Chapter 26-Survey corps

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~One week later~

"I'm going to kill this bastard!" Levi said and pounded his fist against the table.

"Calm down! It's not a big deal!" I said, trying to stop him from breaking everything in the house.

"Not a big deal , you say? He humiliated me. Erwin Smith must die. And it's final. I won't let him get away with this." He said and took off his survey corps jacket, throwing it to the couch.

I sighed. I tried so hard, but I still can't change his mind.

"And what do Isabel and Farlan think about your plan?" I said raising my eyebrow in question.

He plopped himself to the couch and closed his eyes. "Isabel, nothing. Farlan said ’we, are all going to die! Are you crazy? We can't go off like this killing the commander!’"

(A/n: yes, Erwin is the commander now, let's just say that Shadis retired earlier... it's my story and I do what I want... science biatch!)

"I think that he's right. You shouldn't decide when you're angry. Wait and see how things turn out."

He sighed. "I'll see. But for now, how about we go out a little? I'm tired and I wanna spend my day off with you."

"Or we could just go back and see Isabel and Farlan. You know,before the exhibition."

He shook his head. "I am not going back there,especially on my day off."

I hugged  him. "Please! And I promise,when we get back, I’ll have a little surprise for you."

He kissed me passionately. "What do you have in mind?"

I shrugged. "You’ll see. I’m not telling you yet."

He sighed. "Why can’t I just spend a day with you? I always have to be around these brats."

I pouted. "Please! I promise that I won’t cause any trouble!"

He sighed and got up. "Only for a little. And then you own me a date."

I threw my hands up, excited. "Thank you so much Levi!"

He just kissed me."Whatever."


~survey corps headquarters, Wall Maria~

"This is it. Honestly, I can’t see what you’re so excited about. It’s just a bunch of idiots, going to suicidal missions and thinking that they can change the world. " He said,clearly bored.

We where currently standing outside the headquarters of the survey corps, and the soldiers where all running around,preparing for the upcoming exhibition, which was tomorrow.

I was jumping up and down. I was finally going to meet all of the members of the survey corps! I mean, its not really nice that the most of them will die,but I am not allowed to do anything that could  affect the story line. Even and my presence here could easily change all of it.

Leaving these thoughts aside for now, I grabbed Levi’s hand and dragged him into the building.

"Let’s go to Isabel and Farlan!" I said excited.

He sighed."Not now. They don’t have their day off,unlike me. They dismissed me for today,because they believe that I will manage at tomorrow’s exhibition. The two of them still need to do some training."

I looked down. "Aw, that’s a shame! Well, you can introduce me to the people you know!"

He tched and looked away. "I don’t know anyone here, Isabel and Farlan aside. And if  commander bigg-ass eyebrows counts as a person, I just don’t want you to meet him."

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