Chapter 20-Arrival

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A/n: Yo
These chapters will be mostly fillers. Hope you don't mind~ The action will come later on, don't worry about that. Also, chapter 78 is so fucking awesome and terrifying at the same time. Let's just pray for our babies.
~Timeskip one week later~

"Okay class! Now get on the busses and let's begin the trip!" The teacher said excited.
After this whole week, it was still snowing, and this kinda made me feel nervous, mostly because I was constantly thinking about my mother. And because I had millions of things to arrange for this trip.
And here we are now, ready to leave. I just hope that this trip won't be an epic failure like the last one.
I turned to Levi. "Do you think I packed everything? What if I left something at home? What if I forgot the money? What will we do then? Oh my God, is it too late to go back and check just in case I-"
I was cut off by Levi."Brat. Calm down. Take deep breaths. You packed half of your wardrobe and you insisted on buying me clothes I will never need. I checked for the money about five minutes ago, and they're here. So relax."
I sighed. "This is so stressing. I just want this trip to be awesome for both of us."
He cupped my cheek. "It will be awesome as long as you're here. Now let's get into the bus."
I nodded. He could be so sweet if he wanted to. But I could tell that it was hard for him to show emotions, since he spent his entire life locking them away.
Thankfully, we where assigned to the same bus as Amber, so we had someone to talk with.
When we steped into the bus, I immediately saw Amber waving at us.
We walked to our assigned seats, which where behind hers.
She turned around. "Hey (f/n)! Excited for the trip?"
I nodded. "I think that it will be great. So Amber, who did you brought with you?"
She never told me who was the friend she was bringing, so I really wanted to know.
She smirked. "Okay, you might not be prepared for this, but-"
"Sup (f/n)?" I heard a familiar voice.
The person had scarlet red hair, and when she turned around, I was speechless.
She winked. "Fancy seeing you again (f/n). And, let me guess, this short guy here is your boyfriend?" She said and motioned at Levi.
Levi gave her his famous cold glare." Yes, she is my girlfriend. Something wrong with that?".
Maya laughed. "No, not at all. I'm really happy for both of you. But as her big sister, I have to keep an eye on you during the trip. So watch out".
He raised his eyebrow, and turned to me. "You never told me that you had a big sister."
I sighed. "She's not actually my sister, but we lived in the same orphanage for a really long time, and we both consider the other as sisters."
Levi looked at me and then back at Maya. "Well, since I'm your boyfriend and she's your sister, I have to get to know her, right?"
I shrugged. "I guess so?"
Maya clapped her hands together. "This is so great! My little (f/n) finally found herself a boyfriend! I want to know ever little detail about your relationship! Tell me everything!"

This is going to be a really, really long ride.
"I can't believe that she asked you...Haha...Oh my God it was so funny!" I said as I opened the door to the hotel room me and Levi shared.
"Funny for you. Questions like these are really personal."
I was still laughing my ass off. Okay, I have to admit that it was really embarrassing for me too, but poor Levi. I (almost) felt sorry for him. His face turned completely pale when Maya asked him, and for the first time in my life I saw him blushing. Like, really blushing.
I continued laughing. I just couldn't stop.
"Hey (f/n). You do understand that the only people in the world who would laugh with Maya asking me how big is my dick, are fifth graders, or adults with the mentality of a fifth grader, right?"
This made me laugh more. "But you looveee this girl with the mentality of a fifth grader!"
He rolled his eyes. "Honestly, I never imagined that Maya would be such a pervert."
When I finally stopped laughing I sat down to the edge of the bed. "Me either. But I guess she was really curious to know."
Levi was inspecting the room to see if there was any dust around. "I don't think so. I believe she's just a pervert."
I looked out of the window. The forest laying before us was a relaxing view, and the snow made me feel calm and sleepy.
I heard Levi's voice coming from the bathroom."Brat. I'm going to take a shower. You can sleep if you like."
I yawned. "Okay."
I searched my suitcase as I heard the water running from the bathroom. I found my pink fluffy pajamas, and put them on. I was too lazy to wash my teeth right now, and I felt as if all the tiredness from the last few days finally showed.
I threw the bed covers on top of me, and I fell into a deep slumber as soon as my head touched the pillow.

Levi's pov(I just can't resist doing this )

I got out of the shower, and I grabbed my sweat pants, putting them on. I took another towel and dried my hair. I opened the door a little, and peeked outside.
"Hey (f/n) can you pass me my-"
She was asleep. Her beautiful long eyelashes where closed and her lips where slightly parted.
I got closer to her and sat at the edge of the bed, just looking at her sleeping figure. I had done this numerous times before, but it never got old for me. Her frown was gone, and she looked so carefree. I removed a wisp of her (h/c) hair from her face and traced her jawline with my index finger.
My beautiful (f/n)... I love you so much, I can't even describe how I feel with words.
I leaned in and kissed her pink lips. I just couldn't get enough of her. She was like a drug I was addicted to.
I got into bed with her, and hugged her, kissing her forehead.
"Goodnight (f/n). Sleep well."
She hummed in response and buried her face in my chest.
I,too,closed my eyes. Although I couldn't sleep at all when I was alone, when I knew that she was beside me, I felt like all my troubles went away.

I closed my eyes and fell into a deep slumber.
A/n: what's going on with author Chan?
Author Chan is really annoyed. One of her friends is acting like a little biach and honestly she's so annoying. Author Chan is not trying to be mean, but we have trillions of nerves in our body, and she manages to get in every single one of them...(I just need someone to tell all these things)
Until next time
Love and kisses
(Annoyed AF) author Chan

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