Chapter 30-Forgiveness

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play song when I tell you

"No! Youre doing it wrong!
Levi, you don’t just press random strings! We’we been through the same things again! Now, do it right!" Hanji’s voice boomed.

I sighed. Why, of all people, she must be the one to teach me?

I tried to play the right notes, and I think that all of my tries where finally paying off.

Hanji clapped. "Congrats, you managed to play the first notes! Now, lets learn the rest of the piece. And after that, you must learn how to sing it properly."

I clicked my tongue in annoyance. "I don’t really think that singing it properly will move her. I really think that its the gesture that will actually make a difference-"

"Aw, hell no!" Hanji bellowed. "You need to show her how much you love her! And for this, perfection is importand!"

I sighed. "And what am I learning to play?"

She grinned. "A masterpiece composed by me…" She slammed her foot to the table. "THE LOVE MASTER!"

Both of our squads laughed, and Molbit passed beer to all of them.

Man, what a weird family we all are…


~your pov~

~timeskip about a month later, because I’m too lazy to write~

The last month has been a complete torture for me. I was constantly crying, and my good grades have gone downhill. Honestly, I never thought that a breakup could harm a girl so much.

And today is the day I’m dreading the most.

I have to go back and hear what his final decision is.

I straightened my survey corps uniform. Well, it wasn’t mine since I’m not a survey corps member, but I had to wear it.

Calm down (F/n)… Deep breaths.

I tried to reassure myself that everything will be fine. I shouldn’t be worrying, but it was impossible. Only the thought of meeting him again sent shivers down my spine.

I grabbed a pencil and started writing. I knew the progress way to well, so I closed my eyes and let my body relax, before I drifted off and slowly faded.


~Survey Corps headquarters, Wall Rose~

I gracefully landed to the ground, landing on my feet.

I looked around, and saw cadets running all over the place, and their captains ordering them, but still no sign of Levi. Fortunately, no one had noticed me.

I felt someone tapping my shoulder, and turned around to see a pair of chocolate brown eyes staring right into my (e/c) ones.

The woman laughed and  then changed her expression to a more serious one.

Wait, is she…

No way…

Is she Hanji?!

She extended her hand. "I suppose you already know my name, but I’m gonna introduce myself anyways. I’m Hanji Zoe, Squad Leader of the Survey Corps. And, if I’m not mistaken, you are (F/n) (L/n), right?"

I nodded. "Yes. Where is Levi?"

She motioned me to follow her.

"He said I need to take you somewhere and he will meet you there." She shrugged.

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