Chapter 2-Questions

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A/n: So, before we start, the outfit above is the one Levi is wearing right now. It looks pretty much like the original one, from acwnr so,yeah... Enjoy!
"Shit" I murmed. And then it hit me.


His voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "Oi,brat. Tell me why the fuck am I here and more important,where is here." He said.

"Ummm you see Levi you kinda-"

"Wait." He cut me off." How do you know my name?"

Jeez, he is rude. "Let me finish." He just nodded. "I have absolutely no idea how you came here, and I have absolutely no idea how to get you back to the book where you came from."

His eyes became curious as soon as I said the word book.
"Brat,what do you mean the book I came from? My life is not a book".

How do I tell him that his whole life and actions are controlled by one person? Oh God,this will be hard to explain.

I sighed. "Come with me to the living room. I promise that I will explain everything" I said as I started to walk. I heard the sound of footsteps behind me and I knew he was following me.

We entered the living room and he just sat onto the sofa, placing his feet to the table.

"This place is filthy, we need to clean it later. But now,tell me about what you said earlier." He said as I sat to the couch and grabbed the manga named" Attack on Titan".

"Well,you see" I said as I gave him the book" Your entire life is pretty much in here".

He looked at the drawings and his eyes widened. "Tch, are you a stalker or something?" He asked.

"No! You see Levi, this is not written by me but from a Japanese guy..."

He looked at me confused.

"What is...Japanese?" He said.

I started laughing. Oh, God the face he's making right now is priceless!

"Hahaha...well you see, here we don't have these man-eating giants you call titans, so we can live freely in every place in this planet."

Okay, now he was shocked.

The book I gave him fell to the floor, and his mouth was wide open. This happened for only a couple of seconds, before he returned back to his stoic expression. "So this means that now we're not underground,right?"

"Yes. In fact, nobody here lives underground." I said.

"And one last question so we can introduce ourselves properly. What's your name?"

"(F/n). You will stay in my house until we find a way to get you back to your dimesion. Nice to meet you."
I said with a grin.

He stood up and offered me his hand for a handshake "I'm Levi. Nice meeting you (F/n),and thanks for your offer. But now..."He said as he looked around the house. "If I'm gonna stay here for the time being, let's start cleaning"

Oh, I'm so fucked...


A/n: wowww chapter 2! So, what do you think of Levi? I'd he ooc much? Tell me! And, do you think you'll find a way to get Levi back to his world? Feedback is always apriciated and feel free to tell me about any grammar or vocabulary mistakes!
Until next time...
Love and kisses.

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