Chapter 11- Find a way

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"Show me your dress brat."
"No. You'll find out what is it before the party. I think it's fare, since you did the same to me with your suit."
"Oh, come on now. Don't be like that brat. Show me the dress."
I turned to him. "No. And it's final."
It's been two days since the shopping thing and he's still budging me to tell him about my dress, and what parties look like. Well, considering the fact that there are people making our and getting drunk almost everywhere, they're fine. I guess that if I told him, he would tell me that he doesn't want to go. And if he doesn't go, then, I'm not going too.
I grabbed a piece of pizza and stared at Levi eating his own. God, the way his muscles flex when he's chewing is so tempting.
Wait,what? I'm checking him out?
He seemed to notice me blushing and staring at him. "Oi brat, why are you red? Do you have a fever?" He said and came closer to me, softly pressing his lips in my forehead.
It seemed like time stopped.
His lips where so soft, and even though he was kissing my forehead, I couldn't think straight. My mind seemed to go blank.
He pulled away from me and he averted his gaze from mine.
"It seems that you're fine. For a moment there I was worried."
What? He was worried? Wow this is a first.
I noticed something pink dusting his cheeks. I squinted my eyes to look better at him, and I couldn't believe it.
He's blushing.
Well, it's barely noticeable, but, a blush is a blush.
I just sighed. If I pointed out that he is blushing, he will deny it, like the tsundere he is. So, instead of starting a fight with Humanity's Strongest Soldier or HSS for short, I focused back to reading.
"Levi! I'm going to shower don't do anything stupid!" I shouted to him.
I could see him rolling his eyes, even though he was in the kitchen. "Yes mom. And (f/n) we should go out later. I still want to explore here. It's so different from the underground here."
I got into the kitchen. "What do you want to do exactly?"
"Well, you know, go out with you and walk a little, maybe eat something. We could even go to this store you like, I think it was called "Anime house?"(There is a store called like that where I live, and it's only anime. I go there a lot)
Wait. The way he explains it sounds like a date to me.
Oh, come on (f/n) you're over-reacting.
Shut up. What if he really asked me out right now?
It's not gonna happen, and you know it well.
Great. Now, I'm sure that I've gone mad. Talking to myself. Wow.
"Um, w-well w-we could go out, but later."
He turned his back at me, and poured black tea in a cup.
"Okay brat. Go to shower." He said and waved his hand as a sign for me to leave.
Honestly times like these, when he's acting all cold and emotionless, I just want to punch him in the face. It gets on my nerves.
I closed the shower door and hopped into the bathtub. It feels so relaxing. And I need to think, so I might as well do it now.
Flashback (yesterday)
"So how's it going with the investigations"
I raised my eyebrow at Amber. "What do you mean? Do we have something to do for school?"
"No (f/n). I mean about how to make Levi go back to his dimension."
I looked down. "Oh, yeah that. No process yet."
She looked at me. "(F/n) I think that I found something, and it's really important. If I'm right, then we might get to send Levi back to where he belongs!"
I look down. I want to cry. Send Levi back. And what will happen? Will I see him again? "Amber. Can we not send him back? I mean, he looks happy here. It would be the best for all of us to let him stay"
I looked at Levi. He was observing the fountain, and the people sitting around it. He looked more peaceful here than the underground city or the survey corps, I'll tell you that.
Amber looked at me. "(F/n). You knew that eventually he will have to leave. Ans if my theory is right, then Levi leaving is our last problem."
Levi is our last problem? If he leaves, then I'm all alone again.
And I don't want to be alone.
"And what is this theory of yours all about Amber?"
"I can't tell you now. But I promise that I will, as soon as I'm sure. I don't want to jump into conclusions fast."
I just sighed. "Promise that you will tell me."
"Oi, brat why are they all over me?"
"Shut up Levi! They like you! Pet them a little!"
"But they're filthy!"
"Just shut up and pet the dogs Levi! I know you like them!"
He looked at the dogs surrounding him and sighed. He bended down to their level, and patted their heads.
