Chapter 19-Trip announcement

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A/n: Helooooo!! So, you'll go on a trip with Levi! (I think the title says it all). I'll divide this into two parts(or three). It will be funny and guys please tell me your opinion about the lemon I wanna do in the future ! I really wanna know.
(The song has nothing to do with the chapter)
~Timeskip one week later brought to you by Author Chan's craziness~
When the fuck did we learned this?!
What is this?
Come on, I know this one!
Fuck it I'm gonna work at McDonald's.

Honestly these physic tests will be the death of me. (A/n: true story...I fucking hate physics...)
I placed my pen down and started looking out of the window. I saw Levi walking around the yard, building a snowman.
He looked so innocent and childish. It was as if he was enjoying his lost childhood.
My thoughts where cut off by the teacher.
"Okay class! Time's up. Stop writing and give me your papers."
I sighed and extended my hand to give it to the devil.
I'm so failing this...
When the teacher was done collecting the papers, he looked at us, gathering our things, eager to go home.
"Class listen up! I have an announcement to do!"
We all looked at her, genuinely bored.
She clapped her hands together. "As you all know, our school is organizing its annual winter excursion!"
Groans could be heard from the entire class, and one boy raised his hand.
"But the last time was awful!"
The teacher sighed. "I know. That's why the school decided that this year, you can brink one of your friends out of school with you!"
Everyone's jaws dropped to tie floor, including mine.
So I'll go with Levi?!
Someone started clapping, and the whole class erupted from cheers. I felt someone poking my shoulder.
"(F/n)! You're gonna bring Levi with you?"
I rolled my eyes at Amber. "You're talking about him like he's some kind of an object. Ans yes, he's my only friend out of school, so he's the only option." I said as the bell rang and students hurried to leave, me included as one of them.
Amber cached up to me. "He's not your friend (f/n)! He's your boyfriend~And if you think about it... You two will have a room all for yourselves! And this means that you two will sleep together"
I blushed. "Whatever. We sleep together and now."
She wiggled her eyebrows. "Oh? And do you only sleep? I wouldn't be surprised if you weren't a virgin anymore with a boyfriend like Levi."
Sweet mother Teresa in the hood of a Mercedes Benz, since when Amber became such a pervert?
"I heard my name?"
She froze, while I turned, around to see Levi, mostly covered in snow.
Amber scratched the back of her neck. "Hehe. Look (f/n). It's...Levi. I was just saying how sweet boyfriend you are."
Levi intertwined my hand with his. "She's still a virgin. I'm not a guy who will do something without permission."
Amber crossed her hands in front of her chest. "Well you sure don't seem like one to me." She whispered.
Levi gave her his famous cold glare. "Say this one more time and you're dead."
Amber rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. I'll let you two lovebirds alone. And before I forget (f/n), the teacher will hand these over tomorrow, but I asked her to give these to me now, cause I won't come tomorrow. I asked one for you too."
I smiled. "Thanks."
She handed me the flyer and waved at us. "Well, I have to go have fun!" She said and dashed off.
Levi and me started walking.
"How did the test go?" He asked.
I shrugged. "Not well."
"Oh. I see. Any other news?"
"You where with me all day. You expect me to have stuff to tell you?"
"You're right. What about the excursion?"
I looked at the flyer I was holding with my right hand.
"I don't really know. Let's see." I said and opened it.
Inside, was a nice picture of a mountain and skiers.
The information read:
Our school's excursion will be held in this beautiful place, mountain (Idk where the fuck you live so say any mountain that comes to your mind.) We will be staying there for about a week and every day we will do various activities . All the students are allowed to bring with them one of their friends out of school. Please inform them about what they will need for this trip. More information given in the school's site.
P. S Whoever wishes to participate should hand in the money until Monday.

Levi looked at the information sheet.
"I see...So I'll come with you?"
He said.
I gave him a small kiss in his cheek. "Of course, idiot."
He looked away, his cheeks dusted with a soft shade of pink. "Tch. You're the idiot here." He said and ruffled my hair.
I smiled as I saw the house coming into view. It was like a fairy tail. Me and Levi living together for so long. And now I'm going on a trip with him. It's not like the destination is really far away from where I live, but it's beautiful there.
That aside, this week is going to be intense cause of the preparations. I have to pack for Levi and me, find the extra money to pay Levi's stay to the hotel and I have to pay for my stuff too.
Levi snapped his fingers in front of me.
"Earth to (f/n)? Can you hear me?"
I blinked and looked at him.
"Huh? Oh, yes... You where saying?"
He sighed. "I said we're here open the door."
I looked in front of me and we really where in front of the entrance. "Oh, sorry. I was just thinking." I said and pulled out my keys. I unlocked the door and the sweet scent of cookies welcomed me. I swear, I was so hungry I could eat anything right now.
"You should stop thinking so much."
"You made cookies?" I asked.
"Yes. Since your cooking skills suck, I decided to do it." He said taking off his shoes.
I didn't bother to even wash my hands as I went straight into the kitchen and started looking for the cookies.
When I found them, my stomach growled, and I dug in.
"Hey brat your shoes are all filthy! Don't go in there! I cleaned today."
I ignored Levi and served myself five cookies, sitting at a chair.
He got in and looked at me.
"Take. Off. Your. Shoes. Now."
I stuck my tongue out at him.
He came closer. "Young lady, take off your shoes and that's an order."
I bit the chocolate cookie. "I will do whatever I want. I'm a responsible adult."
He was just inches away from me. "Oi, responsible adult. You have chocolate all across your face."
He leaned in and kissed me. At first the kiss was sweet, but then it became more passionate. He lifted me up and wrapped his hands around my waist. I felt him biting my bottom lip, and I opened my mouth.
In the meantime he had taken me from the kitchen to the living room, and he placed me to the couch, hoovered on top of me.
"Levi...What are we-"
I wasn't able to finish my sentence, as I was cut off by his soft lips crashing mine.
His lips left my mouth and started sucking the flesh of my neck. I moaned as he left love bites all over my flesh.
I threw my head back,as he found my sweet spot.
"Levi!" I moaned.
I felt something hard in between my thigs.
Oh please don't tell me that it's...
I slightly pushed him away. "Levi. Stop." I whispered.
He pulled back. "Why (f/n)? Did I do something wrong?"
I shook my head. "No, no. It's not your fault. It's just that...I'm still not know, after what happened with Tyler."
He cupped my cheek. "It's okay (f/n). I understand. I'll wait." He said kissing my lips and then getting off me.
I sighed. Great, I had ruined the moment.
I saw Levi trying to act all cool in front of me, although he was blushing because he got a boner.
"Um,excuse me...I'm going to the bathroom." He said and left quickly.
When he was out of sight, I started laughing my lungs out. He looked so...different. And it was funny.
When he came back, my laughed had already died down.
He plopped himself to the couch. "Wanna watch anything?" He said, probably trying to change the subject.
I shook my head and got along with it. It wasn't something I wanted to talk about anyway.
"Well, actually I'm hungry so I think that since you only made cookies we should order pizza."
He shrugged. "It's up to you."
I smiled. "Then, pizza it is!"
He ruffled my head. "Whatever you want, brat."
I hugged him, not letting go.
He made me feel safe. And the fact that I was going to go on a trip with him made me feel safer.
Let's just hope that the trip won't be a failure just like the one last year...
A/n: I know, it's crappy, but I was in a really good mood, so I wrote this. And probably the next two chapters will be about the trip. So stay turned up for more fluffiness!
Until next time
Love and kisses
Author Chan

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