lighter at the other side of the wall, and punched the wall.
"Damn it, damn it, damn it, DAMN IT! I'M A KILLER!"
Blood started running from my hands, and I dug my nails into my skin.
After that, I went crazy. I started screaming and knocking every object in my room. My vision was red and I could see black dots.
Someone was trying to get in.
"Oi (f/n), open the door! What the fuck is going on?"
I was so furious with myself, and so out of control,that I threw my school bag to the door.
"Go away!" I roared at Levi.
"No! I'm not opening the door! Go away!"
My room was a mess. And then, something caught my eye.
Two bottles of whiskey.
I don't know why they where in my room, but I was grateful.
I opened one of them, and lifted it up to my mouth, as the bitter liquid was making it's way down my throat.
Normaly, I disliked those drinks more than anything, but now, I was making an exception.
My phone started ringing.
Tyler. I guess Amber told him. Great. Just. Great.
"Fuck you." I muttered and threw it to the wall.
I looked at the empty bottle in my hand. I raised it, and threw it to the mirror.
Both of them smashed in tiny pieces.
I never wanted to see my reflection again.
Because, who wanted to see a monster.
I opened the second bottle and raised it to the air, like I was making a toast.
I laughed hysterically. "To me"
I said and gulped half of the bottle down.
I layed to bed, and curled up into a ball, with my free hand hugging my knees and the other one holding the whiskey.
I started crying again, drinking the whiskey little by little.
I heard the door opening. I barely turned my head to see Levi wide eyed by the sight. My room was a real mess.
He walked next to me, looking at my figure. His silver pupils switched place, and looked at the bottle in my hand.
He tried to take it away from me, but I was clinching onto it for dear life.
"Go away" I muttered.
He removed a wisp of hair out of my eyes and held it into his hand. "No. Tell me what's going on."
His voice was calm and soft, unlike other times.
He got into bed with me and hugged me. "Please (f/n), tell me what's going on. I really care about you, and I want to know."
Shit, this is wrong
I promised him that he will leave as soon as I find out the truth.
Don't let him hug you. Push him away.
You will never see him again anyway.
My mind was telling me this, and it was probably the right choice to make.
But my heart was telling me otherwise .
I hugged him tighter, and he didn't seem to mind.
He smells lavender. And Windex.
"Please don't leave. Don't leave me alone again. I don't want to be alone anymore. When I stay all alone, this happens" I said and motioned to the room.
He was drawing circles down my back, to calm me down.
"Don't worry. I won't leave. Trust me."
My eyes slowly closed, and the last thing I remember is Levi whispering something I couldn't hear clearly.
He will stay for now.
But, at some point, I will have
To let him go...

A/n: Drama bombbbbbbb!
OMG I'm so excited for the next chapters! What do you think Levi whispered to you(hehe, I like the next chapters but I feel like I'm having tea party with Satan right now) Anyway shit's about to get real in the next few chapters so brace yourselves people.
Until next time
Love and kisses
Author Chan

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