They all barked and pushed Levi to the floor.
Before I know it Levi is on the floor, trying to get five dogs off him.
"Help! The floor is filthy! And the dogs are too!"
I started laughing my lungs out.
He finally managed to get the dogs off him and looked at me. "Not funny. Now I'm all filthy."
"Come on Levi don't be such a baby! Let's go!"
I grabbed his hand and I started running. I only stopped when something caught  Levi's attention.
And it wasn't Windex.
It was an old shop filled with antiques. I looked at him.
"Wanna stop here?"
He shrugged. "Only if you want to."
I nodded and we got in.
A lady was behind the counter and greeted us when we got in.
We both started looking around and I found the jewelry section.
One specific bracelet got my attention. It was filled with charms. It had one book, a violin, a crown and a clock.
"Do you like it?"
I nodded my head at Levi. "It's pretty. I like the charms."
"Do you like it a lot?"
"Yes, I mean, its pretty, so-"
He grabbed my wrist and lifted it up. He grabbed the bracelet from my other hand and un-clipped it, putting it in my hand. "Then, I will buy it for you."
"No! You don't need to buy it! I will-"
(F/n). You've done so much for me. Let me get you a gift for once.
I sighed. "Okay."
He went to the lady and pulled something out of his pocket. "I want to trade this for the charm bracelet." I heard him say.
As I got closer, I saw that he wanted to give away something he brought with him from the underground. It was a really beautiful pocket clock.
"Is this enough?" He said to the lady.
She smiled." More than enough boy! Thank you for coming!" She waved us goodbye and we got out of the store.
"So, what's next?" Levi asked.
"Well, we could go to the cinema, if you want to."
"The cinema?" Levi asked confused.
"Levi please don't tell me that you are here for almost a month and you don't know what is the cinema."
"Well, that's exactly what I'm telling you."
"Oh we're so going to the cinema"
~Time skip after the movie(cause I'm too lazy to write right now)~
"Did you liked the movie?"
"It was fine."
"Fine? Just fine? This is the best movie of the year!"
He rolled his eyes and smirked. "Whatever"
We got out and it was already sunset.
"Say, brat, wanna go eat?"
I smiled at him. "Yes. I do"
He faintly smiled. "Let's go."
We where walking for about an hour and we talked about many things. He told me that he had two friends back in the underground and they will probably be worried sick about him. These two are named Isabel and Falran.
I really don't have to strength to tell him that they will die. I will tell him.Probably later.
We stopped outside a nice looking restaurant. He looked at me. "Wanna eat here?"
"Seems good. Okay."
Surprisingly, it was empty and there was only one table in the middle. An orchestra was playing and it was the perfect place for a date.
"Um, do you like it?" He asked rubbing the back of his neck."Amber brought me here and told me that this is the perfect place to eat with you, so I reserved a table,only for us.
I was shell shocked. This means that this is a date? Or he did this because he wanted to pay me off for offering him a place to stay and bringing him here?
"Levi... This, this is beautiful! This is the first time someone does something like this for me!"
He walked to the table and motioned me to sit. "After you princess (f/n)."
I smiled. "Why, thank you prince Levi." I said and sat on the chair.
When he sat too, a waiter got our orders, and me and Levi sat in an awkward silence, waiting for someone to speak up.
"It's very nice here. Thanks for bringing me Levi." I said and looked at him.
He looked back at me but his eyes where filled with pain.
"(F/n) will I see them again? Will I be stuck here for the rest of my life? Don't get me wrong, I love it here with you, but Isabel and Farlan are my family too. Will I ever find a way to see them again?"
At this moment, when I saw his eyes filled with pain, I realized how selfish I was until this moment. I wanted Levi to stay forever. I never realized,that he had a family too. He needed to see them.
I grabbed his hand.
"Levi, I promise you."
"We will find a way."
A/n: Hey hey! I got a new bird today and it's so smol and cute!!! That's all, so
Unit next time
Love and kisses
Author Chan

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