Chapter 17-confessions (party part 2)

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A/n: hey. So this chapter might contain slightly sexual content. Don't read if you don't like it but this chapter is kinda important so, yeah...
(I just love this mmv so much! Watch it!)
Previous chapter:
And then, my lips collided with his...

I closed my eyes. His lips where soft and they tasted like cinnamon.
I raised my hand and grabbed his undercut, as I felt him biting my bottom lip,asking for entrance.
I denied and he groaned slightly, as our lips continued moving in sync.
Ummm~ I wish this moment never ended.
But unfortunately, it did. We both pulled apart, panting for air. It seemed like time resumed back to normal.
"I finally fucking said it, (f/n). I love you." He whispered into my ear, hugging me.
My mind wanted some time to process what just happened, so I just stayed there frozen.
He kissed me
He fucking kissed me.
It was like a dream coming true. Being with him. The one I love.
I hugged him back, the music still playing.
"Levi, I-I..."
He sighed and pulled back, running his fingers through his raven black hair.
"Shit. I knew that it would be like this. Please f/n, tell me if you don't like me. I'm not asking for you to love me in such a small amount of time, but, at least tell me that you like me. Not as a friend, but as something more."
He looked desperate. He had a panicked and sad expression plastered on his face.
Like him. Hell, I love him so fucking much, it hurts.
He linked his hand with mine, and cupped my cheek.
(F/n), (l/n),I need to know. Do you like me?"
My heart was beating fast, only because he was this close to me. But I needed to think clearly. And it only took me one second to answer his question. I leaned in, and kissed him, pressing my lips onto his.
At first, he was surprised, but then, he responded to the kiss.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and he slightly moaned into the kiss.
This time, when he bit my bottom lip, I opened my mouth, and he started exploring every inch of it.
He sure knows how to French kiss...
We both pulled apart, and I was panting hard. "I think that this answers your question." I said, resting my forehead on his.
He smiled. "I want to hear it from you."
I took a deep breath. "Levi, I-"
"Hey (f/n)!"
I immediately pushed Levi, breaking the hug.
Oh shit.
I saw Levi gritting his teeth, trying to resist the urge to punch Tyler in the face. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it, trying to reassure him that everything is okay.
I felt him relax, and honestly, I was grateful that he didn't punch him.
I smiled at Tyler. "Hey. What are you doing here? Where is Amber?"
Tyler looked like he was ready to explode. "Probably hooking up with some dude. (F/n), may I talk to you? In private?" He said and looked at Levi.
I shrugged. "Okay. What do you wanna talk about?" I said curious.
"You'll see." He said and winked.
Suddenly, Levi wrapped his hand around me. "I'm coming with you (f/n). I'm not leaving you alone with him. I don't trust him."
I smiled at him. "Levi, I know Tyler since kindergarten. He's one of my best friends. There's nothing to be afraid of."
He still didn't looked convinced. "I promise I'll be alright." I whispered in his ear.
"If you say so." He said and looked at Tyler. "Let's go."
I kissed Levi in his cheek, and I walked away with Tyler.
We passed the mass of people dancing and we came across a hallway. We walked all the way down, and Tyler motioned to a wooden door.
"Here. Get in"
I nodded and opened the door. Inside, there was a large bedroom. Everything was painted gold and red, while the bed sheets had a crimson red color.
I sat down on the bed, looking at Tyler, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.
"So what do you want to talk about?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.
"I don't trust him (f/n)." He said looking at me in the eye.
"What? Who?" I said, still raising my eyebrow.
He walked closer to me and sat onto the bed. "Levi. Ever since you met him, you stopped hanging out with me and Amber that much, and you prefer hanging out with him. And now, you kissed him. Why (f/n)? Why? He's got something that I don't? You love him more than me? Tell me(f/n). I can change for you! Tell me why?"
I looked at him weirdly. Is he jealous of Levi? Why is he jealous?
I saw tears threatening to fall from his eyes.
What an I supposed to do now?
The only proper thing would be to hug him. And so I did.
"Tyler, I don't want you to change. You are perfect just the way you are." I said, rubbing his back.
I heard him sniffing. "Then why? Why do you love him and not me? Every girl in this school is falling head over heels for me. But I want you. Only you. Why can't I have you?"
I froze at his words. He likes me? He never did something to tell me how he feels.
Oh...wait...he did. I just never noticed.
At any rate, I need him to know that I love Levi.
"Tyler, you where always like a brother to me. And even if you like me, I can't return your feelings. I'm sorry."
I pulled away from the hug and looked him in the eye.
"Because I love Levi now."
I could see his eyes widening as he looked away.
"I understand." He said and stood up.
"You do? Really? Oh, Tyler I'm so happy!" I exclaimed.
He was standing in front of the door. "I understand (f/n), that it I can't have you, then no one else can."
Wait, what?!
I heard the door locking,and I started panicking. I tried to dash to the door, but Tyler was faster. He grabbed my wrist and pinned me down to the bed.
"Where do you think you're going, princess (f/n)? We're not even started yet." He said and moved closer to me.
I closed my eyes tight, as I felt his lips crushing mine.
His lips tasted different from Levi's. His reeked of alcohol while Levis where soft and sweet.
Levi is here.
He will come, right?
I felt Tyler's hands unzipping my dress and I tried to scream or shout, but I was unable to do so.
When he fully unzipped my dress, he looked down at me and he licked his lips.
