Chapter 22- Three simple words

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A/n: play song when I tell you(prepare for major nosebleed)

~Timeskip to the last day of the trip~

"Hey (f/n) did you heard the news?"
I raised my eyebrow in question at Maya. "What is it?"
"There will be a karaoke contest today, because it's the last day of our stay here. Like a goodbye."
"Oh... I see... And how do you know?"
She simply shrugged. "The teachers told me.I'm really sad about leaving. The trip was so good and we had so much fun!"

I had to admit, that I too had a really fun time with Levi, Amber and Maya. Every day was special. But after our last night's conversation with Levi, I was really worried about what would happen when we got back.

~flashback last night~

Me and Levi where laying in bed, and he was hugging me and playing with my (h/l) (h/c) hair.
"Hey, (f/n)".
"What?" I said with my eyes closed.
"You know... you promised me something... that I'll have to leave at some point."
Immediately, I opened my eyes and shot up.
"You mean that you want to go back? You don't want to be with me anymore?" I was about to cry.
He shook his head. "No (f/n)! It's just that... I've been gone for almost two months and I'm sure that Farlan and Isabel have gone insane looking for me. Besides, I have to go back whether I like it or not. You know, for the story or whatever."
I sighed. He was right. It's not that he'll never come back again. It will be just for a little. "Okay. When we get back home, I'll send you to the underground city."
He just nodded. "Thanks. Now, let's sleep." He said and patted the place next to him for me to lay down. I did and hugged him, as he kissed me on the lips for goodnight. It was slow and affectionate at first, but it soon became passionate. Levi pressed me down to the bed and he was on top of me.
I felt his hands going up my torso, lifting my blouse up. I let him get it off me, as he slowly traced kisses down my neck.
"Levi-ah!" I moan as he found my sweet spot.
"(F/n)..." he growls and slightly bites my neck,then licking the same spot.
I was a moaning mess,and the only thing he did was to kiss me.
He continued,when he suddenly froze and got off me.
"It's late. We need to sleep."

Okay,what? Did I do something wrong?

"Levi what is-"
He came closer to me and kissed my forehead." I just like to tease you."
I blushed."S-shut up."

I was sitting in the hotel's bathroom, looking at my reflection. I was wearing a dark green dress which reached my knees. I had my hair braid to the side, and I was wearing the charm bracelet Levi bought for me a while back ago.
I heard someone knocking on the door.
"(F/n)? Ready to go? The karaoke starts in five minutes."
I sighed. "Coming!"
I finished applying my makeup,and opened the door. Levi was standing there, wearing his tuxedo. It made him look even more sexy than he already was.
(A/n lol when I wrote this thinking out loud started to play and it was like "when your legs don't work like they used to before" and now I'm crying cause EREN'S MOMMM.. Anyway back to the story.)
He looked over at me. "About time. Let's go." He said and offered me his hand, which I gladly took.
We both walked down the stairs and we reached the dining hall.
I saw Amber and Maya sitting at a table, waving at us.
I had to admit that the scenery was well set up. Large round tables surrounded the stage, where the karaoke contest was being held. The windows had no curtains on today, so we could see the stars and moon through the glass. The view was also breathtaking. Snow was everywhere and it made the night seem more mysterious.
"(F/n)! Over here!" Maya said.
We walked over to them.
"You'll participate at the contest, right? I bet that you'll win."
I shook my head. "Nah, I don't feel like participating. But Levi could."
He just shook his head. "No. I don't wanna sing."
I pouted. "Levi~Please? For me?" I said and did my puppy eyes to him.
"Jesus Christ (f/n), okay! Just stop with the puppy eyes. You're seventeen years old, and you act like you're five."
I just ignored him and threw my hands up in the air. "Yay! Now, let's get you to sign up." I said and dragged him to the stand with the songs.
"I hate you (f/n)."
I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, yeah, just sign the fuck up. It will start in minutes or so."
He looked at all of the songs and I saw him smirking.

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