Chapter 10-Shopping

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A/n: Hey! What's up? I'm really happy Idk why! This is your dress BTW (Play the song when I tell you ;) it has nothing to do with the chapter I just like it.
"This is awesome! Smell the air here! It's different from the entire city!"
I sighed. "Relax Amber. We just came to the mall. What could possibly be so different from the city here?"
"(F/n) you don't understand! Here, is the home of fashion! You can find everything related to makeup and clothes! This is heaven!"
I hear someone sigh behind me. "Do we really have to do this?" Levi asked.
You can practically see the dark aura around Amber. "You really just asked why we have to go shopping!? You mean that you don't want to have a suit for the party? The invitation says clearly that it's a themed party and girls should wear dresses and guys should wear suits! You have to buy a suit and (f/n) has to buy a dress! And I have to buy a really cute sweater I saw the other day, because winter is coming and why not. Oh and this beautiful coat, and these boots, and this eyeliner and..."
Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention. Amber has a huge obsession with shopping. Like, if she had the money she could buy the entire mall.
And I'm not not kidding.
Levi just looked at her like he was scared.
"Tch, we're wasting our time."
I looked at him with my puppy eyes. "Please Levi? This is my first party ever, and I want to look nice. Please~"
"Oh God fine! Just stop doing this thing with your eyes! It's creeping me out!"
"Yay! See ya later Levi! Go find yourself a suit!" I said and took Amber's hand.
"Wait, what? Where am I supposed to find a suit in a place like this? I don't even know how to shop here!"
"Well, you can have a look around, and if you find something in your size that you like, then call us with your phone, and tell us where you are so that we can come and pay it for you! Simple!" Said Amber. "Now, excuse me, but me and my friend have to do some girl talk and shop. See ya later!"
Levi just shook his head ans turned around. "See ya."
(Play song now)
Me and Amber got into a store. It was full of dresses and Amber took almost every single dress to try on.
I also forgot to mention that her parents are rich.
I left her there in her own La la land, and went to look for my dress.
A lady came toward me and looked at the dress I was looking. "It's pretty. Do you want to try it on? I think that it will look good on you, young lady."
I smiled." Thank you,ma'am. I'll go now."
I went into the dressing room and struggled to put on the dress.
As I turned around and looked at myself in the mirror, I saw that the dress looked terrible on me.
Almost every dress looks terrible on me. And I have to find something cute, because this is Drake's party we're talking about for fucks sake! He's one of the most popular guys in school!
I got into the dressing room again and struggled to unzip it.
This is going to be so boring
I give up.
Honestly, shopping is a lot harder than it looks.
We've been in the half of the shops in the mall, ans I still have to find a dress for me. Everything is either too expensive or slutty.
Amber has the ideal dress for her already, and I must admit that it suits her. (I'll give you the photo in one of the next chapters cause I'm too lazy to describe it)
"Amber, I give up. Can we just forget about the dress and go eat something? I'm starving."
"No way in hell (f/n)! You must look good for the party!"
"La,la,la I can't hear you! My plan won't be successful we don't find the fight dress"
I raised my eyebrow." And what exactly is your plan?"
"Oh, hehe right I haven't told you. I officially started the operation OTP!!"
"What do you mean operation OTP?"
"Well, you know... GettingyouandLevitogether"
"Wait, what? Amber no! I don't want to be with him!"
"Oh, really?" She says as she wiggles her eyebrows.
I sigh. "Okay, maybe just a little". "A little? Come on (f/n) tell me the truth. You can't hide from me~"
"Okay, I like him! So what?"
I was blushing like crazy.
"There (f/n) you said it! Was it so hard?"
I sighed and looked at Amber. "Shall we go to get that dress we where talking about?"
"Now, that's the spirit (f/n)! Let's make Levi go crazy with you! Ans I think I know just what you need!"
She grabbed my hand and dragged me to a huge store.
"But Amber, here everything is really expensive, how am I supposed to afford these?"
She smiled. "Don't worry. My treat."
"But you-"
"We want you to impress Levi yay or nay?"
"Well, yes but can't we archive this with a-"
"Sorry I can't hear you, so we're going in!"
She opened the doors and went to the lady behind the counter.
