Chapter 7- School stalker

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A/n: You're welcome ^ (the pic gave me nosebleeds)

I woke up with a serious headache. I could barely stand up, as I dragged myself to the kitchen, to see Levi preparing breakfast.
"Morning" I mumbled.
He just nodded as he continued preparing our meal.
A few minutes of silence passed and he brought our breakfast to the table and we started eating.
"Do you have school today?" He asked.
"Unfortunately, yes. Honestly I don't want to deal with Jess or Tyler today. And I have to apologize to Amber for yelling at her. And my headache is getting worse and worse by every minute."
He sighs. "I will regret this later, but do you want me to come with you?"
"What ? No! I can handle things by myself!"
He raised his eyebrow. "Are you sure?"
I faked a laugh. "Yea. I'll be fine! Really!"
He took the plates and placed them on the sink.
"I'm going to shower." I said. "Like I care." He said. "Shorty" "You're shorter that me brat" (if you're not shorter, pretend please! I'm not short either. All my friends tell me that probably someone pulls my legs when I sleep...Anyway why the fuck am I blabbering? Back to the story...)
"Whatever" I said as I shut the door behind me. I quickly got undressed and hopped into the bathtub. A shower is just what I need right now! I washed my (h/l) (h/c) hair with my favorite strawberry shampoo and I got out. My headache was barely bothering me now, so I decided to go to school.
I got dressed, not bothering to do something with my hair, and I just catch them up to make a ponytail. I grad my keys and head to the door. "See ya Levi!" "Bye brat." I hear him saying before I close the door behind me.
"Alright girls!" Our gym teacher yells. "Today, you're going to run laps around the tennis court until the lesson ends!"
And that's the reason I hate this class.
We line up, as the teacher who is really masked and hiding her true identity, which is Satan himself, blows the whistle.
Great. One hour of running around aimlessly.
Honestly, what is wrong with life?
After 30 long-ass minutes, the devil blows the whistle, a signal for us to take a break. I quickly sprint out of the court, and go to my locker to get my water bottle. I enter the passcode and I finally start drinking water.
I hear someone faking a cough and, as I turn around, I see Amber looking at me, with her serious face on.
Quickly, her expression changes to her happy one, and she hugs me.
"I'm so sorry (f/n) please forgive me, I'll never do something like this again, it's my fault!"
I laughed. "Amber, you're being over-dramatic again! I'm not mad at you! We know each other since kindergarten! Jeez, you thought that I will be mad about that?"
She laughed. "No, but it seemed like you where really mad... And Levi called me when you where asleep and told me what happened later when I brought him to school. I can't believe that he's gonna be your date to the party! We must go shopping this weekend!"
"I must take his phone away... He learned how to use it, and now he's dangerous" I murmed.
The important thing was that I was fine with Amber. Two more people to go!
We started walking down the hallway to go back to the field, when Amber froze in her position. I went beside her, and moved my hands in front of her. "Earth to Amber can you hear me?"
She pointed with her index finger something in the distance. "What the fuck..."
I regret the moment I turned around,because I saw Levi leaning against the wall, with his arms crossed.
I froze just like Amber did before.
What? Why is he here?
She shook me and gestuned to Levi. "Go talk to him and tell him to GO BACK! If Tyler sees him, he will beat the shit out of him!" "He can manage. But he needs to go back either way." I walk to Levi "Why are you here?" "Tch.Excuse you. I thought you needed me here"
I looked at him and placed my hands on my hips. "No, I don't need you here, so go home!" "Brat. You're not my mom. I'll stay here as long as I want to"
I sighed. Fine, if he wanted to, fine by me!
"Okay, you can stay. But now, I have a class to attend. Excuse me." I said and shoved him out of my way.
I finally made it to the court with Amber, and we started running again. When I turned around, I saw Levi stalking me, like the creep he is.
Adimt it (f/n) he's a handsome freak!
Wait no what the fuck? I shook my head to get these thoughts out of it.
Minutes later I saw Jess and her friends looking at Levi and whispering stuff like "He's so hot!" and "Is he new? I'm gonna ask him out!"
This is going to be a loong day...

A/n: Sooooo this is the last update of the year! The next chapters will be interesting,so stay turned for more! Oh, and two more things:
Until next time
Love and kisses
Author Chan

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