Chapter 35-Now that I need you

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play song when I tell you.(Don't mind the video please)

"Come on (F/n), eat something!" Hanji whined.

I shook my head and pushed the plate aside. "I'm not in the mood. I'll just go for a walk."

I got up and exited Hanji's office. I don't want to eat.
I just want Levi to be okay. I,want him to wake up and hug me.

I opened the door to Levi's room. Erwin had permitted me to stay here without further explaining. I wasn't still ready to talk to anyone anyway.

It has already been two days, but it feels like years have passed. I don't have the strength to move and my eyes have lost their vividness. I don't want to talk to anyone.

I twirl the ring in my hand around my finger. The diamond shines beautifully to the sun, giving off extraordinary colors. This is not just a ring he gave me. It's a seal that he will keep his promise and wake up.

The room feels so small, even though its one of the biggest in the headquartes. I wonder how he managed to get comfortable in here.

I hear someone knocking softly at the door twice. I sigh and walk to the door.

"Hanji, I swear if you came here just to-"

I stop mid-sentence as I see four figures standing in front of my door. I immediately recognise them as Christa, Shasha, Ymir and Mikasa.

"H-hello." Shasha whispers looking down at the floor.

I place my hands on both of my hips and look at all of them. "Do you want something?"

I didn't intent to sound so mean, but it came out sharper than I expected.

"Yeah. Actually, Shasha here had the incredible idea to come here and get to know you better since all you've been doing is visiting Captain Levi, but it seems like you're a bitch, so goodbye." Ymir said casually mimicking my tone.

Christa smacked her shoulder. "Ymir! You shouldn't be so mean to her! She lost someone important to her. She just needs time." The blonde girl turned to me. "I apologize for her behavior. I'm Christa Lenz. And you are?" She questioned.

"(F/n) (L/n). And I already know all your names. No need for introductions. Now, may I help you with something?" I said, this time calmly.

This time, Shasha smiled. "We where going to visit Captain Levi, and we thought that you might want to tag along with us."

"I never agreed to this." Mikasa stated.

I knew that they did this to get my mind off the haunting thoughts circling around my head lately, even the heartless Mikasa and the cold Ymir. They didn't know a thing about me, yet they all seemed to care so much. I had no other choice but to accept.

"Okay. Want to come in? I need to change my clothes." I said and opened the door more.

Shasha skipped inside and sat on the couch with the other three following. I could see in her face that she was itching to initiate a conversation but was afraid of my reaction, so I spoke first.

"What should I wear girls?" I said an held up two dresses I brought with me from home.

"The (favorite color) one. It suits you better." Shasha chimed.

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