Chapter 24-Isabel and Farlan

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I woke up the next morning, sunlight penetrating through the window. I tried getting up, but Levi's hand was protectively wrapped around me.

"Where do you think you're going?" He mumbled under his pillow.

Memories of last night filled my mind, and I blushed a scarlet red. We where still completely naked, our bodies pressed together.

He sighed. "Don't tell me that you're regretting what happened last night..."

I hugged him. "No. I don't. I love you Levi."

He hugged me back. "Love you too."

We stayed like this for a couple of minutes, before we heard someone knocking on the door.

"(F/n)! Levi! Are you ready? We're leaving in an hour!"

Shit. Amber and Maya .

"We're coming in a minute! Wait!" I shouted.

Shit. If they saw us like this, they where going to tease me about it for the rest of my life.

"I have a spare key, and I'm not afraid to use it!" I heard Maya saying.

I looked at Levi, with my eyes wide open.

"Fuck. We're screwed." He said.

"Get up and try getting dressed before they open up." I said panicking.

He grabbed the sheets to cover up himself, but since I wanted them too, we where fighting over who will get dressed first. Until we heard a clicking sound.

"Okay lovebirds wakey wakey!" Amber said.

When they got in and looked at us, their mouths fell to the floor.

*Crickets singing in the distance*

Immediately, they both started jumping up and down.

"For God's sake, stop! It's already embarrassing don't make it worse."

They both started laughing manically,and Amber grabbed Maya's shoulders shaking them uncontrollably.

Maya did the same. "I FEEL YOU GURL!"

Then, they turned and looked at me. "And as for you miss, you'll tell us more details about this on our way home."

I sighed. What have I done to deserve this?


After our long ride home, with Maya and Amber pressing me to tell them about what happened last night, we where finally home.
I sighed and dropped my suitcase on the floor, stretching my arms.

"It feels so good to be back!" I said and collapsed to the couch with Levi by my side.

"(F/n). You can't avoid it forever. I'll have to go back someday." He said, ruffling my hair.

I hugged him. It was so hard to send him back...

"Do you really have to go? You could stay here." I said, attempting to change his mind.

He shook his head. "I need to leave. I promise that I'll be back before you'll understand I'm gone."

I just sighed, when I had an idea...

"Say Levi, want me to come with you?"

I looked at him, anticipating his answer.

He just looked at me like I was crazy. "You don't have the slightest idea of how dangerous the world down there is. I don't want anything bad to happen to you. I'll never forgive myself."
I shook my head and slapped his chest playfully. "I'm not afraid. Besides, I want you to teach me the 3DMG."

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