"You are beautiful." He whispered. "Now, be a good girl and obey me."
Not so fast Tyler.
I opened my mouth and screamed at the top of my lungs. Although it lasted only for a few seconds, after he covered my mouth with his hand.
That's one word to describe how I felt.
"Now, now (f/n), you've been a really bad girl. You need punishment." He said, while unbuttoning his tuxedo with one hand, the other still covering my mouth.
When he completely took it off, he unhooked my bra, leaving me naked from the waist and above.
"Will you be a good girl?"
I just nodded, unable to speak.
He smirked. "Good." Then, he lifted his hand off my mouth and I gasped for air.
His hand traced down my jawline, and then he cupped my breasts.
I just closed my eyes, unable to fight back.
I felt his tongue swirling around my bud as I bit my lip to silence my moans. I felt guilty for even liking it. Hey, it wasn't my fault, but my body's.
When he was done, he moved lower, licking and sucking my flesh until his head was just above my womanhood.
I started crying. "'t..."
He smiled devilishly. "You never asked me how I felt about you, so now I won't ask for your permission to do this either. I think that now, we're even." He said.
Why? I did something wrong to deserve all this shit? It wasn't my fault that he never told me how he felt. Either way, I can't do anything now.
He opened my legs.
He opened the door with a kick, and looked at me and Tyler shocked. His eyes where wide, and his mouth was hanging open.
Tyler got up, like nothing ever happened and smiled at Levi.
"Hey dude! I hope that you're not angry with me. It was a mistake."
I tried to cover up my upper naked body with my hands, as I looked for my bra around the room.
From the corner of my eye, I saw levi gritting his teeth and cracking his fingers.
"A mistake? You almost fucking raped her. Do you have any idea how bad raping is? Especially when you tried to rape my girlfriend?"
Tyler laughed, while Levi was ready to explode from his anger.
"Come on now Levi, it's not such a big dea-"
Levi punched Tyler in the face, and he groaned from the pain. I knew that Levi was an expert when it came down to fighting, and Tyler knew some things about martial arts too, so this is going to be painful to watch.
Tyler spitted blood from his mouth." Not bad for someone so short. Let's see what you can do." He said and tried to kick Levi, but he dodged it just in time to grab Tyler's foot and turn it around, while I heard a cracking sound. He then pushed him to the ground and lifted his shoe in his face, kicking him repeatedly. Tyler was by now almost unconscious, spitting his own blood everywhere. If Levi continued, there was a huge chance Tyler could die.
"Tch. You useless scum. I will never let you near her again. You need to learn that she's only mine."
Tyler coughed, and he somehow managed to stand up and he got out of the room, as fast as his legs could take him.
I gave up in trying to find my bra and I tried to cover myself the best I could. I was sitting in a corner, trying to process what the fuck just happened.
Levi said that he loves me.
Tyler confessed to me.
And then he tried to rape me.
Realization hit me like a truck.
He tried to rape me
My best friend
Maybe he was drunk, but that doesn't change anything.
I started crying. Again. If Levi wasn't here... I don't even want to imagine what could've happened.
When Levi finally calmed down, he looked at my crying figure.
No response.
More sobs.
He came closer and leaned in looking at my face.
"Get dressed." He said with his stern voice.
"I-I can't f-find my bra." I said still sobbing and blushing.
He stood up and grabbed the dress from the floor. "You'll buy a new one. For now, I need to get you home."
He tossed it to me, and I looked at him. "Are you going to get out or what?" I whispered.
"Don't be embarrassed.I don't mind. Put your clothes on."
I sighed and picked up the dress. I tried not to let it fall, since my fingers where shaking from the shock.
I finally managed to get dressed, and I looked at Levi, feeling guilty for not trusting him when he said that Tyler was a douche.
"Levi...I'm sorry...I-I don't"
He cut me off before I could finish. "Are you hurt? Do you want me to call an ambulance?" He said worried.
I shook my head. I was perfectly fine physically, but emotionally, I felt like shit.
Levi wrapped his arms around me. "I'm glad. I'm really glad. But (f/n), he needs to know that you're only mine. What he did was awful.
I nodded. "So you're not angry?" I thought that he would at least scold me for not trusting him.
He cupped my cheek,as if he was afraid that I could vanish at any moment. "(F/n), of course I'm not angry. The only one I should kill right now is your "friend". (F/n), don't tell me that you still want to call him that, or ever see him again?"
I shuddered at the thought. No I don't want to see him again. I will never forgive him for what he did.
Suddenly, I felt weak and sleepy. "Levi...I'm sleepy...Let's go..."I said closing my eyes.
He lifted me up, and carried me bridal style out of the house,as we passed mostly drunk teenagers or people making out. I think that it's around 2am. But that doesn't matter now, does it?
My train of thoughs was cut off by Levi. "Oi, brat. If after what happened, you're not ready for a realtion ship, tell me. I'll wait."
I felt my eyelids getting heavier. "No, Levi I don't mind. Really. Levi...I like you...I really like you..."
He smiled. "I love you too (f/n)"
Ummm~ Today sure was intense
Too much drama.
And way too many...
A/n: you probably hate me right now. Hehe your nightmares,my dreams.
Just joking
Anyway, sorry if I offended some of you guys. I know that rape in general is a bad thing. And drugs. Just stay safe out there kids. I don't mean to offend anyone and I'm really sorry if I did.
The party is over and the next chapters are gonna be happier, but I don't guarantee anything in the future.
Until next time
Love and kisses
Author Chan

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