Chapter 29-Plans

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~Levi pov (forgive me for doing this so ofter...)~

I ended up talking to Petra all night. She suggested various plans to win (F/n) back, but one caught my attention.

Well, according to the brat, girls like guys singing.

And I could easily tell that it was the same for (F/n), since she likes music so much.

Also, Petra said that she will bring some of her friends to help me.

Not that I wanted to, she insisted.

I was currently leaning against a wall outside of the headquarters, waiting for Shittly Glasses AKA Hanji, and the weird dog, Captain Mike.

The sun was warm, and I found myself wondering what (F/n) is doing now. Since its Monday, she will probably be at school with the other brats.
Wish I was there with her too...

"Shortyyy~Its our first day as captains! We will see our squads for the first time today! Are you excited?" Hanji shouted into my ear.

"No. And stop shouting." I growled.

She smiled. "Someone woke up at the wrong side of the bed~"

"Shitty glasses I swear, I will feed you to the titans with the first chance I get." I said. She was so annoying. And the worst part was that she reminded me so much of Isabel...

She smiled. "Yeah, yeah...I know you like me~"

I rolled my eyes. "Keep telling yourself that."

Just then, Mike spotted us and started walking, with quite a lot people trailing behind him.

"Captains. A pleasure to meet you." He said and gave us both a approving nod. Afterwards, he started explaining our duties, and what we will be doing during expeditions.

I spotted a certain hazelnut in the crowd behind him, and she waved at me.

"So, now you will meet your squads. Gunther Schultz, Oulo Bossard, Eld Jinn and Petra Ral. You are assigned to the Special Operations squad, with Levi as your new leader."

Four people walked towards me, Petra included, and gave me a salute.

"Hello sir!" They all said in unison.

"Tch. I'm Levi." I said and extended my hand.

A guy with blonde hair and a beard introduced himself first.

"I'm Eld. This is Gunther, Oulo and Petra. I hope that we will have a splendid time together with you, Captain Levi." He said with a smile.

I looked at the rest of them. They all seemed like good soldiers, and really kind people.

"Now that we are all together, we can help you to get her back Heichou!" Petra exclaimed.

The guy who introduced himself as Gunther, turned and looked at her.

"What are you talking about, Petra?" He said.

"Well, Heichou had a girlfriend, but he broke up with her. Now, he realized his mistake, and he wants her back! Remember about the guy I told you today at the Mess Hall? Well, it's him." Petra quickly explained.

The others looked at me, and then back at Petra, for what seemed like enterinty.

"Dude! Is she pretty?"

"Buy her flowers! And lots of chocolate! It's expensive, but she deserves it!"

"How about some kind of jewel? Women like these for whatever the reason!"

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