Chapter 36-Shocking news

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"I see..." Erwin said and placed his documents down on his office. "The story you just told me is too un-realistic to be true, but I will believe you for now."

I nodded at the Commander. Indeeed, convincing someone that you are from another dimension is hard. But, somehow Hanji managed to change his mind and let me stay here for as long as it takes. Well, after a little demonstration from me of course.

Erwin ran his hand through his hair. "Dismissed."

I stood up and kindly bowed to show my respect towards him. He looked like a really powerful man up close. No wonder Levi respects him so much.


I have only heard bad news from the doctors. His situation has taken a turn for the worse this past week, just as he was getting better. They said that he might not make it.

The Survey corps are trying really hard to get my mind off Levi's state. Eren, Mikasa and Armin have been hanging out with me, each cheering me up with their own way. Eren with jokes, Mikasa teaching me how to fight, and Armin with his literature books. Hanji is also taking me with her to watch her experiments. They even threw a party to make me feel better. They are all so kind with me, and they only know me for three weeks.

Nevertheless, their efforts don't seem to pay off. I haven't eaten anything for the past two weeks and my legs feel like jelly. I'm not who I used to be, both physically and mentally. I am constantly dozing off, and I feel like a living sckeleton.

"Oi, (F/n)!" A male voice calls,snapping me out of my thoughts.

I know who it is before even turning around. He's been sticking around me lately, bothering me with his perverted jokes for no particular reason.

"What is it, Jean?" I say.

He catches up to me and I stop, waiting for him to catch his breath.

"Would you like to go for a walk?" He suggests.

I roll my eyes. "If you will annoy me with your jokes all the time, then no. A most preferable option would be getting killed by a titan."

He shook his head. "No, I really wanna talk. Well, we all voted on who would come and talk to you, and since Armin dosen't have the balls to come, they forced me to do it."

I raised my eyebrow. "And what do you wanna talk about precisely?"

He shrugged. "Dunno. Life and stuff."

I sighed. "There's no way I can avoid this, right?"

He grabbed my arm and dragged me outside. "Nope. You have to endure it for now."

I snatched my hand away from his. "Gosh, stop pulling me, it hurts ya know!"

He rolled his eyes and rested his hands behind his head. "Whatever woman..."

We entered the forest and the rest of the walk kept going in silence, until he spoke.

"Hey, is it just me, or you have gotten skinnier since you came here? I mean, I know that the food we serve is not the best, but everyone eats it...You seem like you don't eat at all."

I sighed. "So what if I am not? It's not like I will die or anyhing."

Jean looked at me, his eyes only reflecting concern. "You must eat, ya know! Is this what Captain Levi would want? Not eating because you are sad?"

I don't know what had gotten into me at that time. I grabbed Jean from the collar of his t-shirt with all my remaining strength and looked at him in the eye, as tears started flowing from my (e/c) orbs.

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