Chapter 14- Never leave

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play the song if you want
I woke up with the worst headache ever. My head was spinning and pounding so hard, I felt like it was ready to explode.
I rolled out of bed, and saw a note in my desk. It was from Levi.
Dear brat,
If you are reading this, then you have gotten your lazy ass off bed. I went to buy something, so I'll be out for a while. When I come back, you have explaining to do about your last night's behavior. Also, I cleaned up your room, and replaced the broken mirror. Breakfast is on the table.
I neatly folded the note, and dragged my feet back to bed.
I crushed face fist and groaned.
Now I have to explain what happened,to him. And my headache is getting worse and worse. I really need a drink.
Despite my headache,I'm already in the kitchen, looking for wine, whiskey, or anything else that contains alcohol.
To be honest,I think that I'm becoming like dad.
I finally found a bottle of vodka.
I always kept drinks in the kitchen in case someone visits, but I rarely have any visitors.
I opened the bottle and sat to the chair. Levi had left my breakfast at the table as promised, but I wasn't in the mood to eat.
I just wanted to wake up from this bad dream,and be the normal nerd I once was.
I brought the bottle up to my lips, but someone stopped me from drinking.
"Tch. I thought that I threw away all of them."
I opened my eyes to see Levi.
He looked sad, but only someone who knew him well enough would be able to tell the difference.
He took the bottle from my hand, and spilled the liquid to the sink.
"Why are you like this?" He asked and sat down facing me.
I sighed. "It's a long story."
He raised his eyebrow. "I have all the time in the world to hear you. Explain."
I took a deep breath and looked away from his steel gray eyes.
"Well…Amber wanted me to go to the café without you, because she discovered something really important."
He leaned closer. "And that is…?"
My hands started shaking and my heat was beating fast.
"How to get you go back from where you came from"
His eyes widened and he grabbed my shoulders, shaking them.
"Really? How?"
A tear escaped my left eye. I grabbed a post-it from the fridge and started writing.
As much as I hated it, I needed to show him. I wrote something crappy to the paper and he looked at me, confused.
I took a deep breath and tried to calm my headache.
When I was ready, I started reading. It was the most simple example I could give at the moment.
"A loud bark was heard from the living room. It was a small black puppy. It was running around, when it suddenly disappeared, like it never existed."
Levi looked at me weirdly.
"(F/n), does this even had to do with your explanation? Why the fuck-"
His sentence was cut off by a loud bark from the living room. His eyes slightly widened, as he stood up from his chair and walked to find the source of the bark.
I sighed and stood up, following him.
When we entered, there was a small black puppy running around.
I turned and looked at him. For a split second, his stoic expression was replaced by a shocked one, before going back to normal.
"What the fuck?" I heard him mumbling.
The dog went behind the sofa, and then, just like it magically started barking, it stopped.
Levi went to look behind the furniture, but he saw nothing.
To be honest, I wasn't sad about my new ability. In fact, I though that it was cool.
If you overlook the fact that it killed my mother and father, everything is okay about it.
He sat down and looked at me. "You mean that you can bring human beings or animals here by just reading? This is ridiculous. Magic doesn't even exist."
Says the guy who came straight from a book filled with titans.
I felt my shoulders shaking.
"Tell me Levi, what do you want me to do in order to convince you? Do you want me to kill someone again? Like I did with my parents? You think that this is easy for me? Just a few days ago, you told me that I'm not a killer and it's not my fault that they died. Guess what? It's all my fault. And now,you have to leave, and I don't want to be alone again! Call me selfish, but I want you to be here, Levi! Since you came, my life took a turn for the better. And I had so much fun this one  month than I did in my entire life.
I just want you to be here because…because…"
I placed my head between my hands, looking down.
Why nobody ever told me about this? Why did I had to discover it on my own? Is this why all my relatives never talked to me and, when they did they treated me like a slave? And, the thing concerning me the most right now…
Will Levi leave me forever? Tears where rolling down my face.
"Please…Don't leave me…Please…"
I felt Levi's hands wrapping around my waist, and I wrapped mine around his neck, burying my face in his chest.
He holded me like this for a long time, waiting for me to stop crying.
When I finally calmed down, he lifted my chin with his index finger, so that I could look at him in the eye.
"Tch brat. Who told you that I'll leave? You are a really important part of my life, and I wouldn't let you go so easily. Of course I have friends there too, but you are just as important as they are."
Guilt strikes me once again. How am I supposed to tell him that Isabel and Farlan will die? He will be devastated if he finds out I never told him. He will probably think that I'm selfish and want him to be here all the time. But, either way, even if I told him, they would die,it won't change anything. I've read tons of books to know at least that already.
