Chapter 32-Trial

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So, when I said that the lemon won’t say something important, I lied. Levi told you that he will have to leave to Wall Sheena tomorrow, because Eren will be trialed there. That’s all. So this chapter is about the trial, and you meeting Eren


I groaned and opened my eyes to see an almost fully dressed Levi, frozen in his place, looking at me.

I rubbed my eyes and sat up. "Why are you dressed?" I asked, my voice barely just above a whisper.

"I told you last night. I’m going to leave today. Me and Erwin have a trial to attend." He said and kissed my forehead.

I tried getting up, but when I moved, a piercing pain shot through my hips.

Levi seemed to notice this, and helped me to get up. "Are you hurt?" He asked worried.

I laughed and shook my head. "No, I’m just sore from last night."

He smirked. "Sorry if I hurt you. I just can’t help myself."

I pinched his arm. "Shut up!"

I almost lost my balance and fell, but Levi caught me in time and he decided that it was for the better if I just rested for today.

He changed the bed sheets before he tucked me back to bed and threw me a blanket.

"Come on Levi! I’m fine! Don’t treat me like a child!" I whined.

He kissed my lips. "No you are not fine. And you are not going to leave this room for today. I will be back in a few hours."

"Okay..." I pouted.

He kissed me once again, before he headed out.

"Be safe, okay?"

I smiled and rolled my eyes.

"Okay Captain Clean."


Going to stay in bed all day my ass…

As if I was gonna miss such a big event. Who cares about my hips? Well, I do because they are literally killing me right now, but the trial is more important!

The sun had just rised, painting the sky with beautiful colors. I wonder, how much I slept? Four hours top…

Thanks again, Levi.

Note the sarcasm.

I tried to stay hidden behind the trees with my cape hiding my face. I heard from the cadets that Levi and Erwin will take a carriage for their trip to the Deliberation Hall, so I can easily follow them with a horse.

I stayed hidden in the shadows for a while, when I saw Levi and Erwin exiting the headquarters and heading towards a carriage, engaged in their conversation.

Careful not to snap a branch or something, I sprinted to a horse waiting for me nearby, and hopped onto it. Since a cadet told me that it dosen’t belong to anyone yet, I named it ( insect horse name here).

I watched silently as Levi and Erwin hopped into the carriage and disappeared into an alleyway.

That’s my que.

I trotted my horse, and set off to Wall Sheena, eager to finally meet Eren.


~few hours later, Wall Sheena, interior~

I had finally made it. With a few tricks, I passed the gate leading to the interior, and headed to the Deliberation Hall.

Since I couldn’t take the risk and get discovered by anyone, I decided to watch the trial from outside and just wait.

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