Chapter 16-Party (part 1)

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A/n: School is a bitch guys. Remember that.
The necklace is in the chapter later on. You'll see.
(Play song when I tell you)
Song: Parachute-Kiss me slowly
Previous chapter:
Let the party begin.

Amber squealed and started jumping up and down like a little kid.
"This is awesome! I can't believe that we are here!"
I looked around. People where drinking alcohol and making out,in almost every corner. Just another usual party.
Levi let go of my hand and looked at me.
"Is this how it always is? I mean, they don't know that by kissing they transfer bacteria to each other's mouth? That's disgusting. And they leave the cups wherever they want. Someone could drink from it."
I rolled my eyes. "There's nothing you can do mister OCD. Just enjoy the party. And Amber-"
I turned around to look at Amber, but she wasn't there.
"Where the fuck is she?" I shouted.
Levi pointed at someone. "There."
I could see Amber talking to someone, and after that, dragging him with her.
As they got closer, I saw that this guy was Tyler.
Oh no.
This is not good.
Abort mission, I repeat,abort mission.
Although my mind told me to run for my life, my feet where glued to the ground, like I would stay there forever.
I saw Levi digging his nails in his flesh and he gritted his teeth.
Tyler had almost the same reaction when he saw Levi. His expression changed completely when he saw me though.
"Hey (f/n)! You look really pretty tonight. Wanna go dance?" He offered,blushing.
I felt Levi's aura changing from a calm one, to a over-protective one. He putted his hand around my waist and pulled me closer to him.
"She's not going anywhere tonight jackass. She's my date, so she stays with me. Got it?" Levi growled to Tyler.
He looked so pissed with Levi. "Come here you-"
I got in between them, trying to stop the fight. 
"Tyler. I promise that we will dance later. But Levi is my date for tonight, so I think that it's the right thing to stay with him." I said with a smile. "Oh, yeah, and I'll take Tyler and go dance, right Tyler?" Amber said and dragged him to the dance floor, before he got the chance to say anything.
She totally saved me. I owe her one.
I sighed and looked at Levi. He was nervous about something, I could tell by just looking at him.
"Levi what are you-"
"Close your eyes". He said.
I raised my eyebrow. "Why?"
"Just do it(f/n). I want to give you something. Well, I wanted to give it to you at home, but I couldn't."
I obeyed him and closed my eyes. I felt something cold touching my skin and Levi's warm breath was tickling my neck.
I felt shivers going down my spine and I was frozen there in my position.
Just what is he doing?
"Open your eyes." He said.
I did and looked at my neck.
"Oh my God! It's beautiful!"
The chain was silver and it had a beautiful aqua stone hanging and touching my skin. It almost looked like real water. The way it sparkled was so pretty.
"It is, but it's not as beautiful as you"
I blushed at his comment.
"Thanks Levi"
He smirked at my reaction.
"My pleasure brat. So, I heard that all you do in these parties is dance. Shall we?" He said and motioned to the dancefloor.
I smiled, looking at him.
"Of course. But do you even know how to dance?"
He looked offended. "Of course. Come on."
We got on the dance floor with other people, while loud music was playing.
I had to admit that he was a really good dancer. I never liked dancing and I always sucked at it. But today, I gave it a try, because, for some odd reason he was here with me and I wasn't feeling insecure anymore. I just felt like myself.
We danced for what seemed like hours, and it was so much fun. Until that moment came.
Drake grabbed the microphone and got everyone's attention.
"Okay guys, this is the time we've been all waiting for! Take your date and come to the dance floor, because this is the song where you must dance with your date,and your date only! Have fun!"
Applause and cheering was heard from the girls and boys all around, as everyone took their date and came to dance.
A/n: play song now
I felt nervous about it. I looked at Levi, and he offered me his hand, slightly bowing.
"Will you do me the honor to dance with me, princess (f/n)?"
I smiled." Of course Levi."
I wrapped my hands around his neck, and he rested his on my waist.
We started swaying our bodies to the rhythm of the song.
Stay with me
Baby stay with me.
Tonight don't leave me alone.
I felt him drawing me closer to him, and I rested my head on his shoulder.
I could smell his lavender scent, and it was so relaxing to know that the person you care so much about is here, with you, safe and sound.
The last few days had been like a rolled coaster, and it was awful.
But now I'm felling okay. Because the one I love is here. With me.
"Oi (f/n)." Levi pulled back a little bit and looked me in the eyes. We where really close, and I had a small blush on my cheeks.
"What is it?" I whispered, trying not to ruin the moment.
He sighed. "There's something I've been meaning to tell you. You know, ever since I came here, I've been…happy. Even though I don't show it that much,I'm happy to be here with you."
Well, I'm not sure what this is gonna be
But with my eyes closed all I see
Is the skyline, through the window
The moon above you and the streets below.
He spun me around, and then, he drew me closer to him.
Our faces where just mere inches away from each other, and I could feel my heart ready to explode.
Instead, I smiled at him.
"I'm happy to be here with you too, Levi. You made my life better. You where always there for me, and despite what everyone else says, I think that you have feelings and care about others"
He looked me in the eyes, his steel gray orbs piercing right through my (e/c) ones. Then, he cupped my cheek and brought my face closer to his. Our lips where almost touching, and butterflies where doing a party into my stomach.
"Who told you that I don't have feelings (f/n)? Of course I have, but only show them to  someone special for me. You know, since the day I came here, I always thought that you where different from the other girls. The way you walked, talked, smiled, moved, everything about you was different. And that's the thing I like about you. You're different. Slowly, you opened me up, and saw right through me. I showed fellings to you that I never showed to anyone. (F/n), you are special. You won a really important place in my heart, and you made me feel whole. And, for that reason and many others…
I love you. "
Hold my breath as you're moving in
Taste your lips and feel your skin.
When the time comes, baby don't run

His lips where almost touching mine. I closed my eyes and leaned in, and so did he.

Just kiss me slowly.

And then, my lips collided with his.

A/n: you're welcome. ^

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