Chapter 21-Truth or dare (frozen gone wrong)

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A/n: It will be funny so prepare for facepalm galore...
your pov (Don't worry I'll do Levi's pov again)

"Oi brat. Wake up." Levi said and shook me.
I grunted. "Five more minutes please..."
He tched. "We are late for breakfast and if you keep sleeping we will lose the activities for today."
I buried my face into the pillow. "I. Don't. Care~" I said and started drifting off again.
"Brat, it's already 12 pm and we where supposed to be downstairs at 10."
At this, I opened my eyes and sat up in panic. "What? And why didn't you woke me up?"
He shrugged. "I guessed that the you needed some sleep."
He knows better than anyone else that I'm almost never late, and I hate it when I am.
"Even if I wanted to sleep, I could sleep another day. You should've woken me up."
He ruffled my hair. "Relax, I just told that so I could get you out of bed. It's only 9:30 pm."
My eye twitched.
"And you woke me up earlier? "
He raised his eyebrow and started backing away. "I thought that you wanted to go to breakfast early?"
I plastered a fake grin on my face and I titled my head to the side. "Levi, do you remember the number one rule I told you when you first came here?"
He let out a nervous laugh. "Um...I guess?"
I got closed to him, still with the same grin plastered on my face. I think that I looked like the one the girl from yandere simulator, but that was exactly what I was trying to archive here.
"Could you please tell it to me?" I said with a high-pitched voice.
"Never mess up with (f/n) when she sleeps?" He said, clearly scared by my attitude.
"Correct! And do you keep that rule?"
"Ummm...No?" He said.
"And may I ask why?" I said grabbing a pillow.
"Because I'm a rebel?"
I shook my head. "Wrong answer!" I said and threw my pillow at him, hitting him in the face.
"So you want a pillow fight? Challenge accepted." He said smirking.
He grabbed another pillow and threw it at me.
"You didn't!" I said pretended to be surprised.
His smirk grew more. "Yes I did."

~ We are currently facing some technical difficulties. Please stand by~

"Okay listen up!" Ms. Oscar said and grabbed the microphone. We where all gathered in the dining hall, eating breakfast.
Immediately all eyes went on her, and everyone stopped talking.
"Today is the first day of the trip, and since we want you to form bonds with your classmates, you will all go out and do whatever you want. Just get to know each other better! That's all for now. Go back to your breakfast."
Levi grunted. "So we have to get out again? But it's cold."
I rolled my eyes. "I know. Believe me I want to stay inside and cuddle with you too, but we have to go."
He sighed. "I hate people. And socializing."
I patted his shoulder. "I feel your pain."

~Timeskip 20 minutes later, outside~

"Okay ladies and gentlemen, we have prepared something for all of you!" Ms. Oscar said in a cheerful voice.
"Oh God, please have mercy..." I heard someone whispering.
"I have a bad feeling about this...can I go home?"
Someone else said.
Ms. Oscar cleared her throat. "Quiet! Now, do as I say! Form teams of eight persons each and get to know them! You can play truth or dare just like last year!"
At the phrase 'truth or dare' everyone turned pale and it seemed like time stopped. The only thing we could hear was someone shouting 'JOHN CENAAAAAAAAA' far away.
Eventually, someone spoke. "I'M NOT PLAYING THIS GAME EVER AGAIN!"
"Truth or dare should be re-named kiss or shame. Have sex or tell who would you like to have sex with."
People started walking away. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention what happened last year with truth or dare. You see...