"(F/n) you go look at the dresses and I will look for someone."
I went down the hall. Man, these dresses where not for me. I wouldn't even got in there. Not that I'm not skinny, but these things are designed for girls with anorexia.
As I was just wasting my time, I hear someone calling me.
"My my, are you (f/n) Amber's friend?"
I turned around to see a lady dressed in a fancy dress and Amber following her from behind.
She came near me and shook my hand. "I'm Rika, Amber's aunt! Nice to meet you! Amber here told me that you're looking for a party dress, right? And do you want something special? Perhaps to impress a boy?"
"Y-yes" I mumbled blushing.
"Oh my dear no need to be embarrassed! You're still so young! Enjoy your life! When I was your age, I-"
"Um, aunt Rika, we're here for the dress you know?"
"Oh yes! I have something for you which has been in the waiting list for months, but I will make an exception! Fuck da police! I own this place!"
She just started running around the hallways like a madwoman and disappeared behind a door.
"Is she always like that?" I asked Amber terrified.
"Yes. Trust me, you'll get used to it." She said patting my shoulder.
A few moments later,she came out,holding a beautiful black knee-length dress.
I looked at it is awe. It was beautiful.
"It's...It's GREAT! Could this thing even fit me?"
"Honey, I'm a professional. I know what will fit you and what will not. Now, go and try this dress!" She said pointing with her index finger the dressing rooms.
I got in and sighed. This is not going to fit me.
As I got out and looked at the mirror, I couldn't believe it.
It fits perfectly.
I made a spin.
"You look great." Miss Rika looked like she was about to cry.
"Take it. You don't have to pay. Consider this as a gift."
I looked at her with my mouth wide open.
"Thank you so much miss Rika!" I said and hugged her.
"My pleasure dear. Go get him" She whispered and winked at me
"You told him? Really? And his reaction?"
Me and Amber where currently sitting at a café,waiting for Levi to call us. And while we where waiting, I informed her about what happened last night.
"Well, he said that my father is a monster and that it's not my daily that he and mom died. I guess he's right, after all."
"Dammit (f/n) that's what I've been trying to tell you since we met! And now that he says it, you just believe him? Well, whatever. Ans what happened next?"
"Um, well"
Flashback (this morning)
I woke up, the sunlight penetrating through the window.
"Fuck you sun." I muttered and got up.
Well, at least I tried to get up. I felt something holding my waist and I turned around to see a half- naked Levi sleeping beside me.
"Hmmmmmm. Where do you think you're going?" Levi mumbled and squeezed me tighter into his arms, while I was a blushing mess. I could feel his amazing 8-pack.
Levi is laying next to me. I still can't believe it. I look at his face. He looks so peaceful when he's asleep.
My hand goes to his face, ans then to his black locks. I stroke his raven black hair. They're so soft.
"Oi, brat stop this. It's making me uncomfortable."
I blushed deeper is that's even possible. "R-right sorry"
He wrapped his arms around me tighter, and buried his face in the crook of my neck.
"Levi. You have to get up."
"Levi. We need to get up. We promised Amber that we're going to the mall with her." I said and tried to push him back, even though I liked it.
I heard some muffled sounds and then Levi got up. "Let's go to meet with brat number 2."
"Who's the number one brat? "
"Tch, you."
"I can't believe this!!!" Amber shouted. "You two slept in the same bed!! And then? After he got up?"
"We came here."I said plainly. "Huh? You came here? Just that? You never kissed? I mean you slept together!"
"Amber! Jesus Christ we just slept we didn't do anything else!" I was as red as a tomato. Since when Amber became a pervert?
My phone started ringing. I looked at the ID of the caller.
Levi. About time.
"Hello? Levi where are you?"
"Why the fuck this store has my name on it?"
"Excuse me?"
"Brat, I'm in front of a store named "Levi's""
"Oh okay you found a suit?"
"Yes but it's from another store. Come here now."
"Okay, Levi we're on your way to Levi's"
Amber looked at me confused but then she understood.
"Oh, God, don't tell me he found out."
"Yes he did"
A/n: Yooooooooo! I know I know I'm late, but I'm literally writing this while I'm walking to meet my friend. I have to hurry, so
Until next time
Love and kisses
Author Chan

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