"And maybe more important…" he whispered.
I zoomed out of my bubble and looked at him. "You said something Levi?"
He scratched the back of his neck, averting my gaze.
"No brat. Anyway, yesterday, you said that you want to quit school. Are you still sure that you want to?"
It was clear that he wanted to change the subject, and I went along with it.
Do I really want to? Amber, Tyler and all the teachers where so nice to me. Besides, I want to go to university next year. It was always my dream. Would I throw it all away for something so meaningless? I mean, what's done cannot be undone. I can't change anything now. I must forget what hurt me in the past, and keep moving forward. But, I must never forget what my past taught me.
I have taken my decision.
"Nah. I'll continue. Besides, we only have this year, and then we all go to university. No big deal."
He frowned. "So you won't quit?"
I smiled."Nope!"
He faintly smiled.
He.Faintly .Smiled.
Levi smiled. Honestly, I just wanted to take the camera and take a photo of this rare phenomenon.
His hand traced my cheek and jawline, giving me goosebumps.
"Now that you smiled, I'm sure that you are really okay. Never cry again (f/n). I don't want to see you cry ever again. Understood?"
I nodded. "Okay Levi. If you say so…"
Just then, I noticed that we where just mere inches away from each other. I saw Levi leaning in, as I closed my eyes and took in his lavender scent.
Our lips where almost touching, and his hand cupped my cheek.
I could feel my heart beating fast and I felt like I had a huge dragon partying inside my stomach.
"Woah, Mona Lisa, you're guaranteed to run this town!
Woah, Mona Lisa I'd pay to see you frown!"
Oh you've got to be kidding me.
He pulled away and looked at his phone ringing on top of the table.
I blushed fifty shades of crimson red, as I realized what we where about to do before.
Levi reached for the phone and looked at the caller's ID before answering.
"What now brat? You kinda interrupted something really important here." He seemed really frustrated.
"No she won't quit. She just told me. Yeah, I'll tell her. Look, if you want to talk to her just-Stop crying brat. She's okay. Tch, here talk"
He handed me the phone.
"Amber" he whispered.
I nodded and took the phone, placing it on my ear.
"(F/n) oh my God, I was so worried, I called you so many times but you wouldn't answer your phone and then I phoned Levi and he said that you where drunk and I was so worried please (f/n) forgive me, it's my fault this happened don't scare me like this again!"
I was speechless. She tried to call me? Well, I guess she didn't knew that I broke my phone.
I just laughed. She was so sensitive in these matters. I could tell just from her voice that she was freaking out this whole time.
"Amber, calm down. I'm alright. I won't quit school. Relax."
She sighed from the other side of the phone. "So you forgive me for ruining your life?"
"There's nothing to forgive you for Amber. My life was shitty to begin with. What's done can't be undone."
"Oh… Then,since we're good…Shall I come to pick you up for our makeover in two hours from now?"
I raised my eyebrow even though she couldn't see me.
"Makeover? For what?"
"F/n don't tell me that you forgot. The party is tonight!"
My eyes widened. With all these things going on, I completely forgot about it.
I guess it's normal to forget some things when your life turns upside down.
"Okay Amber. I'll be waiting."
She giggled. "Okay! And I want all the details about this something I interrupted."
I rolled my eyes. Her attitude could change faster than Jess's boyfriends.
"Fine. See ya!"
"Later f/n! Thanks for forgiving me!"
And with that, she hung up.
I looked at Levi.
He was still sitting beside me, smirking.
"What did the brat told you?"
"Did you remembered that the party is tonight?" I asked.
He tched. "Yes, of course. That's why I went to buy something while you where still sleeping ."
"What did you bought?"
"You'll find out later."
"Please tell me." I pouted.
"No. You never showed me your dress, so I won't show you what I bought."
I crossed my hands over my chest and looked away from him.
"Oi. Brat."
I sighed. "What."
"Wanna watch anime while waiting for brat number 2?"
I smiled "Sure."
Ans just like that, things are back to normal…
A/n: so, long time no see! Sorry, but exams are a real bitch,and I have to read all the time. I've been writing this for 3 days. Currently, I'm sitting in French class typing this
The next chapter is about the makeover and the party. *drinks tea with Satan*(you'll hate me so much for this but you'll also love me) so, my dear readers what do you think will happen? Brace yourselves people cause the next chapters will be fucking intense.
Until next time
Love and kisses
Author Chan

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