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"Mommy! Look at the drawing I did!" Isabel exclaimed happily handing me a drawing.

It was a drawing of me, Levi, her and all of my friends. I smiled. For a 4 year old girl, she was quite good at drawing. I folded it and placed it inside my pocket.

"Thank you darling. It's really beautiful. I will hang it beside the other one's as soon as I finish cooking."I said and resumed cutting the vegetables.

She pouted. " I wanna play with you!"

I sighed. "Not now, baby. We have guests today. Maybe later, okay?"

Her silver eyes looked into mine, giving me the look I could never resist, her so- called "puppy eyes".

"Please mommy!" She pleaded.

I was ready to give into her pleads and say yes, when two arms sneakily wrapped around me.

"Isabel Olympia Ackerman, leave your mother alone." Levi said.

She played with her raven black hair. It's a habit she has developed doing when she is sad or frustrated.

"But, she has been doing lots of things lately and it's not good for the baby! I just wanted her to have some fun!" She said to Levi.

I bended down to her eye level and ruffled her hair. "That's very thoughtful of you, but me and the baby are fine, Isabel. Now, why don't you go and play with your dad in the garden?"

She grinned as Levi grabbed her small hand. "Okay!"

"You know,as much as I don't like to admit it, she's right. I''m sorry for troubling you so much with the preperations. You need to rest. This is not good for the baby." Levi whispered to me.

I kissed his cheek. "Don't worry, we are both fine. In fact, he's kicking a lot today." I said and rubbed my stomach.

He placed a kiss on top of the bump and placed his hand onto it.

"Listen up boy, don't give your mother a hard time." He whispered.

I smiled. "He is probably strong, just like his father."

Levi rolled his eyes and kissed my lips.

"Ew, dad keep it PDA!" Isabel said disguised.

Levi's head snapped. "Wait, you're only four, how do you know about PDA and stuff like that?"

Isabel backed away a little, noticing the dark aura surrounding her father. "Ummmm...Uncle Reiner told me."

Levi's eye twitched. "You get a five-second head start. If I find you, I tickle you."

The girl started giggling while running around the house, trying to get as far from Levi she could.

He gave me one last kiss. "Gotta go babe. I'll come and help you later." And with that he dashed off.

I smiled and got back to cooking. After all these years, we where still madly in love with each other and we had a beautiful daughter. Levi wanted to name her Isabel and I suggested her second name-Olympia- which was his mother's second name too. Now, I was pregnant with our second child,a boy to be exact and we where both happy.

After lots of struggles, I managed to finish college and came to live with him in his dimension. He had once promised me that once they kill all the titans, we will explore the world and build a house by the ocean.

And that's exactly what we did.

By the time Isabel was one year old, the survey corp had killed all the titans, and humanity was free.

Another Dimension[ Levi X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now