Chapter 15- Let the party begin

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A/n: Hey! *drinks tea with Satan again* I have big plans for these two parts of the party. *hides in the corner* don't kill me~
P. S : This photo is Levi's suit(without the glasses of course). It was the best photo I found if you don't want it like this, then let your imagination run wild.*wiggles eyebrows*(lol no)
"F/n, just trust me!"
"I'm telling you Amber, it won't fit me"
"Yes it will last time you tried it,it fitted perfectly! This dress is the one for you!"
We've been having this fight for at least ten minutes. We did the makeover and we are currently sitting in my room, trying to solve my self-esteem problems.
But let me tell you everything first, and how we got here.
Flashback ( a few hours ago)

"Just no honey! I'm telling you, these shoes are not for you! You would look awful with them!"
Jeez, thanks.
"But, this is perfect for her!" Amber interrupted my fight with her personal fashion designer, Josh.
And this is another one of the benefits of being rich.
"Amber, honey, you stay out of this. I'm glad that your aunt Rika picked the dress for her, because her taste in fashion is just terrible!"
I moved my hands in front of him and Amber.
"Um excuse me? I'm right here! And that's not a nice thing to say in front of me!"
He scoffed. "Like I care. Come on, I'll take you on later. For now, go do makeup."
He pushed me to the door and literally threw me out.
"But wait where is the makeu-"
"See ya later honey!" He said and shut the door in my face.
Great. Now I have to find this makeup room myself.
And Amber's house is huge.
I wandered for what seemed like hours, when I finally found a maid kind enough to show me the makeup room.
"We are here, young miss" she said and bowed.
"No need for formal shit. I'm just Amber's friend, call me (f/n)."
Her mouth was wide open. "O-okay (f/n), have a nice day!" She said and happily walked away.
She disappeared behind the corner, and I stayed there, looking at the two huge wooden doors in front of me.
I rested my hand on the doorknob and I twisted it open.
The doors opened and revealed a beautiful room, the sunlight penetrating through the windows.
The only person in there was a red-haired woman.
She turned around and looked me in the eye.
And that moment, I recognized her.
I would never forget her beautiful red hair for as long as I lived.
"Maya!" I said, running to hug her.
"Whoa there (f/n)! You've grown up so much!"
Maya was one of the people who always treated me with kindness. After dad died, I was sent to an orphanage die a while , and there I met Maya. She was three years older than me, so she always protected me and took care of me like I was her sister.
And after all these years, I finally meet her again.
"And you don't look bad yourself." I said smirking.
"Oh, shut it (f/n)! HOW'S MY BABY SISTER?" She said and attacked me with her famous bone-crashing hug.
I swear, I only know crazy people. Me included in them.
"Maya...Can't...breathe..." She was literally crushing my bones.
"Oh! Sorry! So, how may I help you today (f/n)?"
I sighed, running my fingers through my (h/l) (h/c) hair.
"We have a lot of catching up to do. Shall we begin with that first?"
She smiled genuinely at me
"Of course!"
~Timeskip after you explain what happened to Maya~
"Wow. (F/n) this is awesome and terrible at the same time. I'm so sorry..."
I smiled at her. "No need to be Maya. I'm perfectly fine now"
"Oh yeah? Because of this boy? I think you told me his name is Levi? Is he your boyfriend or some shit?"
I blushed at her comment. "Maya, he's not my boyfriend."
She laughed throwing her head back. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. And let me guess, you came here cause you have a date with him?"
I blushed even more. "N-no. I just have a party to attend tonight, and I want to look good."
She wiggled her eyebrows. "He will be there right?"
"And he's the reason you wanna look good?"
"Jesus, Maya yes, he's the reason!" I half-yelled at her.
She seemed to be deep in her thoughts for a while, tapping her chin.
"And what look do you want to archive sis?"
What I want? For makeup?
"Well, I don't want to look like a clown. Something that looks natural and makes me look pretty. And I want my hair to be (any hairstyle you like).
She smiled. "Its settled then! So, little sis, close you eyes and let me so my magic!"
I managed to put on the dress without ruining the hairstyle and makeup Maya worked so hard on. She said that I will get to see myself in the mirror when I get home and put on the dress, so I still don't know how I look like.
I just hope that I don't look like those fake TV celebrities with tons of makeup on their face and a terrible hairstyle.
"Okay, (f/n) turn around!" Amber said happily.
I slowly turned and looked at myself in the mirror.


My hair was braid to (any hairstyle you like) and my makeup was making my face glow. The eye shadow made my (e/c) eyes stand out and my lips had a beautiful crimson red color, but not too unnatural.
I have to admit, Maya is amazing.
"Earth to (f/n)? Can you hear me?"
I zoomed out and looked at Amber.
"Maya is amazing. She did a great job with my makeup."
She nodded. "And Josh picked the perfect shoes for you."
And indeed he had. I wore black heels,making me look at least seven inches taller.
Ha, I'm taller than Levi now.
Amber checked her outfit once again. She was wearing a white knee-length dress and white heels. She looked like an angel with her blonde hair braid to the side, and her green eyes shining like emerald stones.
She looked at me and clapped her hands.
"Okay. Mission otp is officially on! Let's make Levi go crazy!"
I rolled my eyes. "Let's go Amber." I said and opened the door.
She pushed me, almost making me lose my balance because of the heels.
"Go get him girl. I'm coming down in a minute" she whispered.
"But you-" I started protesting.
"Shhh (f/n)~I know you want him so go down there, and make his heart go crazy."
She winked at me, and pushed me down the hall to the living room.
I saw Levi, looking at his phone. He had his back turned at me.
His back looks so muscular in a suit.
He looks handsome in almost everything you dumbass.
I faked a cough, and he turned around.
He looks
His black suit is so amazing...I just can't describe it with words.
And his tie. Oh my God I never thought that someone could look so sexy wearing a tie.
Everything about him was perfect.
I think that I drooled...
Oh I didn't.
He rubbed the back of his neck, averting his gaze from mine. "You... you look great." He mumbled.
I hummed in response, looking down at my heels. "And you don't look bad yourself."
He opened his mouth to answer but he was cut off by Amber shouting.
"Oi, lovebirds, stop the chit chat and go to the car! We're late!"
"We're not lovebirds" I shouted back.
I swear that I could hear Levi murmuring "not yet."
"What?" I looked at him to make sure I heard right.
"Nothing brat. Shall we?" He said and offered me his hand.
Gentleman like always.
"Of course." I said and linked his hand with mine.
We walked out of the house and Amber came a few seconds later.
"I'm driving~" she shouted and got in the car.
"Lord please protect us" Levi whispered looking at the sky.
I giggled. "I agree."
We got in the car, and sat there in awkward silence while Amber was driving(thankfully not hitting anywhere).
I had almost fallen asleep on Levi's shoulder,when Amber stopped the car so abruptly, I almost flew at the front seat.
"We're here!" She said excited.
I could already hear the loud music playing and I saw some people making out.
Welcome to high-school parties.
We got out of the car and we all walked to the house entrance.
Me and Levi where holding hands all this time. I felt his warm hand squeezing mine, as Amber opened the door and loud music filled our ears.
Let the party begin.
A/n: nothing to say just that I'm tired and I won't update much next week cause I have chemistry and physic exams.
Until next time
Love and kisses
Author Chan

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