Chapter 4 -Pizza and friends

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It's been a week.

A whole week.

And we still have to figure out how we will get Levi back to his dimension.

Not pretty much has happened either. Well, if we just ignore the fact that Levi wanted to cook something to eat so badly, he almost burned down the whole building, everything is pretty much normal. I've been attending my classes and in the meantime I've been teaching Levi how to write and read.

He's actually a quick learner. He already knows how to read quite well, but we have some sort of problem with writing. Let's just say that he was so frustrated the other day, he broke 5 pens with one hand.

Don't ask. Long story...

And, here we are today....

Super bored and watching anime, cause it's the weekend and we have nothing else to do.

"UGH!What are we going to do for these two days Levi~. I'm soooo bored~" I say as I look at him.

He just sighed "You live here brat, tell me what do you want to do."

I sat there thinking about it. What I want to do. And then it hit me.

"I got an idea! Let's invite Amber over or meet her to hang out!" I said excited as I clap my hands together.

He looked at me confused.
"(F/n), who's Amber?" He said.

"Oh, trust me shorty, you will love her" I say with an evil grin plastered on my face.

Levi just squinted his eyes at me, but ignored my evil grin, as he resumed back to watching.

I grabbed my phone and dialed Amber's number.

This is going to be the best day ever!

The doorbell rang,as I was still in the kitchen,preparing a meal,and, as always,failing to do so. I knew Levi was in the bathroom,so I had to hurry up and open.

I walked to the door as I hear Amber shouting "HEY (F/N)!! OPEN UP! I BROUGHT PIZZA WITH ME~"

The moment I heard the word "pizza" I was so happy.

"AMBER MY SWEET AMBER YOU KNOW ME SO WELL!" I said as I opened the door to let her in. Her blonde hair flew past me as she got in and placed the pizza's at the table. She plopped herself onto the sofa, and she looked at me, her green orbs piercing right through my (e/c) ones.

"So, wanna watch anime, or go outside for a walk?" She said as she grabbed a piece of the pizza and started eating it. I opened my mouth to respond, but I was cut off by someone else.

"Oi, (f/n) is your friend here yet or n-"
Before he could finish his sentence he saw Amber eating the pizza.

Just when Amber heard the voice, she turned around and saw Levi. Then she looked back at me.

"Oh, (f/n)! You never told me that you had a boyfriend!" She exclaimed.

I blushed "He's not my boyfriend. He just has to stay here due to some...problems that occurred. Levi this is Amber, Amber this is Levi. Get along please?" I said as I looked at them.

Amber blinked."Wait. Levi. As Levi Ackerman? The underground thug? Humanitys most power-"
I shutted her big mouth with my hand as I akwardly laughed to Levi.

He still doesent know,Amber.

"Tch,yes it's me. What's so strange about it?"

Amber seemed shocked.

"(F/n). Hold me." I heard her murm.

"Huh?" I said confused.

Before I could react she fell dramatically to the couch, pretending that she fainted.

Levi looked at me. "What are we supposed to do with her?"

I laughed,and turned to her "Come on, stand up Amber"

She opened one of her eyes and said "Am I dreaming? Why is a fictional character here?"

"Well, this will take a while to explain. So while we're at it, shall we eat the pizza too?I'm starving" I said and my stomach growled.

I looked at Amber cracking up. I just rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Okay, let's start to explain".


"Okay so, let me get this straight. You don't know how he got here, and you have no idea on how to get him back to the book. Am I right?"

I looked at Amber. "Yes this is pretty much it. Could you help us to get him back? Please?" I said.

She sighed and looked at me. "I'll see what I can do, but now, I have to go." She said and looked at the clock. "I have a date!"

Levi just nodded as he was concentrated to the book I gave him to read.

Amber stood up and went torwards to door. "Bye (f/n), Levi! See ya! Oh and before I forget (f/n), Drake asked me to give you this." she said as she handed me an invitation.

"And what is this exactly?" I asked.

"Oh, he's just making a party at his place. In a month from now! You have to come with a date too" she said as she looked at me and then at Levi.
"No. I won't tell him to come with me." I whispered.

"Oh come on (f/n) you like him! Ask him ask him!" She whispered back. I knew that she wasn't going to leave before I told her what she wanted to hear so I sighed and looked at her. "Fine. I'll think about it."

"Yay! Okay (f/n) I'm gonna be late so, bye!" She said and closed the door at my face.

I sighed and turned around to face Levi. "So, want to continue watching Tokyo ghoul?" I said.
He looked at me."Hell yeah."


A/n : so, my friend *you know who you are* told me that in the previous chapter, Levi was a little bit ooc. So I want to make some things clear.
1: this is before acwnr so Levi is still and underground thug.
2: Isabel and Farlan are not dead yet so this means that he still has feelings for human beings.
3: just to let you know, your age is 17(if you're not just pretend I'm not 17 either)
So that's all...
Until next time.
Love and kisses

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