Chapter 5- Going to the beach

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A/n : so I had no pics with Levi in a swimsuit, so here is this beautiful fanart(bless the person who made this). Enough with my blabbering, enjoy the chapter!
It's been two days and I'm still debating whether or not I should ask Levi to be my date to the party. I mean, Drake is one of the most popular guys at my school and he always throws the most amazing parties. I don't even know how Amber got the invitations, since we're the nerds of the school and nobody ever invites us.
I look at the breakfast Levi made, and even though it's really good, I don't feel like eating right now,so I just poke the waffle with my fork.
I can feel Levi's stare on me, and I look up to see him staring at me.
"Why are you not eating? You don't like it? Are you sick? You're usually going crazy when I cook and you always ask for seconds. Is something bothering you?"
I look at him. Is he worried or is it just me?
I saw panick written all over his face. "Oi, brat why are you crying?"
Immediately, I raise my hand to my cheek, only to feel something rolling down. I grab a tissue and blow my nose,as I look at him. "I-I don't know".
He sighed and runned his hand through his black hair. "You know that you can tell me everything right? I'm your friend after all."
"No Levi really I'm alright. So, what do you want to do today?" I said as I changed the subject and resumed eating.
"Well, I want to see the beach"
I smiled. "Do you know how to swim?" "Yes brat, of course." "Then the beach it is!" I said as I raised my fist onto the air.
"Ah! It's so relaxing here!" I said as I placed my bag to the sand. Levi just sighed. "Tch. Its filthy here. Why don't they clean this place a little?" He said a he looked the sea with disgust written all over his face.
I turned to him and pouted.
"Ah, come on Levi! It's the beach!" I exclaimed as I unzipped my dress,only to reveal my bikini. It was the red one Amber got me for my birthday last year.
I turned around to drag Levi with me, and I saw him blushing slightly, looking away from me. "Hey are you okay?"
"I-I'm fine brat go swim"
Did he fucking shuttered?
I smiled trying to remain calm. " will you come with me? Please?" "No"
"Pretty please?"
"No. The water here is filthy. I'm not going in."
"Party pooper!" I said and runned to the water.
"Yahoooo! Fuck da policeee!" I said and I dived in.
It was so refreshing! I started to swim,until I felt tired. I turned around and I saw Levi reading. "Oi, Levi!" I shouted. "Come! The water is so good! Trust me, you'll regret it if you won't come now!"
He just shook his head and I sighed as I started to swim again. When I was tired again, I placed my feet to the sand to catch my breath.
And then I felt it.
Something was gripping my feet and I immediately panicked. I tried to kick, but it was stonger and I ended up falling to the water. After that, the creature released me and the next thing I know, I'm in the surface again,only to see...
Levi dying from laughter?
I'm shocked. In fact, I'm more that shocked. Words can't possibly describe how I feel right now. This is not like him. At all.
He points at me, as he fakes to wipe away some fake tears.
"(F-f/n) I wish you could see your face when I- haha! Sorry it's just too funny!"
I blushed. "You...You asshole!" I said as I punched him friendly to the shoulder.
When he finally stopped laughing, I realised that we where just inches away. I saw Levi's hand pulling me closer,and I could feel his amazing 8-pack.
His lips where slightly touching my neck,and I was shaking. "(F/n)" he whispered to my ear.
I closed my eyes.
And then it hit me.
I pushed him away. He looked at me, confused. I just smiled.
I can't do this. I'll get hurt in the end. Like I always do.
"Well mister I-scare-people-for-fun, what made you come here,in this filthy water?" I said. "Well, you said I was a party-pooper Miss, so I came here to prove the opposite." He said going back to his stoic expression. "Oh? Then prove it. The first one to reach the boat over there, is the winner" "And, what exactly do I win?" He said.
I thought about it. "Well, if I win you'll tell me more about you." "Sounds good. And if I win, you'll have to do the house chores for an entire month."
Sound great. Let's just hope that I'll win this...Otherwise, I'm fucked.
"Deal shorty."
A/n: OMG Levi laughed!*fangirls* SORRY IF HE WAS OOC AGAIN I JUST WANTED TO DO THIS SO BADLY AND IT'S DIFFICULT TO MAKE A STORY WITH A CHARACTER MADE OUT OF STONE...So let's just say he started to open up a little bit...Well, not a little considering the fact that he almost kissed you, but you know what I mean...Sorry if the chapter is weird its 1:35 am here and my eyes hurt so I have to sleep ASAP.
Until next time.
Love and kisses.
Author Chan

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