Chapter 25-Three Dimensional Maneuver Gear

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A/n: play song when  I tell you

~The next day~

We where all sitting down under a tree, as we watched Levi practicing with the 3DMG. He was really good.

I guess that's why they are calling him Humanity's strongest soldier. Well, at least not now, but in the near future.

Isabel came closer to me. "Sooooo…You love Levi-aneki?" She, said with a smirk plastered on her face.

I blushed. "Y-yeah. Why do you ask?"

She shrugged and whispered. "Well, I would suggest that you where more quiet last night. And, be quiet in general. Me and Farlan could hear you screaming each other's name from two stores down. We know that you love each other but please keep it quiet."

I blushed deeper. "Isabel!"

She laughed, her crystal clear laugh echoing. "That aside, how is he?" She, whispered. "You know, is he treating you well? What was your first date with him like? And how is he in bed?"

I don't know if it's humanly possible to blush more.

"Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!" Isabel started to chant.

I bit my bottom lip and looked away from her. Well, the first time he was gentle, but let's just say that last night things got really wild. Of course I wasn't going to tell this in front of one of his friends.

I looked at Isabel as she waited eagerly for my answer.

"I-Um well…h-he is treating me really well, and my first date with him was perfect." I said, trying to avoid the other question.

I saw Levi maneuvering through some buildings in the distance.

"Ummm…I see. And what about the last question?"

I crossed my hands. "I'm not answering that one."

Isabel pouted. "Oh, come on (f/n)! Don't be such a party pooper! Tell meee~".

Well, you can't avoid fate forever.

"W-well, h-he, was g-gentle at f-first, b-but last n-night was i-intense."

Isabel's eyes shined. "Awwww Levi-aneki is a softie! He didn't wanna hurt you!" She said and sighed. "And what about yesterday? What did you do? I mean, we could hear you, but I wanna know!"

Oh my God,she reminds me so much of Amber and Maya. Curious about everything.

"W-well…" damn me and my stuttering.

"Well?" Isabel said.

"I d-did…"
By now I was redder than a tomato.

"You'll tell me or what?" She, said.

I sighed. Fuck it, who cares.

"Well, I p-pleasured h-him." I said looking away.

Her mouth was wide open. Then, a smirk grew on her face.

"Tell. Me. Everything!! Did you used your hands?"

I slunk deeper into the bush behind me,trying to hide my blush. "N-no. I u-used my m-mouth." I said.

This, must be considered as public embarrassment…

Just then, Farlan came out of nowhere. "So I was right! You two are fucking!"

Isabel punched him. "Farlan! This is not something you say to a girl!"

I smirked. "Says the girl who is interested in my sexual interactions more than I do."

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