Chapter 37-Welcome home

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I stared down at my abdomen. Someone couldn't still tell the difference with just giving it a glance, but if you looked closely, there was a barely noticeable bump.

I rested my hand over it and gazed down from the hill I was standing. The city functioned properly continuing its daily routine, not being aware of my problems and difficulties. Everyone was struggling to complete their every day tasks, and I'm just one of those people.

Ever since I found out about this, time seemed to be slowing down. It is as if the world itself wants to remind me that he is not waking up any time soon and that it was all my mistake.

Yes, you heard right, after one month or so Levi is still in a coma, his situation only worsening. The doctors say that we can only hope for a miracle and that its remarkable he lasted for so long.

The trotting of a hose and a cheerful male's voice shouting my name snapped me out of my thoughts.

"(F/n), I brought books and food! It will be the perfect picnic." Armin said.

I sat down with great difficulty due to the fact that I haven't eaten much this last month and every action took a large amount of energy from my body. As much as I wanted to eat, when I looked at food my appetite immediately disappeared.

The blonde male sat next to me with a pile of books in his arms,and I softly giggled.

"Armin, that's a lot of books. You know that we don't have time to read them all now, do you?"

He smiled. "We don't have to. I just got a little bit carried away and grabbed everything that captured my interest into the library." He said while scratching the back of his neck.

I smiled and looked at the books. "So, what will we be reading today?"

He shook his head. "We won't be reading. I will read to you so you can rest."

"Come on Armin, this is really unnecessary! I can read by myself you know!"

He snatched the book I was holding away from my hands. "I know you can, but please just for today, you pick the book and I read. Please?"

I sighed. "Fine. We should continue the one I didn't finish yesterday."

He looked through the books and got one out of the pile. "You mean this?"

I nodded. "I'm at page 125. Please continue from there"

He nodded and opened up the book as I closed my eyes and ley myself relax.

The book revolved around two childhood friends-a boy and a girl- who lived together inside Wall Rose. As children, they where always together. But, once they grew up, their ways parted. Some years later, they both found each other again and started developing feelings for one another. Some day, the girl asked the boy: what is really love?

"Love? We think about it, sing about it, dream about it, lose sleep about it. When we don't have it, we search for it; when we discover it, we don't know what to do with it; when we have it, we fear of losing it. It is the constant source of pleasure and pain. But we can't predict which form it will be from one moment to the next. It is a short word, easy to spell, difficult to decline, and impossible to live without."

Armin closed the book and looked at me. "Well, that's all for today. Hope you enjoyed!"

"But we just started reading!" I exclaimed.

"(F/n), I was reading for an hour straight! Don't tell me that you were not paying attention!" He exclaimed.

I shook my head. "No, of course not! Thanks for reading with me for the past month, Armin. It really means a lot."

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