Chapter 28-New friends and heartbreak

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~The next day~

~Levi pov~

I was sitting in the mess hall, eating my breakfast peacefully.

I did the correct choice by telling her to leave?

Okay, I need to stop. We both need a break. And, the most important thing now is Isabel and Farlan’s death.

I still can’t believe that they are gone... My best friends…No, my only friends. We had so many good times together, even if I never admitted it.

My train of thoughts was interrupted by someone tapping my shoulder.

I turned around to see a girl with glasses, and her hair tied up in messy ponytail.

"May I sit with you?" She asked. I recognised her as Hanji, the girl who had talked to us at the caste, during the expedition.

I shrugged. "Suit yourself."

She plopped down to her seat and looked at me. "Your friends are sure late. You know, the noisy girl and the other tall guy with blonde hair?"

At the mention of Isabel and Farlan, my fork fell from my hand, and my face turned even paler than before.

"They are dead." I managed to whisper.

The girl looked down. "Sorry for your loss. They did the best they could for the sake of humanity."

I nodded. I wasn’t really in the mood for any human interactions right now, so every time she asked me a question, I simply avoided to answer them. She was way too happy for my  current mood.

"Hey, hey, hey." She said and pocked my shoulder.

I didn’t budge, and she sighed.

"Did you heard what I just said?"

I shrugged. "No."

"I asked if you wanted to
spare with me for martial arts."

I had no one else to spare with. Besides, she seemed like she was a worthy opponent.

I cracked my chuckles. "Bring it on shitty glasses."


~your pov~

I looked down at my phone, debating whether or not I should call Amber and Maya, to tell them what happened.

When I got home last night, I cried myself to sleep, and now I was feeling like a truck just had stepped over me.

I had stopped crying a while ago, and I could easily tell that if I even talked, I was gonna start crying again.

I grabbed a tissue from a nearby box and blew my nose.

I got up and went into the bathroom to wash my face up a little.

What I saw in the mirror was not me.

My (h/l) (h/c) hair where messy and my eyes where red and swollen. My face was pale, and I was still wearing my pajamas, despite the fact that it was already evening.

Suddenly, I heard my phone ringing. I looked at the caller’s ID.

Speak of the devil...

"Hey Amber." I said and blew my nose into a tissue once more.

"Hey (F/n)! So, Levi came back from the expedition? Is he with you right now?"

I sighed. "He broke up with me."

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