Chapter 38-My happy ending

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I just want to apologize for the mistakes to the wedding part. I don’t really know the words the priest says, because I’m not Catholic. I tried, okay? Please don’t write any hate comments, I wrote this based off the movies I’ve watched.  Thanks.
Play song when I tell you.                                                                                             

I looked at my reflection on the huge body mirror.

The girls had done a great job with everything. My hair was styled in a way it looked like I was wearing a crown, and they had the idea to decorate the rest of my hair with flowers.

The beautiful dress(picture above) I was wearing, was designed by Amber’s aunt, Rika. She was the one who gave me the dress I went to the party with. It perfectly hid the still small bump forming in my abdomen, something I was grateful for. Me and Levi didn’t want to let anyone know about our child before we got married.

It has been three months, but I still remember his reaction when I told him the news. It was a week after he woke up. His eyes where filled with tears as he kissed me and told me that he was feeling like the happiest man in the world.

On another note, when he learned that we had captured the Female titan and that his whole squad was dead, he didn’t seem surprised at all. In fact, he said that "they where good friends and trustworthy soldiers, who will continue living on in our hearts". But although he seemed strong in front of the others, he had cried too. He told me countless times how much he misses them and wished that they where here with us.

Shaking my head, I brushed off these thoughts. I’m sure that they’re proud of him,  wherever they are.

A light knock came from the door, and I opened it, only to be tackled to the ground by my three best friends.

"I can’t believe that you’re getting married before me (F/n)! I always thought that you would turn out to be the lonely cat lady, but without any cats." Amber said and wiped a fake tear away.

"My lil’sis is growing up! How quickly time flies!" Maya said and hugged me.

"Shorty must be really proud, marring a woman like you!" Hanji chimed in.

I managed to get them off me and stood up with a giggle. "First of all: Amber, fuck you.  Second, Maya for the last time: I AM NOT LITTLE AND STOP TREATING ME LIKE A BABY!"

"Wow, her hormones are sure kicking in…" Amber whispered, while Maya was trying to restrain herself from laughing.

"Just because I’m pregnant dosen’t mean that every time I shout my hormones are kicking in, Amber. And please don’t talk about this again, or the next time, my hormones will really kick in, and I will kick your ass."

"So mean (F/n)! At least show some respect! I payed for almost everything, since you’re broke." She said and crossed her arms over her chest.

I hugged her. "Don’t be angry! Okay I’m sorry! I’m just nervous." I sighed.

Hanji dragged me out of the small room into the hallway and downstairs.

She opened the door, and we where greeted by the decorations for the party hosted after the wedding. The training grounds where decorated with ribbons and small led lights Amber managed to get here, while there was a massive dance floor in the center.

Hanji looked into my eyes. "Today is your day. Don’t be nervous. I’m sure that everything will be alright."

I started panicking. "And what if I mess up on my vow? What if I fall because of the high-heels? What if-"

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