"What the fuck? WHAT THE FUCK?"
~end of flashback~
Long story short, the game left us all some mental and physical traumas to remember for the rest of our lives.
And let's just say that closing two people of the opposite sex in a room alone is not a good idea. I'm dead serious. Don't try this at home. Or anywhere to be honest.
I saw that Ms. Oscar had gone to her rage mode. I turned to Levi who was watching the whole thing beside me.
"Close your ears." I whispered to him.
He looked at me confused. "Excuse me?"
I covered mine. "Just do it and don't question more."
Just as we both covered our ears, Ms. Oscar screamed.
The fact that I could hear her like she was right beside me, while I had my ears closed made me start wondering why this cheerful and petite woman could act like the spawn of Satan sometimes.
Everyone froze and slowly turned around.
Ms. Oscar had gone back to her normal self now. "This time you will be supervised by a teacher or someone older than 18,so there will be no inappropriate actions. Got it greenhorns?" She said smiling.
"Yes Ms. Oscar." Everyone said.
"Okay then! Come on, for your teams!"
Levi turned to me. "One moment she's all rainbows and unicorns and then she acts like she is possessed. Is something wrong with her? Cause I'm genuinely scared."
I shrugged and grabbed his hand, dragging him away to find Amber. "They're teachers. I expected nothing less from them."
We mixed with the crowd looking for Maya and Amber ans just then, someone shouted my name.
"(F/n)!! Come to meet the people that will be on our team! I already formed the team without you knowing. Oops."
I rolled my eyes and looked at the strangers. Well, not totally since they had same classes as me, but, you know.
They where three girls and a boy. The boy had dirty blonde hair and emerald green eyes, while the girls had all chocolate brown hair.
The boy spoke first. "Hey. I'm Mark. This is my girlfriend Jules," he said and pointed at the girl with brown hair and blue eyes" And she's Megan" he said and motioned to a girl with brown eyes. "And last but not least, my sister Liz. And you are?" He said as he and the girls shook hands with me.
"Oh. I'm (f/n). (F/n) (L/n). Nice to meet ya." I said with a smile.
Levi stepped in between me and the boy, Mark if I remember correctly. "And I'm her boyfriend."
Wow, protective much?
I touched his shoulder. "Levi relax."
He just continued giving him the cold glare, and Mark just laughed. "Dude she's right. Relax. I already have a girlfriend and I'm not changing her for anything in the world." He said and kissed Jules.
I heard someone laughing from behind me, and I turned around to see Maya.
She winked at all of us. "Guess what? You're all gonna be my main bitches for today!" She said and moved her hands around. "Just kidding. The true news are... I'm the supervisor for your team!" She said with a crazy look in her eyes.
"Why do I get the feeling that this is going to traumatize me for the rest of my life." Levi whispered to me.
"Because it will."
We where currently sitting in a circle and Maya was explaining the game's rules.
"Okay, so we are going to ask anyone a truth or dare question and they have to answer it or they will do something the council will decide. Get it?"
Everyone nodded.
"I hate socializing." I heard Levi murm. "But if this inflicts pain to some of them, I'm fine with playing."
I just rolled my eyes. "Shut up."
"Okay people! Since Levi had his birthday recently, I think that he should start first."
I could feel his aura changing around him,and he smirked.
"Okay Maya. Truth or dare?" He said.
She tapped her chin, thinking. "Dare. I feel dangerous today."
Levi smirked. "Wait here. I'll be right back." He stood up and left.
Liz turned to me. It was the first time she spoke, and I could tell that she, was shy. "Um, where did he went?"
I shrugged. "Like I know."
Just then, Levi came back, with a rope or some sort, and canned food in a bowl.
"And what an I supposed to do with this?" Maya said, clearly confused.
Levi placed the bowl in front of her and started mixing the canned food all together.
When he finished, I couldn't make out the one ingredient from the other. It was...disgusting. And if I could tell what the others where thinking, I could say that they where as disgusted as me. Maybe more.
"Well, its quite simple. You'll have to eat it with your hands tied behind your back." He said as plain as day.
Maya grimaced. "And what is in there exactly?"
He just shrugged. "I don't remember."
Maya just smiled and held her fist up in the air. "I accept your challenge! Bring it on!"
"Is she really eighteen, or is this some kind of a joke?" Megan whispered.
"I'm 100% sure that she was dropped on her head as a child." I said plainly.
"Oh. I see" Megan whispered back.
~a few moments later~

Maya managed to eat(or drink, for the matter) the strange looking liquid and claimed her victory, along with losing her breakfast.
The circle continued going on,and I got to admit that the game was hilarious. They where coming up with the most weird dares I could ever imagine, and I could tell that Levi was having fun too, even though he didn't liked socializing as he said before.
It was finally Amber's turn to ask somebody.
"(F/n)!" She said.
I looked up. "Yeah?"
She smirked. Oh shit. I can tell that she's preparing something. But I was going to risk it.
"Okay. I dare you...To sing frozen with Levi."
My mouth was hanging open and Levi pounded his fist against the table.
He just rolled his eyes. "I hate people." He said and looked at me. "Let's get this done. Sing."

"Love is an open door!" I sang without any emotion in my voice. "With you, with you,with you, with you, with you! Love is an open-"

"Reindeer are better that people" Levi sang. "And I really think it's true!"

"Winter is a good time to stay in and cuddle,but out me in summer and I'll be a...HAPPY"

"For the first time in forever, can you just shut up" Levi sang out of tune and really bored.

I kept going, the same expression of pure boredom as Levi plastered on my face.

"So you're a bit of a fixer upper-"

"Let it go!" Levi sang, and I had the urge to cover up my ears. "Let it go!"
"Don't wanna, do this anymore! Let it go! Let it go! Turn your back and there's the door!
I don't care, 'bout what you have to say!
Let the singing end!
I never liked Disney anyway. "

For the next minute, there was silence. And then Liz started clapping. Soon, everyone followed.
"Is it over?" Me and Levi asked simultaneously.
"Did you guys even knew the lyrics?" Amber asked.
I shrugged. "It was more like a parody."
"And that's why I hate people."
I turned to him. "I don't even know why I hang out with people like Maya and Amber."

"Hey!" They both said.
I smiled. "I'm kidding."
Levi just sighed and pulled me close to him. "Can we leave now? I want to spend some time alone with my girlfriend.
Amber smiled. "Go and make babies."
I blushed. "Amber!"
"What?" She said.
I got up. "Never mind. Let's go Levi."
He nodded and stood up. We got our coats and gloves on, getting outside in the cold.
"So, what are we exactly doing here?" I said.
He shrugged. "Dunno. Whatever you want."
I smirked. "Levi~ tell me..."

"Do you wanna build a snowman?" I sang.


I smirked. "Frozen fans are everywhere dude. You can't get away from us."

He raised his eyebrow. "You do realize that it's a Disney movie, right?"
"Don't care. Now get to work! I want you to build me Elsa's castle before sundown. And make me a dress from snow."

"(F/n) I swear-" he said.
"It's queen (f/n) for you mister. Now, bow down to me!"
He just rolled his eyes and bowed. "Yes princess (f/n)."

Haha, I hold so much power.
A/n: excuse the weirdness. Also, the parody lyrics are from a video in YouTube so I don't own anything. I don't remember how the video is called, but yeah. I'll try to make the next chapter the last one from the trip and then...*insect drum music here*
Jk, I'm not spoiling you.
Until next time
Love and kisses
Author Chan

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